共找到25條詞條名為黃潔的結果 展開
英文論文 Conflicts between Civil Law and Common Law in JudgmentRecognition and Enforcement: When the Finality Dispute is Final?, Wis .Int'l L. J. (forthcoming, 2011) (威斯康星國際法論叢);Interregional Recognitionand Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgments: Lessons for Chinafrom US and EU Laws, 6 J. Priv Int'l L. 109-154 (April, 2010)(國際私法論叢); Direct Application of International Business Law in ChineseCourts: Intellectual Property, Trade, and InternationalTransportation, 5 Manchester J. Int'l Econ. L. 105-42(2008)(曼切斯特國際經濟法論叢); Overturning a Final Judgment Tainted by Fraud: AComparison Between Chinese mainland and Hong Kong, 15 Willamette J.I nt'l L. & Dispute Res. 47-74 (2007) (威理美特國際法和爭議解決論叢).中文論文多篇,包括《論美國聯邦地方法院標的管轄權的晚近發展----兼論中國涉外企業在美國訴訟的實踐問題》,《國際商務研究》(國家核心刊物)2008年第2期,45-52頁。另有譯作一本,《國際商事仲裁的法理思考和實踐指導》(北京大學出版社,2010年6月出版)。