共找到53條詞條名為曹陽的結果 展開







1994.07–2003.11,延邊大學 農學院動物科學系,助教、講師
2003.12–2004.03,日本弘前大學 農學部,訪問學者
2009.04,日本山形大學 農學部,客座研究員
2009.05–2010.12,日本國立農業食品研究機構 畜產草地研究所,博士后研究員
2011.01–2012.03,日本山形大學 農學部,研究員,客座研究員
2011.03–2012.06,中國科學院 東北地理與農業生態研究所,副研究員




1.主持參加課題:主持吉林省科技廳“利用微生物發酵技術處理收穫籽粒后玉米秸稈生產高品質發酵TMR” (2011CJT0017)、黑龍江省科技廳“利用乳酸菌及纖維素分解菌發酵處理作物秸稈生產功能性發酵飼料的技術開發及其應用”(項目編號:WB13B11101)、黑龍江省教育廳“利用非糧飼料資源調製秸稈發酵TMR微生物種群變化及有氧穩定性研究”(1253HQ009)、黑龍江八一農墾大學學成引進人才科研啟動計劃“發酵TMR對瘤胃菌群結構和甲烷生成的影響”(XYB2013-11);參加黑龍江省科技廳“優質肉羊規模化健康養殖技術師範與產業化”(GC15B504)、國家科技支撐計劃“奶牛養殖業節能減排關鍵技術研究與示範”(2013BAD21B01)、中央引導地方科技發展專項“黑龍江省秸稈資源化利用工程技術研究中心”(ZY16A06)和“農業科技園區科技成果轉化平台”(ZY16B06)等8項科研課題。
2.論著:參編英文論著Application of Lactic Acid Bacteria for Animal Production byLactic Acid Bacteria Fundamentals and Practice, Dr. Heping Zhang and Yimin Cai (Eds), ISBN: 978-94-017-8840-3, Spinger, DOI: 10.1007/978-94-017-9941-0。
3.論文:分別在《Journal of Dairy Science》和《Animal Feed Science and Technology》、《Animal Science Journal》和《Grassland Science》等期刊發表SCI收錄論文20篇。
4.專利:獲得發明專利“一種瘤胃液收集瓶的封閉排氣式瓶口閥及瘤胃液採集方法”(ZL 2013 1 0058524.1)1項。


1. Jiachen Fang, Yang Cao*, Masatoshi Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki Suzuki and Hirofumi Kimura. 2016. Effects of apple pomace-mixed silage on growth performance and meat quality in finishing pigs. Animal Science Journal, 87: 1516–1521
2. Yang Cao*, Yanqing Zang, Zaihui Jiang, Yahui Han, JianJun Hou, Huawei Liu,Rongzhen Zhong, Jiachen Fang, Aizhong Zhang and Norio Yoshida, 2016, Fermentation quality and nutritive value of fresh andfermented total mixed rations containing Chinese wildryeor corn stover. Grassland Science, 62, 213–223.
3. Jiachen Fang, Yang Cao*, Masatoshi Matsuzaki and Hiroyuki Suzuki, 2016, Effects of apple pomace proportion levels on the fermentation quality of total mixed ration silage and its digestibility, preference and ruminal fermentation in beef cows. Animal Science Journal, 87:217-223.
4. Yang Cao, Yanqing Zang, RenlongLV, Toshiyoushi Takahashi*, Norio Yoshida, Huanmin Yang. 2014. Effects of adding urea on fermentation quality of pruned persimmon branch silage and its digestibility, preference, nitrogen balance and rumen fermentation in beef cattle. Animal Science Journal, 85:219-226.
5. 5. Yang Cao, Toshiyoshi Takahashi*, Kenichi Horiguchi, Norio Yoshida,Daowei Zhou. 2012. In vitro ruminal dry matter digestibility and methane production from fresh or fermented total mixed ration contain whole-crop rice and rice bran. Grassland Science, 58: 133-139.
6徠. Yang Cao, Yimin Cai*, Toshiyoshi Takahashi, Norio Yoshida, Masanori Tohno,Ryuichi Uegaki, Kazuhisa Nonaka, Fuminori Terada. 2011. Effect of lactic acid bacteria inoculant and beet pulp addition on fermentation characteristics and in vitro ruminal digestion of vegetable residue silage. Journal of Dairy Science,94: 3902-3912.
7. Yang Cao, Yimin Cai*, Tomomi Hirakubo, Hiroyuki Fukui, Hiroki Matsuyama. 2011. Fermentation characteristics and microorganism composition of a total mixed ration with local food by-products in different season. Animal Science Journal, 82: 259–266.
8. Yang Cao, Toshiyoshi Takahashi*, Kenichi Horiguchi, Norio Yoshida, Yimin Cai. 2010. Methane emissions from sheep fed fermented or non-fermented total mixed ration containing whole-crop rice and rice bran. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 157: 72-78.
9. Yang Cao, Toshiyoshi Takahashi*, Kenichi Horiguchi, Norio Yoshida. 2010. Effect of adding lactic acid bacteria and molasses on fermentation quality and in vitro ruminal digestion of total mixed ration silage prepared with whole crop rice. Grassland Science, 56: 19- 25.
10. Yang Cao, Toshiyoshi Takahashi*, Kenichi Horiguchi. 2009. Effects of addition of food by-products on the fermentation quality of a total mixed ration with whole crop rice and its digestibility, preference, and rumen fermentation in sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 151: 1-11.