1993年至1995年,任美國太平洋瓦斯與電力公司(Pacific Gas and Electric Company)高級顧問工程師。
● 科研綜述
● 項目承擔
● 授權專利
● 科研獲獎
部分科研獲獎成果 | |||
年度 | 項目 | 級別 | 排名 |
2006 | 天地網遠程教育關鍵技術、系列產品及其應用 | 國家科技進步二等獎 | 第5 |
2005 | 離散與混合生產製造系統的優化理論與方法研究 | 國家自然科學二等獎 | 第1 |
2004 | 教育部自然科學一等獎 | 第1 | |
2015 | IEEE自動化科學與工程國際會議最佳論文獎 | ||
2008 | IEEE通信學會系統集成與建模最佳論文獎 | ||
2004 | 何潘清漪離散事件動態系統最佳論文獎 |
● 發表論文
[1]X. Guan, P. B. Luh, E. Ni and R. Li. Hydrothermal Power Systems[J]. Encyclopedia of Elecical and Eleconics Engineering, 1999, (419-627).
[2]X. Guan, E. Ni, P. B. Luh and Y. C. Ho, Optimization Based Bidding Sategies and Gaming Analysis for Deregulated Elecic Power Market, Next Generation of Unit Commitment Models[J]. Series on Operations Research/Management Science, 2001.
[3]Yu-Chi Ho, Xiaohong Guan, Xi-Ren Cao, Weibo Gong, Peter B. Luh, Houmin Yan. Some Useful Information for Scholars New to the World of Science[J]. Tsinghua University Press / Springer-Verlag, 2004.
[4]X. Guan, Y. Zhou, Q. Zheng, Q. Sun and J. Zhao. Dynamic Model and Analysis for Information Propagation in Online Social Networks[J]. Social-Technical Networks: Science and Engineering Design, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group, 2011.
[5]X. Guan, P. B. Luh, H. Yan and J. A. Amalfi. An optimization Based Method for Unit Commitment[J]. International Journal of Elecical Power & Energy Systems, 1992,14(9-17).
[6]Xiaohong, Guan, Peter, et al. A new parallel algorithm for optimal control problems of interconnected systems[J]. International Journal of Control, 2010, 56(6).
[7]H. Yan, P. B. Luh, X. Guan, and P. Rogan. Scheduling Hydrothermal Power Systems[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power systems, 1993, 8(1358-1365).
[8]X. Guan, P. B. Luh, H. Yan and P. Rogan. Optimization-Based Scheduling of Hydrothermal Power Systems with Pumped-Storage Units[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power systems,1994, 9(1023-1031).
[9]L. Zhang, P. B. Luh, X. Guan, and G. Merchel, "Optimization-Based Inter-Utility Power Purchases," IEEE ansactions on Power systems[J]. 1994, 9(891-897) .
[10]X. Guan, P. B. Luh and L. Zhang. Nonlinear Approximation Method in Lagrangian Relaxation-Based Algorithms for Hydrothermal Scheduling[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1995, 10(772-778).
[11]X. Guan, E. Liu and A. D. Papalexopoulos. Applications of a Fuzzy Set Method in an Optimal Power Flow[J]. Elecic Power Systems Research, 1995,34 (11-18).
[12]E. Liu and X. Guan. Fuzzy Consaint Enforcement and Conol Curtailment in an Optimal Power Flow[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1996,11 (639-645).
[13]X. Guan, P. B. Luh and B. Prasannan. Power System Scheduling with Fuzzy Reserve Requirements[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1996,11 (864-869).
[14]X. Guan, E. Ni, R. Li and P. B. Luh. An Optimization-Based Scheduling Algorithm for Scheduling Hydrothermal Power Systems with Cascaded Reservoirs and Discrete Hydro Consaints[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1997, 12(1775-1780).
[15]C. Tseng, X. Guan and A. Svoboda. Multi-Area Unit Commitment for Large-Scale Power Systems[J]. IEE Proceedings, Part C-Generation, ansmission and Disibution, 1998, 145(415-421).
