共找到17條詞條名為范軍的結果 展開
(1) Fan Jun, Liu Qun, Hao Quan, Teng Maikun, Niu Liwen. Crystal structure of uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase from Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 2007, 189(9): 3573~3580.
(2) Fan Jun, Wang Deqiang, Liang Zhi, Guo Min, Teng Maikun, Niu Liwen. Maize uroporphyrinogen III methyltransferase: overexpression of the functional gene fragments in Escherichia coli and one-step purification. Protein Expre. Purif. 2006, 46: 40~46.
(3) Lu Qianda, Ma Jinming, Rong Hui, Fan Jun, Yuan Yie, Li Ke, Gao Yongxiang, Zhang Xi, Teng Maikun, Niu Liwen. Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of 5-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase from Bacillus subtilis. Acta Crystallogr. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun. 2010, 66(9):1053~1055.
(4) Ge Honghua, Lv Xunhuai, Fan Jun, Gao Yongxiang, Teng Maikun, Niu Liwen. Crystal structure of glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase from Bacillus subtilis with bound pyridoxamine-5’- phosphate. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2010, 402(2): 356~ 360.
(5) Li Xiaowu, Guo Min, Fan Jun, Tang Wenjuan, Wang Deqiang, Ge Honghua, Rong Hui, Teng Maikun, Niu Liwen, Liu Qun, Hao Quan. Crystal structure of 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid 3, 4-dioxygenase from Sacchaoromyces cerevisiae: A special subgroup of type III extradiol dioxygenase. Protein Sci. 2006, 15(4): 761~773.
(6) Lv Xunhuai, Fan Jun, Ge Honghua, Gao Yongxiang, Zhang Xiao, Teng Maikun, Niu Liwen. Cloning, expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the glutamate-1-semialdehyde aminotransferase from Bacillus subtilis. Acta Crystallograph. Sect. F Struct. Biol. Cryst. Commun, 2006, 62(5): 483~485.
(7) Wei Lingling, Cai xueyan, Qi Zhenguo, Rong Liang, Cheng Beijiu, Fan Jun*. In vivo and in vitro characterization of TEV protease. Protein Expr. Purif. 2012, 83(2): 157~163.
(8) 潘海韻,程郢,朱蘇文, 范軍*. 定點突變改善紅色熒光指示蛋白玉米尿卟啉原Ⅲ甲基化酶的水溶性研究. 生物工程學報. 2007, 27(3): 27~31.
(9) 何曉梅 周靜 程郢 范軍*. 表達釀酒酵母ALAS的重組大腸桿菌胞外5-氨基乙醯丙酸的產量和純化. 生物工程學報. 2007, 27(4): 520~524.
(10) 馮愛花,張國明,亓振國, 范軍*. 重組玉米f型和m型硫氧還蛋白的功能確定及其靶向蛋白的捕獲.中國生物工程雜誌, 2010, 30(5): 63~68.
(11) 葉愛華,張寬亮,陳宗梅,榮亮,汪苗,范軍*. 表達大腸桿菌谷氨酸-1-半醛氨基轉移酶對紅色熒光報告蛋白尿卟啉原Ⅲ甲基化酶的影響. 生物工程學報. 2010, 26(12): 1717~1723.
(12) 程雷, 王蕾蕾, 程備久, 范軍*. 玉米過氧化物還原蛋白BAS1的原核表達及其功能研究. 中國生物工程雜誌, 2010, 30(11): 24~29.
(13) 亓振國,張寬亮,陳宗梅,程備久,范軍*. 大腸桿菌分子伴侶表達的輔助載體構建及應用. 農業生物技術學報, 2011, 19 (1): 171~177.