共找到3條詞條名為施耀的結果 展開





施耀,曾在美國伯克利加州大學高級訪問研究多次, 合計3年半,從事美國能源部煙氣脫硫脫硝、CO2的分離和富集與美國宇航局的長途飛行飛船中空氣處理等項目。共發表各類科學論文100餘篇,其中被SCI EI收錄的有40餘篇。曾獲國家教育部科技進步三等獎(2001),國家教育委員會科技進步三等獎(1997),浙江省環保局科技進步二等獎(1999)等。主持國家自然科學基金項目兩項,並先後主持完成了國家教育部留學基金、省自然科學基金項目、中石油重點導向項目等多項,參與完成863項目一項。出版著作2部。獲美國發明專利一項,中國專利六項。負責和參加煙氣脫硫和脫氮工程項目的設計30餘項。1998年榮獲了浙江大學竺可幀基金獎優秀教師稱號。專業必修課“大氣污染控制”課程榮獲校精品課程,參加的“環境科學”獲國家精品課程。


主要研究方向為大氣污染控制科學與技術,包括煙氣脫硫,NOx 控制研究,CO2的富集和分離,等離子體技術處理有機廢氣等。


[1] Yamin Liu, Qing Ye, Mei Shen, Jingjin Shi, Jie Chen, Hua Pan, and Yao Shi*.Carbon Dioxide Capture by Functionalized Solid Amine Sorbents with Simulated Flue Gas Conditions, Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45, 5710-5716. (SCI, IF2010=4.825);
[2] Jiang J Q, Pan H, Sun G J, Ye Q, Shao Z H, Shi Y*.Promotion of Ni/H-BEA by Fe for NOx reduction with propane in a lean-burn condition. Energy Fuels, 2011, 25: 4377-4383. (SCI, IF2010=2.444);
[3] Yamin Liu, Jingjin Shi, Jie Chen, Qing Ye, Hua Pan, Zhenhua Shao, Yao Shi *.Dynamic performance of CO2 adsorption with tetraethylenepentamine-loaded KIT-6, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials. 2010, 134: 16-21. (SCI, IF2010= 3.220);
[4] Chen J, Yang J T, Pan H, Su Q F, Liu Y M, Shi Y*.Abatement of malodorants from pesticide factory in dielectric barrier discharges. J Hazard Mater, 2010, 177(1-3): 908-913. (SCI, IF2010=3.723);
[5] Jie Chen, Qingfa Su, Hua Pan, Jianwen Wei, Xuming Zhang, Shi Y*.Influence of balance gas mixture on decomposition of dimethyl sulfide in a wire-cylinder pulse corona reactor. Chemosphere. 2009. 75(2): 261-265. (SCI);
[6] Wei JW,Shi JJ, Pan H,Su QF, Zhu JB, Shi Y*.Thermal and hydrothermal stability of amino-functionalized SBA-16 and promotion of hydrophobicity by silylation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,2009, 117: 596. (SCI);
[7] Hua Pan, Qingfa Su , Jie Chen, Qing Ye , Yiting Liu, Yao Shi *.Promotion of Ag/H-BEA by Mn for Lean NO Reduction with Propane at Low Temperature,Environmental Science & Technology. 2009, 43, 9348-9353(SCI);
[8] Pei Zhang, Yao Shi*,Jian-Wen Wei, Kinetics region and model for mass transfer in carbon dioxide absorption into aqueous solution of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol. Separation & Purification Technology, 56 (2007) 340-347. (SCI);
[9] Hui Guo, Qingyu Zhang, Yao Shi*,Dahui Wang, On-road remote sensing measurements and fuel-based motor vehicle emission inventory in Hangzhou, China, Atmospheric Environment 41 (2007) 3095–3107. (SCI);
[10] Yao Shi, Hua Pan, Yanting Zhang, Wei Li*, Promotion of MgO addition on SO2 tolerance of Ag/Al2O3 for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with methane at low temperature, Catalysis Communications, 9(2008)796-800 (SCI);
[11] Wei JW,Shi JJ, Pan H, Zhao W, Ye Q, Shi Y*.Adsorption of carbon dioxide on organically functionalized SBA-16, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials,116 (2008)394.(SCI);
[12] Yao Shi*,Jian-jun Ruan, Xin Wang, Wei Li, Tian-en Tan. Evaluation of Multiple Corona Reactor Modes and the Application in Odor Removal. Plasma Chem. Plasma Proc. (2006) 26:187–196 (SCI);
[13] Yao Shi*,Zhantie Zhong,A Rigorous Model for Absorption of Carbon Dioxide into Aqueous N-Methyldiethanolamine Solution.Chemical Engineering Communications, 2005,9, 192(9):1180-1193 (SCI);
[14] Yao Shi*,J.RUAN, X.WANG, W., AND T.TAN.Decomposition of Mixed Malodorants in a Wire-Plate Pulse Corona Reactor. Environmental Science & Technology.2005,9, 39(17):6786-6791 (SCI);
[15] Jian-jun Ruan, Wei Li, Yao Shi*,Yong Nie, Xin Wang and Tian-en Tan, Decomposition of simulated odors in municipal wastewater treatment plants by a wire-plate pulse corona reactor, Chemosphere, 59( 3), 2005, 327-333 (SCI);
[16] Yao Shi, Shih-Ger Chang et al ,Removal of Nitric Oxide from Flue Gas with Iron Thiochelate Aqueous Solution in a Turbulent Contact Absorber, Environmental Progress, 1996,15(3), 153-158; 1/4 (SCI);
[17] Yao Shi,et al ,Integrated Tests for Removal of Nitric Oxide with Iron Thiochelate in Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems, Environmental Science & Technology, 1996,30(11), 3371-3376;1/4 (SCI);
[18] Yao Shi, et al, Kinetics of NO Absorption in Aqueous Iron (II)Bis (2,3-dimercapto-1- propanesulfonate) Solutions Using a Stirred Reactor , Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 1996,35(5), 1668-1672; 1/3 (SCI)。