共找到6條詞條名為劉江峰的結果 展開
- 15年創立多點Dmall公司
- 寶豐縣委常委、政法委書記
- 湖北省鄂州市文化和旅遊局局長
- 酷派集團前行政總裁
- 中國礦業大學深部岩土重點實驗室副教授
- 河北邯鄲市監察局局長
劉江峰,男,漢族,安徽宿州人,1984年3月出生,副研究員(副教授)。2007年畢業於廣西大學土木學院,同年考入西南交通大學土木工程學院地下工程系。2010年畢業於西南交通大學土木工程學院,獲得工學碩士學位。2010年9月受中歐精英大學聯盟項目 (ERASMUS-TANDEM) 資助,赴法國里爾中央理工大學 (École Centrale de Lille) 攻讀博士學位,並於2013年6月獲得博士學位。在攻讀博士期間獲得了2012年度國家優秀自費留學生獎學金,並於2014年入選“海外人才走進科學院活動”。2013.06-2015.06在法國國家科研中心 (CNRS)-里爾力學實驗室(LML)從事博士后研究,2015.08-至今任職於中國礦業大學深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室。
致力於地下核廢料存儲過程中溫度-滲流-應力-化學等(THMC)多場耦合問題,地下能源處置庫安全性設計與評價(如:密閉性能),CO2地質封存,深部地下資源開採中的岩石(土)力學問題(煤層氣和非常規頁岩氣開採等)。主持或完成歐盟“歐盟第七框架計劃” (7Framework Programme,簡稱FP7)項目2項,法國核廢料處理局(ANDRA)科研項目1項,國家重點實驗室開放基金2項,以第一作者在Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Soils and Foundations等期刊以及國際會議發表論文19篇,學術邀請報告一次,撰寫科研報告3部,出版專著1部。
2010/09-2013/06 法國里爾中央理工大學,土木工程系,博士
2003/09-2007/07 廣西大學,土木工程學院,學士學位
2015/12- 至今,中國礦業大學,深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室,副教授(破格)
(3)成都理工大學地質災害防治與地質環境保護國家重點實驗室開放基金,SKLGP2017K018,高放廢物處置庫緩衝材料氣密性研究,2017/01 -2018/12,8萬,主持
(4)中國礦業大學青年基金,2017QNA29,氣水耦合作用下核廢料處置庫工程屏障系統氣密性研究,2017/01 -2019/12,10萬,主持
(5)科技部國家重點實驗室儀器專項,1UGS1501,THMC多場耦合滲流測試系統,中華人民共和國科學技術部,2015/07 -2017/07,150萬,主持
(9)深部岩土重點實驗室開放基金: Research on gas migration mechanisms and gas migration pathways in the HLRW (high level radioactive waste) repository,2014/01-2015/12,10萬,主持
(10)深部岩土重點實驗室開放基金:Sealing ability of bentonite-sand plugs subjected to gas pressure, in the context of deep underground nuclear waste storage,2012/01-2013/12,8萬,主持
(12)瑞士地下核廢料處置庫(Mont Terrirock laboratory, Switzerland)工程屏障密封性能現場實驗研究,2013/06-2015/06,20萬歐元,主研
(13)“歐盟第七框架計劃”(7th Framework Programme,簡稱FP7)下FORGE(Fate Of Repository Gases)項目,子課題:WP3.2.8: 氣體對膨潤-砂子混合物飽和及膨脹性能影響(Effect of gas pressure on the saturation and swelling behaviour of bentonite-sand plugs);WP3.3.4:泥岩-膨潤土接觸面氣體密封性能研究(Gas migration through argillite-bentonite interfaces),2010/06-2013/06,598萬歐元,主研
(16)中鐵二局科研項目,杭州地鐵1號線濱河站施工過程中監控量測, 2007/07-2010/12,80萬,主研
Jiang-Feng LIU.L'efficacité d'étanchéité du bouchon COx argilite-bentonite, dans le contexte du stockage profond de déchets radioactifs.Presses Académiques Francophones, 2014.ISBN 978-3-8381-4820-5.
1. Liu JF*, Qi TY, Wu ZR. Analysisofgroundmovementduetometrostationdriven withenlargingshieldtunnelsunderbuildinganditsparametersensitivityanalysis.TunnellingandUndergroundSpaceTechnology, 2012,28(3),page: 287–296.( SCI)
2. Liu JF*, Skoczylas F, Talandier J. Gas permeability of a compacted bentonite–sand mixture: coupled effects of water content, dry density, and confining pressure. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2015, 52(99): 1-9.( SCI)
3. Liu JF*, Song Y, Skoczylas F, Liu J. Gas migration through water-saturated bentonite-sand mixtures, COx argillite and their interfaces. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 2016, 53(1): 60-71. ( SCI)
4. Liu JF*, Skoczylas F, Liu J.Experimental research on the water retention and gas permeability of compacted bentonite/sand mixture, Soils and Foundations, 2014, 54(5): 1027–1038. ( SCI)
5. Liu JF*, Skoczylas F, Talandier J, et al.Dismantling of the EB experiment: Experimental research on the retrieved GBM and bentonite blocks. Nuclear Engineering & Design, 2016, 300:297-307. ( SCI)
6. Liu JF, Davy CA *, Talandier J, Skoczylas F. Effect of gas pressure on the sealing efficiency of compacted bentonite–sand plugs.Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 2014,170:10-27. ( SCI)
7.Ma. D, Miao, X, Bai. H, Pu. H, Chen. Z, & Liu. J, et al. (2016). Impact of particle transfer on flow properties of crushed mudstones.Environmental Earth Sciences,75(7), 1-19.( SCI)
8. 劉江峰,漆泰岳, 曠文濤. “先隧後站”法施工引起地表沉降分析。鐵道標準設計, 2009 (4): 80-82.
