



主要研究方向:水射流理論與新技術。近年來承擔國家及部省級項目10餘項,以第一作者或通訊作者發表SCI/EI收錄論文40餘篇,出版著作2部,授權和受理專利10項。先後獲國家科技進步二等獎1項,省部級科技進步一等獎3項。主要學術兼職:中國水射流技術專業委員會常委、湖北省機械工程學會石油機械專業委員會理事、黑龍江省地溫能學會理事、中國岩石力學與工程學會環境岩土工程分會青年工作委員會委員;入選國家科技專家庫、湖北省發改委創新能力建設專家庫、重慶市綜合評標專家庫;擔任國家自然科學基金,國家留學基金,中國博士后科學基金,湖北、河北、廣西、重慶等省區市自然科學基金評審專家;任Int. J. Rock Mech. Min., Fuel, Energy, J. Nat. Gas Sci. Eng., Exp. Therm. Fluid Sci.等SCI期刊審稿專家。




[1]Wang Zhineng, Kang Yong*, Li Deng, Wang Xiaochuan, Hu Dong, Investigating the hydrodynamics of airlift pumps by wavelet packet transform and the recurrence plot, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, https: // doi.org /10.1016 /j. expthermflusci. 2017. 11. 006
[2]Liu Wenchuan, Kang Yong*, Zhang Mingxing, Wang Xiaochuan, Li Deng, Self-sustained oscillation and cavitation characteristics of a jet in a Helmholtz resonator, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2017(68):158-172
[3]Ding Xiaolong, Kang Yong*, Li Deng, Wang Xiaochuan, Wang Zhineng, Experimental investigation on surface quality processed by self-excited oscillation pulsed waterjet peening, Materials, 2017, 10(9), 989
[4]Feng Gan, Kang Yong*, MengTao, Hu Yao-qing, Li Xiao-hong, The Influence of Temperature on Mode I Fracture Toughness and Fracture Characteristics of Sandstone. Rock Mechanicsand Rock Engineering, 2017(4):1-13.
[5]Huang Man, Kang Yong*, Wang Xiaochuan, Hu Yi, Cai Can, Analysis of the flow characteristics of the high pressure supercritical carbon dioxide jet, Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2017.
[6]Li Deng, Kang Yong*, Ding Xiaolong, Liu Wenchuan, Effects of the geometry of impinging surface on the pressure oscillations of self-resonating pulsed waterjet, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(8):1–11.
[7]Wang Zefeng, Kang Yong*, Cheng Yi, Multiresponse optimization of process parameters in water jet pulverization via response surface methodology. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2017.
[8]Huang Man, Kang Yong*, Wang Xiaochuan, Hu Yi, Li Deng, Cai Can, Chen Feng, Effects of nozzle configuration on rock erosion under a supercritical carbon dioxide jet at various pressures and temperatures, Applied Sciences, 2017,7,606.
[9]Liu Wenchuan, Kang Yong*, Zhang Mingxing, Zhou Yongxiang, Wang Xiaochuan, Li Deng, Frequency modulation and erosion performance of a self-resonating Jet, Applied sciences, 2017, 7(9), 932
[10]Li Deng, Kang Yong*,Wang Xiaochuan,Ding Xiaolong,Fang Zhenlong,Effects of nozzle inner surface roughness on the cavitation erosion characteristics of high speed submerged jets,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2016.01.28,74:444~452
[11]Li Deng, Kang Yong*,Ding Xiaolong,Liu Wenchuan,Experimental study on the effects of feeding pipe diameter on the cavitation erosion performance of self-resonating cavitating waterjet,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2016.11.27,82:314~325
[12]Li Deng, Kang Yong*,Ding Xiaolong,Wang Xiaochuan,Fang Zhenlong,Effects of area discontinuity at nozzle inlet on the characteristics of high speed self-excited oscillation pulsed waterjets,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2016.07.11,79:254~265
[13]Hu Yi, Kang Yong*,Wang Xiaochuan,Li Xiaohong,Huang Man,Zhang Mingxing,Experimental and theoretical analysis of a supercritical carbon dioxide jet on wellbore temperature and pressure,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016.10.20,36:108~116
[14]Liu Wenchuan, Kang Yong*,Wang Xiaochuan,Yuan Bo,Fang Zhenlong,Forming mechanism and radius prediction of hydraulically generated slots based on a two-walled jet,Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering,2016.10.26,36:385~401
[15]Su Dengfeng, Kang Yong*,Li Dongyang,Wang Xiaochuan,Yan Fuwen,Analysis and numerical simulation on the reduction effect of stress waves caused by water jet slotting near blasting source,Shock and Vibration,2016.04.21
[16]Li, Deng, Kang Yong*,Ding, Xiaolong,Wang, Xiaochuan,Fang, Zhenlong,An experimental investigation on the pressure characteristics of high speed self-resonating pulsed waterjets influenced by feeding pipe diameter,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2016.12.12,30(11):4997~5007
[17]Li Deng, Kang Yong*,Ding Xiaolong,Wang Xiaochuan,Liu Wenchuan,Effects of feeding pipe diameter on the performance of a jet-driven Helmholtz oscillator generating pulsed waterjets,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,2017.02.17,31(3):1~10
[18]Huang Man, Kang Yong*,Long Xinping,Wang Xiaochuan,Hu Yi,Li Deng,Zhang Mingxing,Effects of a nano-silica additive on the rock erosion characteristics of a SC-CO2 jet under various operating conditions,Applied Sciences,2017.2.8,7(2):153
[19]Hu Yi, Kang Yong*,Wang Xiao-Chuan,Li Xiao-Hong,Long Xin-Ping,Zhai Guang-Yao,Huang Man,Mechanism and experimental investigation of ultra high pressure water jet on rubber cutting,International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing,2014.09.07,15(9):1973~1978
[20]Li Deng, Kang Yong*,Ding Xiaolong,Wang Xiaochuan,Fang Zhenlong,Effects of area discontinuity at nozzle inlet on the characteristics of self-resonating cavitating waterjet,Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering,2016.06.10,29(4):813~824
[21]Hu Dong, Kang Yong*,Tang Chuanlin,Wang Xiaochuan,Modeling and analysis of airlift system operating in three-Phase flow,China Ocean Engineering,2015.01.15,29(01):121~132
[22]Wang Zefeng, Kang Yong*,Wang Zhao,Pulverization of end-of-life tires by ultra-high pressure water jet process,Journal of Polymer Engineering,2016.06.05,37(3):211~225
[23]Wang Zefeng, Kang Yong*,Wang Zhao,Cheng Yi,Recycling waste tire rubber by water jet pulverization: powder characteristics and reinforcing performance in natural rubber composites,Journal of Polymer Engineering,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/polyeng-2016-0383, 2017.01.26,383
[24]Su Dengfeng, Kang Yong*,Wang Xiaochuan,Zheng Dandan,Li Dongyang,Yan Binyuan,Yan Fuwen,Analysis and numerical simulation for tunnelling through coal seam assisted by water jet,Cmes-Computer Modeling in Engineeringand Sciences,2016.02.11,111(5):375~393
[25]Zhenlong Fang, Kang Yong*,Bo Yuan,Xiaofeng Yang,Xiaochuan Wang,Slotting radius prediction model of soft coal seams with high-pressure pulse water jet,Disaster Advances,2013.03.17,6(S1):431~437
[26]Bo Yuan, Kang Yong*,Yi Hu,Deng Li,Research on transient switching pressure behavior and control of hydraulic cutting in coal seams,Disaste Advances,2013.03.20,6(S1):137~144


