

周海濤,男,山東人,留學人員,博士學位/ 教授, 博導,研究方向金屬材料工程(壓力加工)。











1. 金屬塑性變形模擬和組織性能預報及控制;
4. 高強高導銅合金及連續擠壓研究



H. T. Zhou Influence of high pressure during solidification on the microstructure and strength of Mg-Zn-Y alloys,JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS,2016
H. T. Zhou , A study of automobile brake bracket formed by casting-forging integrated forming technology MATERIALS & DESIGN, 2015
H. T. Zhou ,Effects of homogenization treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-8Li-3Al-Y alloy MATERIALS & DESIGN 2015
H.T. Zhou , Q.Z. Peng , H.X. Yang c, X. ZhouDynamic recrystallization during hot deformation of GH690 alloy:A study using processing maps, Journal of Nuclear Materials 448 (2014) 153–162
H T Zhou, R R Liu, Z C Liu, X Zhou, Q Z Peng, F H Zhong and Y Peng. Hot Deformation Characteristics of GH625 and Development of a Processing Map,Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,2013(22), 2515-2521
Zhou Xiao, Zhou Haitao, Liu Ruirui, Zhou Yong, A study of non-isothermal primary crystallization kinetics and soft magnetic property of Co65Fe4Ni2Si15B14 amorphous alloy, JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS, 2012,539:210-214
H.T. Zhou, Q.B. Li, Z.K. Zhao, Z.C. Liu, S.F. Wen, Q.D. Wang. Hot workability characteristics of magnesium alloy AZ80-A study using processing map. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010) 2022-2026.
K.M. Liu, H.T. Zhou, B. Yang, D.P. Lu, A. Atrens. Influence of Si on glass forming ability and properties of the bulk amorphous alloy Mg60Cu30Y10. Materials Science and Engineering A, 527 (2010) 7475-7479.
H.T. Zhou, Z.K. Zhao, X. Zhou, B. Yan, J.W. Zhong, Q.B.Li. The peculiarities of the nanocrystallization process and copper addition effects for an amorphous Fe75.5Si13.5B9Cu2 alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 475 (2009) 706–711.
H.T. Zhou, Z.D. Zhang, C.M. Liu, Q.W. Wang. Effect of Nd and Y on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ZK60 alloy Materials Science and Engineering A, 445-446 (2007) 1-6.
H.T. Zhou, J.W. Zhong, X. Zhou, Z.K. Zhao, Q.B. Li. Microstructure and properties of Cu-1.0Cr-0.2Zr-0.03Fe alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 498 (2008) 225-230.
JIANG Yong-feng, ZHOU Hai-tao, ZENG Su-min. Microstructure and properties of oxalate conversion coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 19(2009) 1416-1422
Zhou Haitao, Jiang Yong-feng, Zhong Jian-wei, Zhao Zhong-kai, Li Qing-bo. High strain rate superplasticity of AZ31 alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 17 (2007) s1 409-412.
Haitao Zhou ,Zhendong Zhang, Dymamic recrystallization of Mg-6Zn-0.5Zr-Nd alloy, Mater. Sci. and Technol 23(6)(2007)657.
Haitao Zhou, A constitutive Model Development and Hot Extrusion Simulation for AZ61 alloy, Mater. Sci. and Technol 22 (2006) 597.
H.T. Zhou, Materials Science and Engineering: A, Volume 527, Issues 7-8, 25 March 2010, Pages 2022-2026
H.T.Zhou ,The nanocrystallization process and copper addition effectsfor an amorphous Fe75.5Si13.5B9Cu2 alloy,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,475 (1-2)(2009)706-711
H.T.Zhou ,Microstructure and properties of Cu-Cr-Zr ,Mater. Eng. And Engineering A, 498 (2008)225
H.T.Zhou, Effects of Y and Nd on the microstructure and properties of ZK60 alloy, Mater. Eng. And Engineering A ,445-446(2007)p1-6.