[16]X. Guan, A. Svoboda, and C. Li. Scheduling Hydro Power Systems with Resicted Operating Zones and Discharge Ramping Consaints[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1999, 14(126-131).
[17]C. Li, A. Svoboda, X. Guan and H. Singh. Revenue Adequate Bidding Sategies in Competitive Elecicity Markets[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1999, 14(492. 497).
[18]E. Ni, X. Guan and R. Li. Scheduling Hydrothermal Power Systems with Cascaded and Head-dependent Reservoirs[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 1999, 14(1127-1132).
[19]X. Guan and P. Luh. Integrated Resource Scheduling and Bidding in Deregulated Elecic Power Market: New Challenges[J]. Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 1999, 14(331-350).
[20]X. Guan, F. Gao and Alva Svoboda. Energy Delivery Capacity and Generation Scheduling in the Deregulated Elecic Power Market[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2000, 15(1275-1280).
[徠21]X. Guan, Y. C. Ho and D. Pepyne. Gaming and Price Spikes in Elecical Power Market[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems,2001, (402-408).
[22]X. Guan, Y. C. Ho and F. Lai “An Ordinal Optimization Based Bidding Sategy for Elecic Power Suppliers in the Daily Elecic Energy Market[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2001, 16(788-797).
[23]X. Guan, Q. Zhai and F. Lai. A New Lagrangian Relaxation Based Algorithm for Resource Scheduling with Homogenous Subproblems[J]. Journal of Optimization: Theory and Applications,2002, 113(65-82).
[24]W. Fan, X. Guan, Q. Zhai. A New Method for Unit Commitment with Ramping Consaints[J]. Elecic Power Systems Research, 2002, 63(215-224).
[25]Q. Zhai, X. Guan and J. Cui. Unit Commitment with Identical Units: Successive Subproblem Solving Method Based on Lagrangian Relaxation, IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2002, 17(1250-1257).
[26]Y. Liu and X. Guan. Purchase Allocation and Demand Bidding in Elecic Power Markets[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2003, 18(106-112).
[27]Z. Cai, X. Guan, P. Shao, Q. Peng, G. Sun. A Rough Set Theory Based Method for Anomaly Inusion Detection in Computer Networks[J]. Expert Systems, 2003, 18(251-259).
[28]L. Feng, X. Guan, S. Guo, Y. Gao. Application of Plan Recognition Method for Predicting the Intentions of Computer Network Inuders[J]. Computer and Security, 2004, 23(241-252).
[29]X. Chen, Q. Zheng, X. Guan, C. Lin and J. Sun. Multiple Behavior Information Fusion Based Quantitative Threat Evaluation[J]. Computer and Security, 2005, 24(218-231).
[30]C. Song, X. Guan, Q. Zhao, Y. C. Ho. Machine Learning Approach for Determining Feasible Schedules of aRemanufacturingSystem[J]. IEEE ansactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2005, 2(262-275).
[31]X. Guan, S. Guo and Q. Zhai. The Conditions for Obtaining Feasible Solutions to Security Consained Unit Commitment Problems[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2005, (29).
[32]X. Guan, C. Song, Y. C. Ho, Q. Zhao. Consained Ordinal Optimization— A Feasibility Model Based Approach[J]. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2006, 16(279-299).
[33]W. Wang, X. Guan, X. Zhang, L. Yang. Profiling program behaviors for anomaly inusion detection based on the ansition and frequency property of system call data[J]. Computer and Security, 2005, 25(539-550).
[34]J. Liang and X. Guan. A Virtual Disk Environment for Providing File System Recovery[J]. Computer and Security, 2006, 25(589-599).
[35]X. Chen, Q. Zhao and X. Guan. Energy Efficient Sensing Coverage and Communication for Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2007, 20(225-234).
[36]X. Guan, S. Guo, Q. Zhai, W. Gong and C. Qiao. A New Method for Solving Routing and Wavelength Assignment Problems in Optical Networks[J]. IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2007, 25(1895-1909).
