

加拿大“城市琴人”丹尼爾·波特(Daniel Powter)的第三支單曲。


聲樂:Daniel Powter 鍵盤:Daniel Powter
架子鼓:Matt Chamberlain
貝斯:Davey Faragher
吉他:Val McCallum
副鍵盤:Mitchell Froom


Lie to Me 宣傳碟
Lie to Me 宣傳碟
I knew this girl named Detroit Cool
That moved up in my block
At 6 foot 2 and knee socks high
And class of 80 rocks
She's got hips that sway for you
She's got legs that never really stopShe asked me if my momma dressed me
And I do like I should
From East Delroy to 51st
I run this neighborhood
She just smiles and says to me
"I just wanna know if we're all good"She said "tell me once again
Why would you lie to me"
She said "do me like you should
Why won't you try for me"
It all depends on you
And where would you rather be
Cause I got everything you want
So take me back to
Your expensive restaurantYou can't trust me, we won't make it
Let me put you in the mood
She said "no, no, I've been there before
You got that attitude"
You sold me out before all this
And now I'm fabulous
Without youTell me once again
Why would you lie to me
She said "do me like you should
Why won't you try for me"
It all depends on you
And where would you rather be
Cause I got everything you want
So take me back to yourWhy did it take so long
It's all gone wrong and I can say
That I've got everything you need
Who's like you
It's time for you to believeTell me once again
Why would you lie to me
She said "do me like you should
Why won't you try for me"
It all depends on you
And where would you rather beTell me once again
Why would you lie to me
She said "do me like you should
Why won't you try for me"
It all depends on you
And where would you rather be


Lie to Me MV截圖
Lie to Me MV截圖
MV中,丹尼爾·波特為了追求超市收銀員Detroit Cool請四組不同職業不同著裝的人跳舞助陣,MV結尾夜幕降 臨時終於成功將Detroit Cool請上了自己的車。


丹尼爾·理查德·波特(Daniel Richard Powter,1971年2月25日-),亦作丹尼爾·帕德,加拿大唱作音樂人。2005年以出道首發單曲《Bad Day》紅遍歐洲隨後又席捲北美而為全世界樂迷熟知。丹尼爾細膩獨特的感受力及出色的琴藝,讓他總是能夠在平淡無奇的生活中,找到音樂創作的題材,因此有著“城市琴人丹尼爾”的稱號。
英文全名:Daniel Richard Powter
活躍年代:2000年 -
Warner Bros.(2005 - 2010)
Avex(2011 - )
EMI(2012 - )