共找到2條詞條名為羅曉容的結果 展開



羅曉容,男,1959年6月生,四川省成都市人。1982年畢業於西北大學地質系,獲石油地質學專業學士學位;1984年獲碩士研究生,石油地質學專業,西北大學地質系;1994年5月於法國Montpellier II大學獲地球物理學專業博士學位。現工作於中國科學院地質與地球物理研究所,研究員。








1.Luo X. R. , Yan J. Z., Zhou B., Hou P., Wang W, and Vasseur G., 2008. Quantitative estimates of oil losses during migration, Part II: measurement of residual oil saturation in migration pathways. Journal of Petroleum Geology, Vol. 31(2), April 2008, pp 179-190
2.羅曉容. 油氣成藏動力學研究之我見, 天然氣地球科學, 2008, 19(02): 149~156.
3.Luo X. R., Zhou B., Zhao S. X., Zhang F. Q. and Vasseur G., 2007. Quantitative estinmates of oil losses during migration, Part I: the saturation of pathways in carrier beds. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 30(4), pp 375-387.
4.Luo Xiaorong, Wang Zhaoming, Zhang Liqiang, Yang Wan, Liu Loujun. 2007. Overpressure Generation and Evolution in a Compressional Tectonic Setting, the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin, NW China. AAPG Bull. V91(8): 1123~1139.
5.Luo Xiaorong, Yu Jian, Zhang Liuping, Yang Yang, Chen Ruiyin, Chen Zhankun and Bo Zhou. 2007. Numerical Modeling of Secondary Migration and its Applications to Chan 6 Member of Yanchang Formation (Upper Triassic), Longdong Area, Ordos Basin, China. Science in China Ser D: Earth Sci, 50 (Supp. II): 91~102.
6.羅曉容, 喻健, 張劉平, 楊颺, 陳瑞銀, 陳占坤, 周波,2007. 二次運移數學模型及其在鄂爾多斯盆地隴東地區長8段石油運移研究中的應用. 中國科學, 37(增I):73-82. 
7.羅曉容,張立寬,廖前進,蘇俊青,袁淑琴,宋海明,周波,侯平,於長華, 2007. 埕北斷階帶沙河街組油氣運移動力學過程模擬分析. 石油與天然氣地質,28(2):191~197。
8.LUO Xiaorong, LIU Loujun, & LI Xueyi, 2006. Overpressure distribution and pressuring mechanism on the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, Northwestern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 55(19): 2383~2390.
9.Luo X. R., 2004, Quantitative analysis on overpressuring mechanism resulted from tectonic stress, Chinese Journal of Geophysics Vol.47, No.6, pp: 1223~1232.
10.Luo X. R., Zhang F. Q., Miao S., Wang W. M., HuangY. Z. Loggia D. and Vasseur G. 2004, Experimental verification of oil saturation and loss during secondary migration, J. Petrol. Geol., 27(3), 241~251.
11.羅曉容,肖立新,李學義,張立強,曾治平,王兆明,2004,準噶爾盆地南緣中段異常壓力分佈及影響因素,地球科學,29(4): 404~412.
13.Luo X. R., Dong W. L., Yang J. H. and Yang W., 2003, Overpressuring Mechanisms in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea, AAPG Bull. V.87, No 4, p. 629~645.
14.Luo X. R. and G. Vasseur, 2002, Natural hydraulic cracking: numerical model and sensitivity study, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, V. 201, 431~446.
16.羅曉容,2000, 數值盆地模擬方法在地質研究中的應用,石油勘探與開發,卷27(1),6~10。
19.Luo X. R., G. Vassuer, A. Pouya, V. Lamoureux-Var, A. Poliakov, 1998, Elastoplastic deformation of porous media applied to the modelling of compaction at basin scale, Marine and Petroleum Geology, V. 15, p. 145~162.
21.Luo X R, Vasseur G. 1997, Sealing efficiency of shales. Terra Nova, 9: 71~74.
22.Luo X. R., Vasseur G., 1996, Geopressuring mechanism of organic matter cracking: numerical modelling, Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., Vol.80, p.856~874.
23.Luo X. R., Vasseur G., 1995, Modelling of pore pressure evolution associated with sedimentation and uplift in sedimentary basins, Basin Research, Vol.7, p.35~52.
24.Luo X .R., Vasseur G., 1993, Contributions of compaction and aquathermal pressuring to geopressure and the influence of environment conditions: Reply, Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., Vol. 77, p. 2011~2014.
25.Luo X. R., Brigaud F. And Vasseur G., 1993, Compaction coefficient of argillaceous sediments: their implications, significance and determination, in: Basin Modelling: Advances and Applications, (Ed. A. D. Dore et al), NPF Special Publication, Elsevier, Amsterdam, p. 321~332.
26.Luo X. R., Vasseur G., 1992, Contributions of compaction and aquathermal pressuring to geopressure and the influence of environment conditions, Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull., Vol. 76, p. 1550~1559.

