共找到73條詞條名為張鑫的結果 展開





2010年,張鑫從加州理工學院畢業,進入位於加州聖地亞哥的Scripps研究所做博士后研究。他的導師Jeffery W. Kelly教授,在蛋白質聚集領域埋首25年,最終做出該領域的首款全球上市藥物Vyndaqel。



張鑫課題組聚焦於生物有機化學和蛋白質生物化學的交叉領域,以“生物大分子相分離和聚集的化學生物學”為研究中心,瞄準此研究領域亟需解決的重要技術和科學問題,為基礎生物學和生物醫藥產業提供重要科學支持。張鑫教授目前擔任Aggregate(Wiley)和 ACS Bio & Med Chem Au顧問編委,並獲得多個獎項,包括 2018年美國斯隆研究獎(Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship),2018年美國研究基金會Scialog研究獎、2019年皮尤生物醫學獎(Pew Biomedical Scholar),2019年美國國立衛生研究院研究獎(NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award),2020年美國自然科學傑出青年基金(NSF CAREER Award),2020年中美華人化學-化學生物學教授協會傑出青年教授獎(CAPA Distinguished Junior Faculty Award),2021年美國國家科學院Kavli Fellow。除科研工作之外,張鑫教授積極領導和參與教學實踐與創新,在賓州州立大學講授了4門本科生和1門研究生課程(選課學生超過1000人),獲得2021年賓州州立大學Priestley傑出化學教學獎(The Priestley Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching in Chemistry)。


1. S. Tang*, W. Wang and X. Zhang*, “Direct visualization and profiling of protein misfolding and aggregation in live cells”, Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 64 (2021), 116-123.
2. S. Tang, S. Ye and X. Zhang*, “When aggregation-induced emission meets protein aggregates”, Nat. Sci. Rev. Volume 8, Issue 6, 2021, nwab013.
3. S. Ye, H. Zhang, J. Fei, C. Wolstenholme and X. Zhang*, “A general strategy to control viscosity sensitivity of molecular rotor-based fluorophores”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 60 (2021), 1339-1346.
4. C.H. Wolstenholme, H. Hu, S. Ye, B.E. Funk, D. Jain, C.-H. Hsiung, G. Ning, Y. Liu, X. Li*, X. Zhang*, “AggFluor: Fluorogenic toolbox enables direct visualization of the multi-step protein aggregation process in live cells”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 142 (2020), 17515–17523. (Highlighted by JACS Spotlights, Protein Aggregation: It’s a Process).
5. C.A. Hoelzel, H. Hu, C.H. Wolstenholme, B.A. Karim, K.T. Munson, K.H. Jung, Y. Liu, H.P. Yennawar, J.B. Asbury, X. Li*, and X. Zhang*, “A general strategy to enhance donor-acceptor molecules using solvent-excluding substituents”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 59 (2020), 4785-4792.
6. S.H. Kim, Y. Liu, C. Hoelzel, X. Zhang*, and T.H. Lee*, “Super-resolution optical lithography with DNA”, ACS Nano Letter, 19 (2019), 6035-6042.
7. Y. Liu, C.H. Wolstenholme, G. Carter, H. Liu, H. Hu, L.S. Grainger, K. Miao, M. Fares, C.A. Hoelzel, H. Yennawar, G. Ning, M. Du, L. Bai, X. Li, X. Zhang*, “Modulation of fluorescent protein chromophores to detect protein aggregation with turn-on fluorescence”, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 140 (2018), 7381-7384.
8. Y. Liu, M. Fares, N. P. Dunham, Z. Gao, K. Miao, X. Jiang, S. S. Bollinger, A. K. Boal, X. Zhang*, “AgHalo: A facile fluorogenic sensor to detect drug induced proteome stress”, Angew Chem Int Ed, 56 (2017), 8672-8676.