共找到57條詞條名為李森的結果 展開




1997: 南京理工大學熱能工程系 學士學位 熱能工程專業
2004: 西安交通大學熱能工程系 碩士學位 熱能工程專業
2007: 西安交通大學熱能工程系 博士學位 熱能工程專業
2008-2010 中國科學院力學研究所博士后
2010- 中國科學院力學研究所,助理研究員、副研究員、研究員


氣固兩相流; 燃燒學; 燃燒污染物排放控制。


1. Sen Li, Xiaolin Wei, Linxin Yu. Numerical study on NOx/CO emissions in the diffusion flames of high-temperature off-gas of steelmaking converter. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(4): 1113-1119. (SCI)
2. Sen Li, Xiaolin Wei. Promotion of CO oxidization and inhibition of NO formation by gaseous iron species during high-temperature off-gas combustion. Energy and Fuels, 2011.(In press) (SCI)
3. Sen Li, Xiaolin Wei, Linxin Yu. Numerical simulation of off-gas formation during top-blown oxygen converter. Fuel, 2011.(In press) (SCI)
4. Sen Li, Tongmo Xu, Qulan Zhou, Houzhang Tan, Shien Hui. Effect of coal-over-coal reburn on furnace temperature and heat flux distributions in 1 MW tangentially fired furnace [J]. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2010, 49(1): 225-233. ( SCI).
5. Sen Li, Tongmo Xu, Shien Hui, Qulan Zhou, Houzhang Tan. Optimization of air staging in a 1 MW tangentially fired pulverized coal furnace. Fuel Processing Technology, 2009, 90(1): 99-106. (SCI)
6. Sen Li, Tongmo Xu, Shien Hui, Xiaolin Wei. NOx emission and thermal efficiency of a 300 MWe utility boiler retrofitted by air staging. Applied Energy, 2009 (In Press) (SCI)
7. Sen Li, TongMo Xu, ShiEn Hui, HouZhang Tan, QuLan Zhou, HongLi Hu. NOx and SOx emissions of a high sulfur self-retention coal during air staged combustion. Fuel, 2008, 87(6): 723-731. (SCI)
8. Sen Li, Tongmo Xu , Qulan Zhou, Houzhang Tan,Shien Hui. Optimization of coal reburning in a 1MW tangentially fired furnace. Fuel, 2007, 86(7-8):1169-1175. (SCI)
9. Luo JS, Wei XL, Li S, et al. Study on peak overpressure and flame propagation speed of gas deflagration in the tube with obstacles [J]. SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES ,2010, 53 (7): 1847-1854. ( SCI)
10. Li S, Xu TM, Hui SE, HouZhang Tan, QuLan Zhou. Comparison of NOx emission reductions with exclusive SOFA and the combination of SOFA and CCOFA on tangentially-fired boilers. International Conference on Power Engineering 2007 (ICOPE-2007), Hangzhou, China. P.805-809. (ISTP)
11. S. Li, X.L. Wei, Y. Zhang, L.X. Yu. Numerical Simulation of Converter Off-gas Formation and Combustion. 33rd international symposium on combustion. 2010-8, Beijing. (Poster)
12. S. Li, T.M. Xu, P. Sun, Q.L. Zhou, H.Z. Tan, S.E. Hui. AN EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON COAL REBURNING FOR NOX EMISSION CONTROL. 31st International Symposium on Combustion. 2006 (In Germany ) (Poster)
13. 李森,周屈蘭,徐通模,惠世恩.鎂離子法測定除霧器出口煙氣攜帶液滴量方法. 熱能動力工程,2005,20(4):381-383.(EI)
14. 李森,周屈蘭,徐通模,惠世恩.除霧器ΔP-v-d(cr)選型方法研究. 熱能動力工程, 2004,19(6):575-578.(EI)
1. 發明人:惠世恩,彭益成,趙欽新,劉志斌,李森,王學斌,周屈蘭,徐通模,實用新型專利:一種餘熱鍋爐入口均流防磨裝置,申請人:西安交通大學,長沙鍋爐廠有限責任公司,專利號:200920032282.
2. 發明人:李森;魏小林;余立新;張宇;李騰;李博,發明專利:一種分段高溫燃燒循環流化床系統及燃燒方法,申請人:中國科學院力學研究所,公開號:201010147429.