






喬治北·科恩( Georges N. Cohen)


Microbial Biochemistry covers the principles of bacterial growth, as well as the description of the different layers that enclose the bacterialcytoplasm, and their role in obtaining nutrients from the outside media through different permeability mechanism described in detail. 微生物生物化學包括細菌的生長原理,以及細胞質中描述的不同層次的細菌包圍,他們的詳細作用機制在不同滲透率描述通過媒體獲得養分從外面。 A chapter is devoted to allostery and is indispensable for the comprehension of many regulatory mechanisms described throughout the book. 阿章介紹變構,是不可或缺的書描述整個監管機制的理解很多。 Another section analyses the mechanisms by which cells obtain the energy necessary for their growth,glycolysis, the pentose phosphate pathway, the tricarboxylic and the anaplerotic cycles. 另一部分分析機制,細胞周期中獲得所需能量anaplerotic為他們的成長,糖酵解,戊糖磷酸途徑,在三羧酸和。
Two chapters are devoted to classes of microorganisms rarely dealt with in textbooks, namely the Archaea, mainly the methanogenic bacteria, and the methylotrophs.兩章是專門處理很少在教科書中的微生物類,即古細菌,主要是產甲烷細菌和methylotrophs。 The book also describes the principles of the regulations at the transcriptional level, with the necessary knowledge of the machineries of transcription and translation.書中還介紹了在轉錄水平本條例的原則,在轉錄和翻譯機器所需的知識。 There are chapters that deal with the biosynthesis of the cell building blocks, amino acids, purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and deoxynucleotides, water-soluble vitamins and coenzymes, isoprene and tetrapyrrole derivatives and vitamin B12.有章,隨著細胞的基石,氨基酸嘌呤和嘧啶核苷酸和deoxynucleotides,水溶性維生素輔酶,異戊二烯和四吡咯衍生物和維生素B12的合成處理。
And the two last chapters are devoted to the study of protein-DNA interactions and to the evolution of biosynthetic pathways.而最後兩個章節是專門用於蛋白質- DNA相互作用的研究以及對生物合成途徑的進化。 The considerable advances made in the last thirty years in the field by the introduction of gene cloning and sequencing and by the exponential development of physical methods such as X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance have helped presenting metabolism under a multidisciplinary attractive angle.在該領域在過去三十年由基因的克隆和測序,並通過引進,如X -射線晶體學和核磁共振物理方法開發了相當大的進步指數已幫助下提交了多學科的角度有吸引力的代謝。
Microbial Biochemistry is an outstanding reference for graduate students and researchers in Academia and industry. 微生物生物化學是一個與行業優秀研究生學術參考學生和研究人員研究。
微生物生物化學 - Contents 目錄
Bacterial Growth細菌生長
The Outer Membrane of Gram-negative Bacteria and the Cytoplasmic Membrane革蘭陰性菌的外膜和細胞質膜
Peptidoglycan Synthesis肽合成
Cellular Permeability細胞通透性
Allosteric Enzymes變構酶
Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis and Glycogen Synthesis糖酵解,糖異生糖原的合成
The Pentose Phosphate and Entner-Doudoroff Pathways戊糖磷酸和恩特納- Doudoroff途徑
The Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and the Glyoxylate Bypass三羧酸循環和乙醛酸繞道
Biosynthesis of Lipids合成脂質
The Archaea古細菌
Methanogensand Methylotrophs甲烷菌和Methylotrophs
Enzymen Induction in Catabolic Systems Enzymen誘導系統的生理作用
Transcription.轉錄。 RNA Polymerase RNA聚合酶
Negative Regulation負調控
Enzyme Repression in Anabolic Pathways酶蛋白同化途徑鎮壓
Positive Regulation正調控
The Ribosomes核糖體
The Genetic Code, the Transfer RNAs and the aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetases遺傳密碼,轉讓的RNA和氨醯- tRNA -合成酶
The Biological Fixation of Nitrogen生物固定的氮
How Biosynthetic Pathways Have Been Established如何建立了生物合成途徑
The Aspartic Acid Family of Amino Acids.的氨基酸天門冬氨酸的家庭。 Biosynthesis生物合成
Regulation of Biosynthesis of the Amino Acids of the Aspartic Acid Familiy in Enterobacteriaceae酸家風調控的天門冬氨酸生物合成的氨基酸腸桿菌科
Other Patterns of Regulation of the Synthesis of Amino Acids of the Aspartate Family對了對天冬氨酸族氨基酸合成調控等圖案
Biosynthesis of the Amino Acids of the Glutamic Acid Family and Its Regulation生物合成的谷氨酸和氨基酸的家庭及其規制
Biosynthesis of Amino Acids Derived from Phosphoglyceric Acid and Pyruvic Acid氨基酸生物合成磷酸甘油酸和衍生丙酮酸
Selenocysteine and Selenoproteins硒及硒蛋白
Biosynthesis of Aromatic Amino Acids and Its Regulation芳香族氨基酸生物合成及其調控
The Biosynthesis of Histidine and Its Regulation組氨酸生物合成及其調控
The Biosynthesis of Nucleotides生物合成的核苷酸
The Biosynthesis of Deoxyribonucleotides生物合成的Deoxyribonucleotides
Biosynthesis of Some Water-Soluble Vitamins and of their Coenzyme Forms生物合成的一些水溶性維生素和輔酶的形式
Biosynthesis of Carotene, Vitamin A, Sterols, Ubiquinones, and Menaquinones生物合成的胡蘿蔔素,維生素A,甾醇,Ubiquinones和Menaquinones
Biosynthesis of the Tetrapyrrole Ring System生物合成的四吡咯環系統
Biosynthesis of Cobalamins including Vitamin B 12 Cobalamins包括合成維生素B 12
Interactions between Proteins and DNA蛋白質和DNA之間的相互作用
Evolution of Biosynthetic Pathways生物合成途徑的演變
Subject Index主題索引