共找到2條詞條名為申睿的結果 展開
- 西安市公安局新城分局中山門派出所民警
- 香港中文大學(深圳)副教授
1. Li, K., Qiu, B., and Shen, R. (2018). Acquirer Organization Capital and Acquisition Performance. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 53, 1871-1909
2. Du, Q., and Shen, R. (2018). Peer Performance and Earnings Management. Journal of Banking and Finance 89, 125-137
3. Tang, Y., Qian, C., Chen, G., and Shen, R. (2015). How CEO Hubris Affects Corporate Social (Ir)responsibility. Strategic Management Journal 36, 1338-1357
4. Shen, R., Tang, Y., and Chen, G. (2014). When the Role Fits: How Firm Status Differentials Affect Corporate Takeovers. Strategic Management Journal 35, 2012-2030
5. Hilary, G., and Shen, R. (2013). The Role of Analysts in Intra-industry Information Transfer.
Working Paper:
1. Does the Media Spotlight Burn or Spur Innovation? (with L. Dai and B. Zhang).
2. How Expectations Affect Interpretations. (with Q. Du and K. C. Wei).
3. Parameter Uncertainty and Expectation Formation. (with Y. Qiu)
4. Estimating the Unknown Distribution Under Strategic Trading. (with A. Gong, S. Ke and Y. Qiu)
5. Comparing Machine and Analysts Forecasting Errors? (with S. Liu and X. Wang)
6. Measuring Corporate Culture with Machine Learning. (with K. Li, F. Mai and X. Yan)