[37]W. Wang, X. Guan, X. Zhang. Processing of Massive Audit Data Seams for Real-Time Anomaly Inusion Detection[J]. Computer Communications, 2008, 31(257-72.)
[38]X. Guan, J. Wu, F. Gao and G. Sun. Optimization Based Generation Asset Allocation for Forward and Spot Markets[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2008, 23(1796-1808).
[39]X. Guan, W. Wang and X. Zhang. Fast Inusion Detection Based on a Non-negative Maix Factorization Model[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2009, 32(31-44).
[40]T. Liu, X. Guan, Q. Zheng and Y. Qu. A New Worm Exploiting IPv6 and IPv4-IPv6 Dual-stack Networks: Experiment, Modeling, Simulation and Defense[J]. IEEE Network, 2009, 23(22-29.)
[41]Q. Zhai, X. Guan, J. Yang. Fast Unit Commitment Based on Optimal Linear Approximation to Nonlinear Fuel Cost: Error Analysis and Applications[J]. Elecic Power Systems Research, 2009, 79(1604-1613).
[42]X. Guan, Q. Zhai, Y. Feng and F. Gao. Optimization Based Scheduling for a Class of Production Systems with Integral Consaints[J]. Science in China, E-Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(3533-3544).
[43]W. Wang, X. Guan, B. Wang and Y. Wang. A Novel Mobility Model Based on Semi-random Circular Movement in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks[J]. Information Sciences, 2010, 270(399–413).
[44]Y. Zhao, C. Yan, Q. Zhao, N. Huang, J. Li, X. Guan. Efficient Simulation Method for General Assembly Systems with Material handling Based on Aggregated Event-Scheduling, IEEE ansactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2010, 70(762-775).
[45]Y. Zhao, X. Chen, Q. Jia, X. Guan, S. Zhang, and Y. Jiang. Long-term Scheduling for Cascaded Hydro Energy Systems with Annual Water Consumption and Release Consaints[J]. IEEE ansactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2010, 7(969-976).
[46]Q. Zhai, X. Guan, J. Cheng, H. Wu. Fast Identification of Inactive Security Consaints in SCUC Problems[J]. IEEE ansactions on Power Systems, 2010, 25(1946-1954).
[47]Y. Zhou, X. Guan, Q. Zheng, Q. Sun, J. Zhao. Group Dynamics in Discussing Incidental Topics over Online Social Networks[J]. IEEE Network, 2010, 24(42-27).
[48]X. Guan, T. Qin, W. Li. P. Wang. Dynamic Feature Analysis and Measurement for Large-Scale Network affic Monitoring[J]. IEEE ansactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 5, no. 4, Dec. 2010:905-919.
[49]X. Guan, Z. Xu and Q. Jia. Energy Efficient Buildings Facilitated by Microgrid[J]. IEEE ansactions on Smart Grid, 2010, 1(243-252).
[50]Q. Zhai, X. Guan and F. Gao. Optimization Based Production Scheduling with Hybrid Dynamics and Consaints[J]. IEEE ansactions on Automatic Conol, 2010, 55(2778-2792).
[51]X. Li, Q. Zhao, X. Guan and L. Tong. Optimal Cognitive Access of Markovian Channels under Tight Collision Consaints[J]. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication, 2011, 29(746-756).
[52]P. Wang, X. Guan, T. Qin and Q. Huang. A Data Seaming Method for Monitoring Host Connection Degrees of High Speed Links[J]. IEEE ansactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2011, 6(1086-1098).
[53]T. Qin, X. Guan, W. Li, P. Wang, Q. Huang. Monitoring Abnormal Network affic Based on Blind Source Separation Approach[J]. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2011, 34(1732-1742).
[54]J. Li, Q. Jia, X. Guan, X. Chen. acking a Moving Object via a Sensor Network with a Partial Information Broadcasting Scheme[J]. Information Sciences, 2011, 181(4733–4753).