Haitao Zhou ,Zhendong Zhang, Dymamic recrystallization of Mg-6Zn-0.5Zr-Nd alloy, Mater. Sci. and Technol 23(6)(2007)657.
Haitao Zhou, A constitutive Model Development and Hot Extrusion Simulation for AZ61 alloy, Mater. Sci. and Technol 22 (2006) 597.
Haitao Zhou, Microstructural evolution of AZ61 magnesium alloy, Mater. Sci. and Technol 20 (2004)1937.
Haitao Zhou, Effect of Ce on microstructures and tensile properties of AZ61 magnesium alloy, J. of Materials Science ,2004, 7061
ZHOU haitao, Strain Softening and Hardening Behavior in AZ61 Magnesium Alloy, Journal of Material Science &Technology 6 (2004) 691
Haitao Zhou, Flow Stress Model Development and Hot Extrusion Simulation for Liquidus Casting ZK60 Magnesium Alloy, International Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes June, 2004, Columbus, ohio, U.S.A , p 1134.
Haitao Zhou, Hot mpression behavior ZK60 magnesium alloy, Materials Forum, 488-489 (2004)563.
H. T. Zhou, Grain refinement of AZ61 magnesium alloy, Magnesium technology (TMS), JOM, v 56, n 11, November, 2004, p99.
Haitao Zhou, A flow stress model for magnesium alloy of AZ61 alloy, Acta. Metal. Sinica ,17 (2004) 155
ZHOU Hai-tao, Flow stress and microstructure evolution in as rolled AZ91 alloy during hot deformation, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2003,13(6)1266.
ZHOU Hai-tao, Effect of La and Nd on microstructures and mechanical properties of AZ61 wrought magnesium alloy, Trans.Nonferrous. Met. Soc. China, 2004,14 (1):68-70 .
Haitao Zhou ,Dynamic recrystallization behaviors of AZ61 magnesium alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 2005,15 (5) 1055.
Haitao Zhou ,High strain rate superplacity of AZ31 magnesium alloy, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 2007 (16)747-752
H.T.Zhou, Hot deformation behaviors of ZK60-Nd alloy, Magnesium technology (TMS), P504,Mar, 2006
H.T.Zhou, The microstructures and tensile properties of AZ61-Re magnesium alloy, Magnesium technology (TMS), P511,Mar, 2006
Haitao Zhou, Hot mpression behavior ZK60 magnesium alloy, Materials Forum, 488-489 (2004)563. (Sci)
JIANG Yong-feng, ZHOU Hai-tao,ZENG Su-min, Microstructure and properties of oxalate conversion coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 19(2009)(6)
Yong-feng Jiang, Hai-tao Zhou and Su-min ZengOxalate conversion-coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering,submitted.
周海濤, 溫盛發, 劉克明, 劉志超, 李慶波. 添加銀對大變形Cu-14Fe原位複合材料性能的影響. 材料工程, 2011, (3): 40-44.
劉克明, 周海濤, 陸德平, 楊濱, 曾蘇民. 納米壓痕法研究Si對Mg60Cu30Y10非晶合金的影響. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2010, 39(10): 1732-1736.
劉克明, 周海濤, 陸德平, Andrej Atrens, 鄒晉, 陳志寶, 謝仕芳. 微量Ag對形變Cu-Fe原位複合材料組織和性能的影響. 材料熱處理學報, 2010, 31(6): 62-67.
李慶波, 周海濤, 劉志超, 溫盛發. AZ80鎂合金變形特性及管材擠壓數值模擬研究. 《熱加工工藝》, 2010, 39(5): 31-34.
溫盛發, 周海濤, 劉克明, 劉志超. Cu-1.0Cr-0.2Zr 合金的時效析出研究. 《熱加工工藝》, 2010, 39(12): 113-116.
