



1999.9-2003.7 西北農林科技大學農學學士
2003.9-2008.7 中國科學院成都生物研究所 植物學 博士
2009.10-2012.3 北京大學城環學院生態學系 自然地理學博士后
2008.7-至今 中國科學院水利部成都山地災害與環境研究所工作
1. Yang Yan, Wang Genxu, Yang Liudong, et al. 2002. Physiological responses of Kobresia pygmaea to warming in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Acta Oecologica. 39: 109-116.
2. Yang Yan, Guo Jianying, Wang Genxu, et al. 2012. Effects of drought and nitrogen addition on photosynthetic characteristics and resource allocation of Abies fabri seedlings in eastern Tibetan Plateau. New Forests. Doi 10.1007/s11056-011-9295-3.
3. Yang Yan, Wang Genxu, Klanderud Kari, et al. 2011. Responses in leaf functional traits and resource allocation of a dominant alpine sedge (Kobresia pygmaea) to climate warming in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau permafrost region. Plant and Soil. 349: 377-387.
4. Yang Yan, Liu Qing, Wang Genxu. 2011. Physiological behaviors of Acer mono under drought and low light. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology. 58(3): 531-537.
5. Yang Yan, Liu Qing, Wang Genxu, et al. 2010. Germination, osmotic adjustment, and antioxidant enzyme activities of gibberellin-pretreated Picea asperata seeds under water stress. New Forests. 39: 231-243.
6. Guo Jianying, Yang Yan*, Wang Genxu, et al. 2010. Ecophysiological responses of Abies fabri seedlings to drought stress and nitrogen supply. Physiologia Platarum. 139: 335-347.
7. Yang Yan, Han Chao, Liu Qing, et al. 2008. Effect of drought and low light on growth and enzymatic antioxidant system of Picea asperata seedlings. Acta Physiologia Plantaru. 30: 433-440.
8. Yang Yan, Liu Qing, Han Chao et al. 2007. Influence of water stress and low irradiance on morphological and physiological characteristics of Picea asperata seedlings. Photosynthetica. 45(4): 613-619.
9. 羊留冬,王根緒,楊陽,楊燕* (2012) 峨眉冷杉幼苗葉片功能特徵及其N、P化學計量比對模擬大氣氮沉降的響應. 生態學雜誌. 31(1): 44-50.
10. 羊留冬,楊燕*,王根緒,郭劍英,楊陽 (2011) 短期增溫對貢嘎山峨眉冷杉幼苗生長及其CNP化學計量學特徵的影響. 生態學報.31(13): 3668-3676.
11. 羊留冬,楊燕*,王跟緒,郭劍英(2010)森林凋落物對種子萌發與幼苗生長的影響. 生態學雜誌. 29(9): 1820-1826.
12. 楊燕,劉慶,林波,吳彥,何海(2005)不同施水量對雲杉幼苗生長和生理生態特徵的影響. 生態學報. 25(9): 2152-2158.
13. 楊燕. 2007. 第五章第五節. 山地退化生態系統的恢復與重建:理論與岷江上游的實踐 (吳寧,劉慶主編). 成都:四川出版集團,四川科學技術出版社.
14. 楊燕. 2010. 第4、9章. 全球氣候變化對亞高山針葉林樹木的影響(劉慶,林波等)。北京:科學出版社.