







系統分析師,Suncorp Metway,2007-2012


數據挖掘 , 機器學習 , 信息智能系統 , 模式識別 , 金融統計分析 ,知識圖譜 , 複雜疾病數據分析 , 社交網路挖掘


1.C. H. Xu, J. Zhu(Corresponding), J. Huang, Z. X. Li and G. Fung. A Health Management Tool based Smart Phone. Multimedia Tools and Applications (SCI,中科院三區)(通訊作者
2.J. Zhu, X. C. Wu, X. Q. Lin, D. Y. Xiao, J. Xiao, J. Huang and C. B. He. Self-learning Graph Clustering for Protein Complexes Detection. Journal of Control Theory and Applications (Accepted, EI期刊)(第一作者)
3.J. Zhu, Y. Z. Liang, C. Q. Huang, M. Yang, J. Xiao and Y. Tang. A Novel Approach for Adverse Events Detection. IJCAI 2017 Knowledge Discovery in Healthcare Data Workshop(CCF A類會議,人工智慧領域頂級會議)(第一作者)
4.Y. Zhao, J. Zhu(Corresponding) and K. Zheng. A Novel Hybrid Friends Recommendation Framework for Twitter. APWeb-WAIM Joint Conference on Web and Big Data(Accepted, CCF C類會議)(通訊作者)
5.J. Zhu, X. C. Wu, J. Xiao(Corresponding), C. Q. Huang, Y. Tang and K. Deng . An Improved Experts Selection Model for Forex Trading. Frontiers of Computer Science(Accepted, SCI,中科院四區, CCF C類期刊)(第一作者)
6.X.Q.Lin, J.Zhu(Corresponding) , Y.Tang, G.Fung, J.Huang, C.Q.Huang, F.Y.Tang. . A Study on the landscape of Cancer Disease Researches using Bibliometric methods and Social Network Analysis. . 2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (IEEE CSCWD , CCF C類)(通訊作者)
7.J. Zhu, C. H. Xu, Z. X. Li, G. Fung, X. Q. Lin, J. Huang., and C. Q. Huang. An Examination of On-line Machine Learning Approaches for Pseudo-random Generated Data. Cluster Computing,19 (3) :pp309-1321(SCI,中科院三區)(第一作者)
8.F. Y. Tang, J. Zhu(Corresponding), C. B. He, C. Z. Fu, J. He, and Y. Tang . SCHOLAT:An Innovative Academic Information Service Platform. ADC 2016:pp453-456(ERA B類會議)(通訊作者)
9.J. Zhu, J. Yang, J. Xiao,C. Q. Huang, G. S. Zhao and Y. Tang. Online Prediction for Forex with an Optimized Experts Selection Model. APWEB 2016:pp371-382 ( CCF C類會議, BEST PAPER AWARD)(第一作者)
10.X. C. Wu, J. Zhu(Corresponding), Y. Tang, R. Ding, X. Q. Lin and C. H. Xu . MASM:A Novel Movie Analysis System based on Microblog. APWEB 2016:533-536 (CCF C類會議)(通訊作者)
11.D. Y. Xiao, J. Zhu(Corresponding), Y. Tang, R. Ding and L. X. Chen. PCMiner:An Extensible Framework for Analysing and Detecting Protein Complexes. APWEB 2016:pp529-532 (CCF C類會議)(通訊作者)
12.F. Tang, J. Zhu(Corresponding), Y. Cao, S. L. Ma, Y. L. Chen, J. He, C. Q. Huang, G. S. Zhao and Y. Tang. PARecommender:A Pattern-based System for Route Recommendation. IJCAI 2016:pp4272-4273(CCF A類會議,人工智慧領域頂級會議)(通訊作者)
13.C. H. Xu, J. Zhu(Corresponding), Z. X. Li, J. Xiao, C. Q. Huang, and Y. Tang. SHMS: A Smart Phone Self-health Management System using Data Mining. WAIM 2016:pp521-523(CCF C類會議)(通訊作者)
14.J. Zhu, X. C. Wu, C. Q. Huang, X. Q. Lin, D. Y. Xiao, J. Xiao, C. B. He and Y. Tang. A Graph based Clustering Approach for Protein Complexes Detection using Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization. International Conference on Intelligence Science and Big Data Engineering(第一作者)
15.J. Zhu, Q. Xie,S. I. Yu,W. H. Wong. Exploiting Link Structure for Web Page Genre Identification. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,30:pp550–575 ( SCI,中科院二區,數據挖掘頂級期刊)(第一作者)
16.R. Ding, J. Zhu(Corresponding), Y. Tang, X. Q. Lin, D. Y. Xiao and H. Y. Dong. A Novel Feature Selection Strategy for Friends Recommendation. CSCWD 2016:123-128(CCF C類會議)(通訊作者)
17.L. X. Chen, J. Zhu(Corresponding), Y. Tang, G. Fung, W. H. Wong and Z. X. Li. The Strength of Social Networks – Connecting People and Enhancing Relationship. CSCWD 2016:pp470-475(CCF C類會議)(通訊作者)


1.A Multiple-Layer Clustering Approach to the Name Ambiguity (Book Chapter of Information Extraction from the Internet)(作者:J. Zhu, and F. Yang;出版社:iConcept Press;出版年份:2011年)
2.Forecasting Models – Methods & Applications(作者:J. Zhu;出版社:iConcept Press;出版年份:2008年)