Frank L. Lewis


Frank L. Lewis,男,美國德克薩斯大學阿靈頓分校電氣工程系教授,自動化及機器人研究所主任。








任美國電氣和電子工程師協會(IEEE)會士,國際自動控制聯合會 (IFAC)會士,英國測量與控制學會會士,美國德克薩斯州註冊專業工程師,英國特許工程師,德克薩斯州立大學阿靈頓分校傑出學者學會的創辦人(2004),自動化與機器人研究所的高級研究員。地中海控制協會的董事理事會的創始會員。曾擔任希臘德謨克利特大學的訪問教授,香港科技大學香港中文大學香港城市大學新加坡國立大學南洋理工大學。曾任上海交通大學華南理工大學的客座諮詢教授。


1.Optimal Adaptive Control Using Reinforcement Learning, Opening Plenary Talk, IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Controls, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Oct. 2012.
2. Novel Adaptive Control Structures by Reinforcement Learning, Opening Plenary Talk, Int. Conf. on System Theory, Control and Computing, Sinaia, Romania, Oct. 2012.
3.Reinforcement Methods for Online Learning in Autonomous Robotic Systems, Plenary Talk, FIRA Robo World Congress, Bristol, UK, 20 August 2012.
4.Cooperative Control: Stability versus global optimality, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012
5.Cooperative control: optimal design and Graphical Games, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2012
6.Cooperative Control: Optimal Design, Observers, distributed adaptive control, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2011
7.J. Gadewadikar and F.L. Lewis, H-Infinity Output-Feedback Control: Application to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2010.
9.Al-Tamimi, M. Abu-Khalaf, and F.L. Lewis, Discrete-time Control Algorithms and Adaptive Intelligent Systems Designs, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Verlag, July 2010.
10.P. Ballal and F.L. Lewis, Wireless Sensor Network Design, VDM Verlag, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2010.
11.L. Shuai, L. Xie, and F.L. Lewis, “Synchronization of multi-agent systems with delayed input information from neighbors,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, Atlanta, pp. 4529-4534, Dec. 2010.
12. H. Zhang and F.L. Lewis, “Synchronization of networked higher-order nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, pp. 7129-7134, Atlanta, Dec. 2010.
13. G. Chen and F.L. Lewis, “Distributed adaptive controller design for unknown networked Lagrangian systems, Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, pp, 6698-6703, Atlanta, Dec. 2010.
14.F.L. Lewis and A. Das, “Distributed observer, duality, and optimal regulator design for multi-agent systems, Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, pp. 7265-7271, Atlanta, Dec. 2010.
15.K.G. Vamvoudakis, D.G. Mikulski, G.R. Hudas, F.L. Lewis, and E.Y. Gu, “Distributed games for multi-agent systems: games on communication graphs,“ Army Science Conf, paper EO-03, Orlando, 29 Nov- 2 Dec, 2010.
16.D. Vrabie and F.L. Lewis, “Integral Reinforcement Learning for Online Computation of Feedback Nash Strategies of Nonzero-Sum Differential Games,” Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, pp. 3066-3071, Atlanta, Dec. 2010.
17.K. Vamvoudakis and F.L. Lewis, “Online solution of nonlinear two-player zero-sum games using synchronous policy iteration, Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision & Control, pp. 3040-3047, Atlanta, Dec. 2010.
18.Abhijit Das and F.L. Lewis, “Distributed adaptive control for synchronization of unknown nonlinear networked systems,” Automatica, vol. 46, pp. 2014-1021, 2010.
19.K.G. Vamvoudakis and F.L. Lewis, “Online actor-critic algorithm to solve the continuous-time infinite horizon optimal control problem,” Automatica, vol. 46, no. 5, pp. 878-888, May 2010.
20.F. L. Lewis and K. Vamvoudakis. "Optimal Adaptive Control for Unknown Systems Using Output Feedback by Reinforcement Learning," in Int. Conf. Control Applications ICCA (Xiamen, China, 2010).
21.D. Vrabie and F. L. Lewis. "Adaptive Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Finding Online the Equilibrium Solution of the Two-Player Zero-Sum Differential Game," in Int. Joint Conf. neural Networks (Barcelona, 2010).
22.Das and F. L. Lewis. "Synchronization of Unknown Nonlinear Networked Systems via Cooperative Adaptive Control
23.F.L. Lewis, G. Hudas, and K. Vamvoudakis. "Online Gaming for Learning Optimal Team Strategies in Real Time," in SPIE Defense Symposium (Orlando, 2010).
24.C. Li, Z. Qu, A. Das, and F.L. Lewis, "Cooperative Control With Improvable Network Connectivity," in American Control Conf. (Baltimore, 2010).
25.C.K. Pang, J.H. Zhou, Z.W. Zhong, and F.L. Lewis, "Tool Wear Forecast Using Dominant Feature Identification of acoustic emissions," in IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (Tokyo, 2010).
26.J. H. Kim and F. L. Lewis. "Model-free H-infinity control design for unknown linear discrete-time systems via Q-learning with LMI," Automatica, vol. 46, no. 8, pp. 1320-1326, August 2010.