劉志超, 周海濤, 李慶波, 溫盛發. GH625合金的熱變形行為. 《熱加工工藝》, 2010, 39(12): 31-34.
鍾建偉,周海濤,周嘯,趙仲愷,李慶波. 多級形變時效對Cu-Cr-Zr 合金組織與性能的影響. 材料熱處理學報,2009, 30(3): 155-159.
李慶波, 周海濤, 鍾建偉, 趙仲愷, 王孟君. Mg-9Y-3Zn-0.5Zr 合金的熱變形行為. 中國有色金屬學報, 2008, 18(6): 1013-1018.
李慶波, 周海濤, 趙仲愷, 鍾建偉, 王經濤. Mg-Y-Zn-Zr合金的顯微組織和力學性能. 中南大學學報, 2009, 40(3): 651-656.
趙仲愷, 周海濤, 蔣永鋒, 李慶波, 劉志超, 溫盛發. 非晶軟磁合金C065Fe4Ni2Sil5B14的納米晶化動力學研究. 材料導報, 2009 23(12): 14-16.
蔣永鋒, 周海濤, 曾蘇民. 鎂合金表面草酸鹽化學轉化膜的性能. 材料保護, 2009, 42(9): 11-15.
蔣永鋒, 周海濤, 曾蘇民. 鎂合金表面草酸鹽化學轉化膜的性能研究. 電鍍與塗飾, 2009, 28(11): 26-28.
蔣永鋒, 周海濤, 曾蘇民. 鎂合金表面陶瓷/銅複合膜層的性能研究. 表面技術, 2009, 38(3): 2-3.
李慶波, 周海濤, 蔣永峰, 趙仲愷, 劉志超, 溫盛發. 加工圖的理論研究現狀與展望. 有色冶金設計與研究, 2009, 30(4): 2-6.
趙仲愷, 周海濤, 周嘯, 嚴彪, 鍾建偉, 李慶波. 熔體快淬非晶Fe-Si-B-Cu合金的晶化行為. 中國有色金屬學報, 2008, 18(10): 1873-1878.
鍾建偉, 周海濤, 趙仲愷, 李慶波, 周嘯. 形變熱處理對Cu-Cr-Zr合金時效組織和性能的影響. 中國有色金屬學報, 2008, 18(6): 1033-1037.
周海濤, 稀土元素鈰對AZ61鎂合金鑄態顯微結構的影響, 高技術通訊, 2003, (1 ):53-56.(EI收錄) .
周海濤,稀土鈰對AZ61變形鎂合金組織和力學性能的影響, 中國有色金屬學報, 2004,14(1):100-104 (核心)
周海濤,熱軋工藝參數對ULCB鋼 轉變行為和顯微結構的影響,上海交通大學學報, 38 (7) (2004) 1091. (Ei)
周海濤,變形鎂合金材料的研究進展, 材料導報, 2003,17 (11):16-18(核心).
周海濤, AZ31鎂合金型材擠壓工藝和組織性能分析,輕合金加工技術,2003, 31(9):28-30.
周海濤, AZ61合金熱變形行為的研究,材料科學與工程新進展,2002,641.
周海濤,供應商信用等級指標體系的構建與評判,系統工程理論與實踐,2003, 4 (核心).
李慶波,周海濤,趙仲愷,鍾建偉, 王經濤. 稀土Y對Mg-Zn-Zr合金組織和力學性能的影響。中南大學學報.2009,40(3):650-656
周海濤, 鍾建偉, 周嘯, 趙仲愷, 李慶波. 多級形變時效對Cu2Cr2Zr 合金組織和性能的影響。材料熱處理學報, 2009, 30(6):141-145.
蔣永鋒,周海濤,曾蘇民,鎂合金表面陶瓷/銅複合膜層的性能研究,表面技術2009 年38卷 第3 期In press.
劉志超 周海濤 李慶波 溫盛發 趙仲愷 GH625合金的熱變形行為 材料工程


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