共找到92條詞條名為王成的結果 展開



王成,男,2015年6月在法國雷恩國立應用科學學院 (INSA-Rennes) 光電子物理學獲得博士學位。2016年4月加入上海科技大學信息科學與技術學院任助理教授。


2015年6月在法國雷恩國立應用科學學院 (INSA-Rennes) 光電子物理學獲得博士學位。博士期間在法國巴黎高等電信學院 (Télécom ParisTech) 做合作研究十八個月,並在德國柏林工業大學和義大利都靈理工大學分別交流三個月。2015年10月加入香港城市大學電氣工程系從事博士后 (Senior Research Assistant) 研究工作。2016年4月加入上海科技大學信息科學與技術學院。截止目前已發表學術 (期刊,會議) 論文四十餘篇,引用次數達二百多次。






C. Wang, R. Raghunatahn, K. Schires, S. –C. Chan, L. F. Lester, and F. Grillot, “Optically injected InAs/GaAs quantum dot laser for tunable photonic microwave generation,” Opt. Lett. 41, 1153 (2016).
C. Wang, M. E. Chabi, H. M. Huang, D. Erasme, P. J. Poole, J. Even, and F. Grillot, “Linewidth enhancement factor in nanostructure semiconductor lasers subject to optical injection,” Opt. Express 23, 21761 (2015).
C. Wang, M. Osiński, J. Even, and F. Grillot, “Phase-amplitude coupling characteristics in directly modulated quantum dot lasers,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 221114 (2014).
C. Wang, B. Lingnau, K. Lüdge, J. Even, and F. Grillot, “Enhanced dynamic performance of quantum dot semiconductor lasers operating on the excited state,” IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 50, 723 (2014).
C. Wang, F. Grillot, F. Y. Lin, I. Aldaya, T. Batte, C. Gosset, E. Decerle, and J. Even, “Nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a dual-mode injection-locked InAs/InP(100) nanostructure laser,” IEEE Photon. J. 6, 1500408 (2014).
C. Wang, F. Grillot,V. I. Kovanis, J. D. Bodyfelt, and J. Even, “Modulation properties of optically injection-locked quantum cascade lasers,” Opt. Lett. 38, 1975 (2013).
C. Wang, F. Grillot, V. Kovanis, and J. Even, “Rate equation analysis of injection-locked quantum cascade lasers,” J. Appl. Phys. 113, 063104 (2013).
C. Wang, F. Grillot, and J. Even, “Impacts of wetting layer and excited state on the modulation response of quantum-dot lasers,” IEEE J. Quantum Electon. 4, 1144 (2012).
F. Grillot, C. Wang, N. A. Naderi, and J. Even, “Modulation properties of self-injected quantum-dot semiconductor diode lasers,” IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Quantum Electron. 19, 1900812 (2013).
X. Yu, C. Wang, F. Chen, R. P. Yan, Y. F. Ma, and X. D. Li, “Performance improvement of high repetition rate electro-optical cavity-dumping Nd:GdVO4 laser,” Appl. Phys. B 106, 309 (2012).