
長期從事本科生“生物化學”教學和研究生培養,現主要研究方向為藍藻水華的形成機制和干預策略。已在PNAS、Nature子刊、EMBO Reports和JBC等發表研究論文近100篇。
利用結構基因組學的研究方法系統地克隆、表達和純化參與釀酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)氧化應激反應(oxidative stress)的蛋白質。在對這些純化的蛋白質的生化功能進行分析的基礎上,解析其中一些關鍵蛋白的三維結構,並發現和鑒定一些新的多蛋白質複合物,最終重建氧化應激反應的蛋白質信號轉導和相互作用網路。進一步可以通過同源映射作用,將這些知識應用到其他物種,從而有助於加深我們對氧化應激導致的衰老和各種疾病的分子機制的理解,以期為設計相關藥物提供理論基礎。
2、家蠶(Bombyx mori)絲質相關基因及其編碼蛋白的結構和功能研究
1) Structural basis for the allosteric control of the global transcription factor NtcA by the nitrogen starvation signal 2-oxoglutarate. - Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. - 2010 - 107(28)
2) Neofunctionalization of zona pellucida proteins enhances freeze-prevention in the eggs of Antarctic notothenioids - Nature Communications - - 2041-1723
3) Structural Insights into SraP-Mediated Staphylococcus aureus Adhesion to Host Cells - PLoS Pathogens - - 1553-7366
4) Structures of yeast glutathione S-transferase Gtt2 reveal a new catalytic type of GST family - EMBO Reports - 2009 -
5) Structural basis for receptor recognition and pore formation of a zebrafish aerolysin-like protein - EMBO REPORTS - - 1469-221X
6) Structures of an all-α protein running along the DNA major groove - NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH - - 0305-1048
7) Crystal structure and computational analyses provide insights into the catalytic mechanism of 2, 4-diacetylphloroglucinol hydrolase PhlG from Pseudomonas fluorescens. - J Biol Chem. - 2010 - 285(7)
8) Structural plasticity of the thioredoxin recognition site of yeast methionine-S-sulfoxide reductase Mxr1 - JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY - - 0021-9258
9) Recognition of the Thomsen-Friedenreich Pancarcinoma carbohydrate antigen by a lamprey variable lymphocyte receptor - JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY - - 0021-9258
10) Structure and Catalytic Mechanism of Yeast 4-Amino-4-deoxychorismate Lyase - JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY - - 0021-9258
11) Crystal Structure of the Cyanobacterial Signal Transduction Protein P(II) in Complex with PipX - JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - - 0022-2836
12) Structural and biochemical characterization of yeast monothiol glutaredoxin Grx6. - J Mol Biol. - 2010 - 398(4)
13) Crystal structure of cyanobacterial signal transduction protein PII in complex with PipX. - J Mol Biol. - 2010 -
14) Systematic cloning and analysis of autophagy-related genes from the silkworm Bombyx mori - BMC Mol Biol. - 2009 -
15) Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae glutamine synthetase Gln1 suggests a nanotube-like supramolecular assembly - Proteins - 2009 -
16) Structural basis for the unique anti-tumor activity of LZ-8 from the fungus Ganoderma lucidium - Proteins - 2009 -
17) Crystal structure of the dimeric Urm1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Proteins - 2008 -
18) Crystal structure of glutathione-dependent phospholipid peroxidase Hyr1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Proteins - 2008 - 73
19) Glutathionylation-triggered conformational changes of glutaredoxin Grx1 from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. - Proteins - 2008 -
20) 徠Crystal structure of the yeast cytoplasmic thioredoxin Trx2. - Proteins - 2007 -
21) Crystal structure of glutathione reductase Glrl from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Proteins - 2007 -
22) Crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase Gnd1 - BMC Struct Biol. - 2007 -
23) The gene expression profile of Bombyx mori silkgland - Gene - 2007 -
24) Solution structure and metal binding properties of Kti11p from Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Biochemistry - 2005 -
25) Developments in structural genomics:protein purification and function interpertation. - Current Genomics - 2004 -
26) The 62-kb upstream region of Bombyx mori fibroin heavy chain gene is clustered of erpetitive element - GENE - 2003 -
27) Crystal structure of the yeast PX-domain protein Grd19p complexed to phosphatidyl-inositol-3-ph osph - J Biol Chem. - 2003 -
28) Silk fibroin:Structural implications of a remarkable amino acid sequence(SCI) - PROTEINS - 2001 -
29) Identification and characterization of a silkgland-related matrix association ergion in Bombyx mori( - Gene - 2001 -
30) Fine organization of Bombyx mori fibroin heavy chain gene(SCI) - Nucleic Acids Research - 2000 -