楊修群,男,漢族,1963年10月生,安徽全椒人。現任南京大學教授、博士生導師,大氣科學學院院長,災害性天氣氣候研究所所長。教育部“跨世紀優秀人才”,首批“新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選, 國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者。
兼任WCRP中國委員會(中國氣候研究委員會)委員,中國氣象學會第26屆理事會常務理事、氣象教育與培訓委員會主任委員、動力氣象學委員會副主任委員、熱帶與海洋氣象學委員會副主任委員、“涂長望”青年科技獎評委會委員、氣候學委員會委員,中國海洋學會海氣相互作用委員會委員,國際SCI學術期刊“ Adv Atmos Sci”編輯,國家核心學術期刊“氣象學報”、“大氣科學”、“氣象科學”、“熱帶氣象學報”、“南京氣象學院學報”編委會委員,江蘇省氣象學會常務理事等。
目前承擔本科生必修課程"數值天氣預報"和研究生學位課程"大氣問題數值模擬"、"地球物理流體動力學"、"海氣相互作用"等教學任務. 已指導畢業碩士研究生10名, 博士研究生7名, 目前指導在讀碩士生6名, 博士生6名.
近年來的代表性論文(Recent Publications):
[1]Fang jiabei, Rong Xinyao, Yang Xiuqun, 2006, Decadal-to-interdecadal response and adjustment of the North Pacific to
prescribed surface forcing in an oceanic general circulation model, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (SCIE), 25(3), 11-24.
Zhao Shan-Shan, Yang Xiu-Qun, Zhang Qiang and Zhang Yan, 2006, Numerical experiments on interaction between tropical
Pacific and tropical Atlantic through the windstress “bridge”, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 49(2), 343-353.
地球物理學報(SCIE),48(4), 61-69。
Yang X Q, Xie Q, Zhu Y M, et al., 2005, Decadal-to-interdecadal variability of precipitation in North China and associated
atmospheric and oceanic anomaly patterns, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 48(4), 61-69.
[4]孫旭光、楊修群,2005,El Nino演變不同階段東亞大氣環流年際異常型的數值模擬,地球物理學報(SCIE),
Sun Xu-Guang, Yang Xiu-Qun, 2005, Numerical modeling of interannual anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns over
East Asia during different stages of an El Nino event, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 48(3), 501-510.
Xu Gui-Yu, Yang Xiu-Qun, Sun Xu-Guang, 2005, Interdecadal and interannual variation characteristics of rain fall in North
China and its relation with the northern hemisphere atmospheric circulations, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 48(3), 511-518.
[6]Zhu Yimin and Yang Xiuqun, 2003, Joint propagating patterns of SST and SLP anomalies in the North Pacific on bidecadal
and pentadecadal timescales, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (SCIE), 20(5), 694-710.
[7]Ahmed S. Hassan and Xiu-Qun Yang, 2004, Reproducibility of seasonal ensemble integrations with ECMWF GCM and its
association with ENSO, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (SCI), 86,159-172.
[8]Yang Xiu-Qun, and J. L. Anderson, 2000, Correction of systematic errors in coupled GCM forecasts,
Journal of Climate (SCI), 13(12), 2072-2085.
[9]Yang, Xiu-Qun, J.L. Anderson, and W. Stern, 1998, Reproducible forced modes in AGCM ensemble integrations and
potential predictability of atmospheric seasonal variations in the extratropics, Journal of Climate (SCI), 11(11), 2942-2959.
[10]Yang, Xiu-Qun, Qian Xie and Shi-Song Huang, 1997, Unstable interannual oscillation modes in a linearized coupled
ocean-atmosphere model and their associations with ENSO, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (SCI), 62(3-4), 161-177.
[11]Yang, Xiu-Qun, Qian Xie, Yun-Qi Ni, and Shi-Song Huang, 1996, ENSO cycle in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model and
its negative feedback mechanism, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (SCI), 61(3-4), 153-186.