共找到10條詞條名為喬傑的結果 展開



2002年9月至2003年8月在Stanford University Medical Center,USA博士后研究。

1996年9月至1997年3月及1997年10月至1997年11月在香港大學瑪麗醫院(Queen Mary Hospital)婦產科做訪問學者並獲香港臨時註冊醫師資格。
1. Qiao J, Yeung WSB, Yao YQ, Ho PC. The effects of follicular fluid from patients with different indications for IVF treatment on the binding of human spermatozoa to the zona pellucida. Hum Reprod (1998), 13(1)128-131.
2. Zhen XM, Qiao J*, Li R, Wang LN, Liu P. The clinical analysis of poor ovarian response in in-vitro-fertilization embryo-transfer among Chinese couples. J Assist Reprod Genet (2008), 25:17-22.
3. Wang L, Qiao J*, Liu P, Lian Y. Effect of luteinized unruptured follicle cycles on clinical outcomes of frozen thawed embryo transfer in Chinese women. J Assist Reprod Genet (2008), 25:229-233.
4. Qiao J*, Wang L, Li R, Zhang X. Microarray evaluation of endometrial receptivity in Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Reprod Biomed Online (2008), 17: 425-435.
5. Ma C, Qiao J*, Liu P, Chen G. Ovarian suppression treatment prior to in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in Chinese women with stage III or IV endometriosis. Int J Gynaecol Obstet (2008), 100:167-70.
6. Li R, Qiao J*, Wang L, Zhen X, Lu Y. Serum progesterone concentration on day of HCG administration and IVF outcome. Reprod Biomed Online (2008), 16:627-631.
7. Li HZ. Chen XN, Qiao J*. Letrozole as primary therapy for endometrial hyperplasia in young women. Int J Gynaecol Obstet (2008), 100:10-12.
8. Yan LY, Qiao J*, Chen Y, Huang J, Liu P, Sun QY. Application of three-dimensional fluorescence in situ hybridization to human preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Fertil Steril (2009), 92: 1492-1495.
9. Chen Y, Zhao S, Qiao J*, Liu P, Lian Y, Zheng X. Expression of bone morphogenetic protein-15 in human oocyte and cumulus granulosa cells primed with recombinant follicle-stimulating hormone followed by human chorionic gonadotropin. Fertil Steril (2009), 92:2045-2046.
10. Chen Y, Qiao J*, Yan LY, Huang S, Zhao PL, Yan J. Selective impairment in glycogen synthase kinase-3 and mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation: comparisons with the hyperandrogenic and the hyperinsulinemic rats. Fertil Steril (2009), 92:1447-1455.
11. Han C, Zhang Q, Ma R, Xie L, Qiu T, Wang L, Mitchelson K, Wang J, Huang G*, Qiao J*, Cheng J. Integration of single oocyte trapping, in vitro fertilization and embryo culture in a microwell-structured microfluidic device. Lab Chip (2010), 10, 2848-54.
12. Huang S, Qiao J*, Li R, Wang L, Li M. Can serum apolipoprotein C-I demonstrate metabolic abnormality early in women with polycystic ovary syndrome? Fertil Steril (2010), 94(1):205-210.
13. Qiao J*, Chen Y, Yan LY, Yan J, Liu P, Sun QY. Changes in histone methylation during human oocyte maturation and IVF- or ICSI-derived embryo development. Fertil Steril (2010), 93: 1628-36.
14. Zhao SY, Qiao J*, Chen YJ, Liu P, Li J, Yan J. Expression of growth differentiation factor-9 and bone morphogenetic protein-15 in oocytes and cumulus granulosa cells of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril (2010), 94:261-267.
