共找到5條詞條名為馬永利的結果 展開
男,1960年11月出生,1993年 於復旦大學物理系獲博士學位,目前在理論凝聚態物理方面的研究重點集中在玻色-愛因斯坦凝聚(BEC)的理論、 BEC-BCS 交叉領域、渦流物理、量子霍爾效應及高溫超導的理論等。
● 量子多體理論:
● 物理學中的數學方法(PACS number 02.):
(1) “Three-mode resonant coupling of collective excitations in a Bose-Einstein condensate”, Y.L. Ma, G. X. Huang and B.B. Hu,Phys. Rev. A. 71 (2005)043609.
(2) “Analytical solutions of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations for excitations of a trapped Bose-Einstein-condensed gas”, B.B. Hu, G.X. Huang and Y.L. Ma,Phys. Rev. A69 (2004)063608.
(3) “Effect of exchange reduction on the temperature dependence of the depinning field of domain walls”, S.T. Chui, Y.L. Ma and D.C. Tian,J. Magn. Magn. Mater.279 (2004) 256-260.
(4) “Bose-Einstein condensation temperature of a trapped interacting Bose-Fermi gas mixture”, Y.L. Ma and S.T. Chui,Phys. Rev. A66 (2002)053611--1-5.
(5) “Analytical expressions for the hydrodynamic excitation spectrum of Bose-Einstein condensates in axially anisotropic traps”, Y.L. Ma and S.T. Chui,Phys. Rev.A65 (2002)053610--1-6.
(6) “Temperature dependence of the domain wall depinning in hard-soft composites”, S.T. Chui and Y.L. Ma,J. App. Phys.91 (11)(2002)9315-9318.
(7) “Model Analysis of Vortex Creep around Accommodation Field”, Y.L. Ma,Phys. Rev. B62(6)(2000)4114-4118.
(8) “Commensurate Suppression of Vortex-Lattice Melting by Pins of Columnar-defect Lattice”, Y.L. Ma,Europhys. Lett. 51(3)(2000)348-354.
(9) “Exactly Solvable Models of Flux Creep in High-Tc Superconductors”, Y.L. Ma, H.F. Li and X.X. Dai,Phys. Rev. B 47(18)(1993)12304-12307.
(10) “Nuclear Fusion Enhancement in Condensed Matter with Impacting and Screening”, Y.L. Ma, H.X. Yang and X.X. Dai,Europhys. Lett.24(4)(1993)305-310.
(11) “Multiphase Mass-Transfer in Shell-Core Type Ion Exchanger”, Y.L. Ma, and H.X. Yang,J. Chem. Eng.Japan23(5)(1990)646-648.
(12) “Theoretical Calculation of Inner-Particle Diffusion Mass-Transfer in Shell-Core Type Ion Exchanger and Its Application”, Y.L. Ma, L. Qiu and T.S. Yue,Kexue Tongbao18(1987)1357-1378(in Chinese).
(1) “Theoretical Mechanics”(Book for undergraduate students in physics major), S.N. Jin and Y.L. Ma, Ed. by K. F. Hu, second edit,Higher Education Press, Beijing, July 2002.
(2) “Vortex Lattice in High Temperature Superconductor with Strongly Random And Periodic Pins”, Y.L. Ma, Book Chapters, Invited contribution to “Vortex Physics And Flux Pinning: Studies of High Temperature Superconductors” ed. Anant Narlikar, Nova Science Publishers, New York, Vol. 48 (2005)93-135.