[55]Y. Han, X. Guan, L. Shi. Optimization Based Method for Supply Location Selection and Routing in Large Scale Emergency Material Delivery[J]. IEEE ansactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2011, 8(683-693).
[56]W. Wu, J. Wei, X. Guan and L. Shi. A Hybrid Nested Partitions Algorithm for Scheduling Flexible Resource in Flow Shop Problem[J]. to appear in International Journal of Production Research.
[57]H. Wu, X. Guan, Q. Zhai and H. Ye. A Systematic Method for Consucting Feasible Solution to SCUC Problem with Analytical Feasibility Conditions[J]. to appear in IEEE ansactions on Power Systems.
[58]B. Zhang, X. Guan, M. J. Khan, Z. Zhang, Y. Zhou. Time-varying Dynamic Propagation Model of Hot Topics on BBSes and Blogs[J]. to appear in Information Sciences.
[59]Q. Zheng, T. Liu, X. Guan, Y. Qu, N. Wang. A New Worm Exploiting IPv4-IPv6 Dual-stack Networks[J]. Proceeding of the 5th ACM Workshop on Recurring Malcode (WORM 2007) in association with the 14th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), 2007, 11.
[60]T. Qin, X. Guan, W. Li and P. Wang. Dynamic Features Measurement and Analysis for Large-Scale Networks[J]. Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (with International Communication Conference), 2008, 5.
● 講座報告
特邀報告: the 4th Chinese-Swedish Conference on Control, Hong Kong, China,? Jan 10-11, 2008: Optimization Based Method for Solving Routing and Wavelength
大會報告:(IFIP International Conference on Research and Practical Issues of Enterprise Information Systems, Beijing, China, 2007):Optimization Based Production Scheduling for Large Enterprises?
特邀報告:(the International Conference on Frontier Problems in Systems and Control, Beijing, China, 2007): Energy-Efficient Sensing Coverage and Communication for Wireless Sensor Networks
特邀報告:(European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on “Mathematical Models for Electricity Markets[J]. Ciudad Real, Spain, 2006):Optimization Based Method for Generation Portfolio Management in Futures and Spot market
大會報告:(the North America Power Symposium, MIT, MA, USA, November, 1996):Optimization-Based Scheduling of Cascaded Hydro Power Systems with Discrete Constraints
● 教育方法
● 教育理念
● 培養成果
據2021年2月西安交通大學研究生院官網顯示,在管曉宏的指導下,其學生翟橋柱在2005年獲得國家自然科學二等獎,所作博士學位論文於2008年入選“全國百篇優秀博士論文”;秦濤獲2008年IEEE通信學會系統集成與建模最佳論文獎;趙俊州獲2014ACM WWW/SIMPLEX最佳論文獎。
獲得年份 | 榮譽稱號 |
2019 | 何梁何利基金科學與技術進步獎(電子信息技術獎) |
2017 | 中國科學院院士 |
2009 | 康涅狄格大學傑出工程師 |
2008 | IEEE機器人與自動化學會傑出講座人 |
2007 | IEEE Fellow |
1996 | 美國李氏基金傑出成就獎 |
任職時間 | 擔任職務 |
2014年– | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid編輯 |
2009年– | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems編輯 |
1999年–2011年 | Automatica編委 |
2003年– | 《控制理論與應用》編委 |
2000年– | 《決策與控制》編委 |
2002年– | 教育部科學技術委員會委員 |
2008年7月2日–5日 | IEEE/ASME先進智能機電一體化國際會議大會協主席(中國西安) |
2007年9月22日–25日 | IEEE自動化科學與工程會議程序委員會協主席(斯科茨代爾,亞利桑那州) |
2004年10月11日–14日 | 網路與智能系統國際研討會大會主席(中國北京、西安) |
2004年12月14日–17日 | 第42屆IEEE決策與控制會議程序委員會委員(巴哈馬) |
1997年,2000年,2002年,2005年,2006年,2008年,2010年,2011年 | 世界智能控制與自動化大會指導委員會、程序委員會委員 |
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