共找到23條詞條名為李淼的結果 展開

1. 李淼,陳宇萍,王剛,李春英等. 從大容量人源噬菌體抗體庫中篩選黑素瘤特異性抗體,細胞與分子免疫學雜誌, 2005;21(5):602-604.2. 樊平申,李淼,高天文等. 皰疹樣膿皰病併發妊娠期肝內膽汁淤積症1例,臨床皮膚科雜誌. 2004,33(10): 620-621.3. 田艷麗,李春英,王剛,高天文,盧濤,李淼. In-cell PCR技術擴增白癜風自身抗體基因. 中華皮膚科雜誌,2006,39卷(1):38-40.4. Pingshen FAN, Tianwen GAO, Miao LI,et al. A case of impetigo herpetiformis associated with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Journal of Dermatology. 2006; 33: 563–566.5. Miao Li, Dongjie Sun, Chunying Li, et al. Functional polymorphisms of the FAS gene associated with risk of vitiligo in Chinese populations: a case–control analysis. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2008 Dec;128(12):2820-4. 6. Miao Li, Ying Gao,Chunying Li, et al. Association of COX2 functional polymorphisms and risk of vitiligo. J Dermatol Sci.2009 Mar;53(3):176-81. 7. Miao Li,Chunying Li,Tianwen Gao, et al. Association between serum soluble Fas levels and FAS-1377 genotypes in patients with vitiligo. (待刊)8. Li H, Gao L, Shen Z, Li CY, Li K, Li M,Lv YJ, Li CX, Gao TW, Liu YF. Association study of NFKB1 and SUMO4 polymorphisms in Chinese patients with psoriasis vulgaris. Arch Dermatol Res.2008 Sep;300(8):425-33. 9. Li K, Li C, Gao L, Yang L, Li M, Liu L, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Gao T A functional single-nucleotide polymorphism in the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene alter vitiligo risk in a Chinese population.Arch Dermatol Res. 2009 Oct;301(9):681-7. 10. 馬帥軍,劉玲呂,雅潔, 李淼,孟舉,齊顯龍,廖文俊. 大皰性表皮鬆解性葯疹伴胃穿孔1例. 中國皮膚性病學雜誌, 2009,10: 664-665.11. 張士發,李淼,趙麗萍,劉超,宋麗新,王良民. 有完整包膜的肌肉脂肪瘤2例. 中國麻風皮膚病雜誌,2009, 11: 837-838.12. Fan X, Shangguan L, Li M, Li CY, Liu B. Functional polymorphisms of the FAS/FASLG genes are associated with risk of alopecia areata in a Chinese population: a case-control analysis.Br J Dermatol. 2010 Aug;163(2):340-4. 13. 徐瀟,劉曉燕,卞媛媛,李淼. 1320nm&1440nm非剝脫點陣激光面部皮膚老化指標改善的量化分析. 中國美容整形外科雜誌,2011,22(5):291-4.