9. 劉江峰,漆泰岳, 吳占瑞. 盾構下穿密集房屋群誘發地表沉降及建築物變形的影響研究。公路隧道, 2009 (3): 17-20.
10.吳占瑞, 漆泰岳, 李斌, & 劉江峰. 海底隧道不同地質條件的耦合響應分析. 建築結構2013(22), 91-95.
13. J.F. Liu, H, PU, S.B. Song, F. Skoczylas Research on the water retention and gas permeability of Opalinus clay,International Conference on Geomechanics, Geo-energy and Geo-resources IC3G 2016, Melbourne, Australia 28-29 September 2016 (大會報告+論文)。
14. 劉江峰,等。氣體在高放廢物處置庫緩衝材料及圍岩中運移規律研究進展,第六屆廢物地下處置學術研討會,敦煌,2016年10月22-26(大會報告)。
15. 劉江峰,等。氣體在高壓實膨潤土/砂子混合物中傳輸特性研究,非飽和土的應力-強度理論與變形特性學術研討會(優秀論文),大連,2016年8月8-12 (大會報告+論文)。
16. J.F. Liu. Research on gas migration mechanisms and gas migration pathways in the HLRW (high level radioactive waste) repository,第十三屆全國青年岩石力學與工程學術大會,武漢,2015年11月20-22 (大會報告).
17.H.F. Yuan, J.F. Liu, F. Skoczylas. Experimental research on poromechanical properties of COx argillite.La 21ème édition du CRIEC (Colloque de Recherche Inter Écoles Centrales), École Centrale de Lille, 8 -12 juin, 2015 (論文).
18. J.F. Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skoczylas. Experimental Study on the bentonite samples retrieved from EB Experiment. Talk given at the4th Low Permeability Workshop, Lille, France, 29-30, September, 2014 (大會報告+論文).
19. J.F. Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skoczylas. Water retention and gas relative permeability of partially saturated bentonite/sand plugs. Poster presented at the8th EC Conference on the Management of Radioactive Waste, Vilnius, Lithuania, 14-16 October 2013 (大會報告+論文).
20. J.F.Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skocylas, J. Talandier. Gas breakthrough of compacted bentonite/sand and of bentonite/sand-argillite interface. Talk given at the3rd International Symposium on Unsaturated Soil Mechanics and Deep Geological Waste Disposal, Shanghai, China, 07-10 July 2013 (大會報告+論文).
21. J.F. Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skoczylas. Sealing Efficiency of an Argillite-Bentonite Plug Subjected to Gas Pressure.Talk given at theInternational Symposium and Workshop on gas generation and migration: implications for performance of geological repositories for radioactive waste disposal, Luxembourg, 05-07 February 2013 (大會報告+論文).
22. J.F. Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skocylas, J. Talandier, Gas migration through compacted bentonite /sand under water and gas pressure.Poster presented at theClays in Natural and EngineeredBarriers for RadioactiveWaste Management -5 InternationalMeeting, Montpellier, France, 22-25 October 2012 (論文).
23. J.F. Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skoczylas. Swelling and Gas Breakthrough Pressure of a Mixed Bentonite-Sand Plug: Effect of Gas Pressure, Talk given at theTransfert2012/Workshop Forge, ISBN 978-2-915913-28-6, pp. 476-485 (10 pages), 20-22 mars 2012 (大會報告+論文).
24. J.F. Liu, C. A. Davy, F. Skoczylas, J. Talandier. Experimental Study of water and gas transport processes in a claystone-bentonite plug. Talk given at the6 Beihang Centrale Workshop, Lille, France, December 2012 (大會報告+論文).
25. J.F. Liu, T.Y. Qi. Research on subsidence of surface buildings due to metro station driven with enlarging shield tunnels. Talk given at theInternational symposium on New Development and Prospect of Numerical Simulation in Geotechnical Engineering, Chengdu, China, April, 2008 (大會報告).
(4)浦海,李畇,劉江峰,張豪,李舒陽,姜海林,突水潰沙模擬實驗裝置,2016.6.27,中國, 201610483297.0
(5)浦海,李畇,劉江峰,張豪,李舒陽,姜海林,破碎岩體水沙滲流實驗系統,2016.5.19,中國, 201610335382.2
2016.03 獲得“王寬誠教育基金”資助
Canadian Geotechnical Journal , Soils and Foundations,Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,Clays and Clay Minerals, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, Revista Escola de Minas及The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, The Open Civil Engineering Journal等期刊審稿人