[2]一種腔長連續可調高壓自激振蕩脈衝射流噴嘴,康勇,王曉川,李登,袁波,方珍龍,胡毅,王澤峰,丁小龍, 2016.02.10,ZL201410089222.5(已授權)
[13]一種射流下水管道清洗機,康勇,李登,楊曉峰,王曉川,袁波,方珍龍, 201212.26,ZL201220271291.4(已授權)
[14]一種礦用高壓密封三角鑽桿,康勇,王曉川,李登,呂有廠,代志旭,朱同功,翟光耀,胡毅, 2013.2.13,ZL201220369799.8(已授權)
[15]一種輔助高壓水射流割縫防噴裝置,王曉川,康勇,李登,胡毅,粟登峰,王澤峰, 2015.06.25,ZL201310229014.6(已授權)
[16]礦用氣水渣斂集及分離裝置,楊曉峰,李登,康勇,王曉川, 2013.7.24,ZL201310168746.9(已授權)
[17]一種可調環形射流泵,龍新平,楊雪龍,康勇,王曉川,楊曉峰, 2013.8.7,ZL201310141547.9(已授權)
[18]一種多功能自激振蕩射流鑽頭,李曉紅,盧義玉,康勇,夏彬偉,王曉川,蔣林艷, 2008.11.30,ZL200810233083.3(已授權)