15. Yang Y, Qiao J*, Tang RX, Li MZ. Genotype and haplotype determination of interleukin (IL) 1 beta (g. -511C>T and g. +3954C>T) and IL-1RN in polycystic ovary syndrome. Fertil Steril (2010), 94:384-386
16. Ma CH, Yan LY, Qiao J*, Sha W, Li L, Chen Y, Sun QY. Effects of tumor necrosis factor-alpha on porcine oocyte meiosis progression, spindle organization, and chromosome alignment. Fertil Steril (2010), 93:920-926.
17. Lin SL, Yan LY, Zhang XT, Yuan J, Li M, Qiao J*, Wang ZY, Sun QY. ER-alpha36, a variant of ER-alpha, promotes tamoxifen agonist action in endometrial cancer cells via the MAPK/ERK and PI3K/Akt pathways. Plos One (2010), 5:e9013.
18. Chi H, Qiao J*, Li H, Liu P, Ma C. Double measurements of serum HCG concentration and its ratio may predict IVF outcome. Reprod Biomed Online (2010), 20:504-509.
19. Yan LY, Yan J, Qiao J*, Zhao PL, Liu P. Effects of oocyte vitrification on histone modifications. Reprod Fertile Dev (2010), 22:920-925.
20. Zhang Q, Bai Q, Yuan Y, Liu P, Qiao J*. Assessment of seminal estradiol and testosterone levels as predictors of human spermatogenesis. J Androl (2010), 31:215-220.
21. Zhao W, Qiao J*, Zhang Q, Zhao Y, Chen Q. Levels of antiangiogenic factors in preeclamptic pregnancies. Growth Factors (2010), 28:293-298.
22. Yang Y, Qiao J*, Li MZ. Association of polymorphisms of interleukin-18 gene promoter region with polycystic ovary syndrome in Chinese population. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2010), 8:125.
23. Wang L, Qiao J*, Li R, Zhen X, Liu Z. Role of endometrial blood flow assessment with color Doppler energy in predicting pregnancy outcome of IVF-ET cycles. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2010), 8:122.
24. Zhen X, Qiao J*, Ma C, Fan Y, Liu, P. Intraperitoneal bleeding following transvaginal oocyte retrieval. Int J Gynaecol Obstet (2010), 108:31-34.
25. Zhao YY, Xiong GW, Ma CH, Wei Y, Wang LN, Qiao J*. Application of fetoscopy in the management of monochorionic multiple pregnancies. Chin Med J (Engl) (2010), 123:105-107.
26. Ma CH, Yang S, Qiao J*, Yang Y, Liu P. Evaluation of the tissue damage of porcine ovaries after bipolar drilling under transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy--an in vitro experiment. Gynecol Endocrinol (2010), 26(7):549-553.
27. Yan J, Suzuki J, Yu X, Kan FW, Qiao J*, Chian RC. Cryo-survival, fertilization and early embryonic development of vitrified oocytes derived from mice of different reproductive age. J Assist Reprod Genet (2010), 27:605-611.
28. Ma YM, Li R, Qiao J*, Zhang XW, Wang SY, Zhang QF, Li L, Tu BB, Zhang X. Characteristics of abnormal menstrual cycle and polycystic ovary syndrome in community and hospital populations. Chin Med J (Engl) (2010), 123:2185-2189.
29. Li HZ, Qiao J*, Chi HB, Chen XN, Liu P, Ma CH. Comparison of the major malformation rate of children conceived from cryopreserved embryos and fresh embryos. Chin Med J (Engl) (2010), 123:1893-1897.
30. Li H, Qiao J*, Guo H. 17-alpha-hydroxylase deficiency: a case report with clinical and molecular analysis. Gynecol Endocrinol (2010), 26(7):521-523.
31. Huang XW, Qiao J*, Xia EL, Ma YM, Wang Y. Effect of interval after surgery on in vitro fertilization/ intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomes in patients with stage III/IV endometriosis. Chin Med J (Engl) (2010) 123(16):2176-2180.
32. Yu Y, Yan J, Liu ZC, Yan LY, Li M, Zhou Q, Qiao J*. Optimal timing of oocyte maturation and its relationship with the spindle assembly and developmental competence of in vitro matured human oocytes. Fertil Steril (2011), 96:73-78.
33. Yan J, Yang Y, Yan LY, Liu ZC , Liu P, Feng HL, Zhou Q, Qiao J*. In vitro maturation of cumulus-partially enclosed immature human oocytes by priming with gonadotropin. Fertil Steril (2011), 96:629-634.
34. Tu BB, Lin SL, Yan LY, Wang ZY, Sun QY*, Qiao J*. ER-α36, a novel variant of estrogen receptor α, is involved in EGFR-related carcinogenesis in endometrial cancer. Am J Obstet Gynecol (2011), 205(3):227.
35. Li L, Shi J, Zhang QF, Yan J, Yan LY, Shen F, Qiao J*, Feng HL. Effect of curettage and copper wire on rabbit endometrium: a novel rabbit model of endometrial mechanical injury. Chin Med J (Engl) (2011), 124(11):1708-1713.
36. Yan J, Suzuki J, Yu XM, Qiao J*, Kan FW, Chian RC. Effects of duration of cryo-storage of mouse oocytes on cryo-survival, fertilization and embryonic development following vitrification. J Assist Reprod Genet (2011), 28:643-649.
37. Yang R, Ma C*, Qiao J*, Li TC, Yang Y, Chen X, Yang S, Liu P. The usefulness of transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy in infertile women with abnormal hysterosalpingogram results but with no obvious pelvic pathology. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (2011), 155(1):41-43.
38. Zhang X, Fu L, Zhang Q, Yan L, Ma Y, Tu B, Liu N, Qiao J*. Association of TRB3 Q84R polymorphism with polycystic ovary syndrome in Chinese women. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2011), 9:46.
39. Hu W, Qiao J*, Yang Y, Wang L, Li R. Elevated C-reactive protein and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (2011), 157:53-56.
40. Huang S, Zhao P, Yang L, Chen Y, Yan J, Duan E, Qiao J*. Fractalkine is expressed in the human ovary and increases progesterone biosynthesis in human luteinized granulosa cells. Reprod Boil Endocrinol (2011), 9:95.
41. Zhang QF, Feng HL, Zhao L, Liu P, Li L, Yan J, Qiao J*. Alteration of erbeta gene rsai polymorphism may contribute to reduced fertilization rate and embryonic developmental competence. Asian J Androl (2011), 13:317-321.
42. Li R, Qiao J*, Wang L, Li L, Zhen X, Liu P, Zheng X. Microrna array and microarray evaluation of endometrial receptivity in patients with high serum progesterone levels on the day of hCG administration. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2011), 9:29.
43. Yang Y, Qiao J*, Li R, Li MZ. Is interleukin-18 associated with polycystic ovary syndrome? Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2011), 9:7.
44. Hu W, Qiao J*. Expression and regulation of adipocyte fatty acid binding protein in granulosa cells and its relation with clinical characteristics of polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocrine (2011), 40:196-202.
45. Zhao P, Qiao J*, Huang S, Zhang Y, Liu S, Yan LY, Hsueh AJ, Duan EK. Gonadotrophin-induced paracrine regulation of human oocyte maturation by BDNF and GDNF secreted by granulosa cells. Hum Reprod (2011), 26:695-702.
46. Zhao Y, Fu L, Li R, Wang LN, Yang Y, Liu NN, Zhang CM, Wang Y, Liu P, Tu BB, Zhang X, Qiao J*. Metabolic profiles characterizing different phenotypes of polycystic ovary syndrome: plasma metabolomics analysis. BMC Med (2012), 10:153.
47. Sun L, Hu W, Liu Q, Hao Q, Sun B, Zhang Q, Mao S, Qiao J*, Yan X*. Metabonomics reveals plasma metabolic changes and inflammatory marker in polycystic ovary syndrome patients. J Proteome Res (2012), 11:2937-2946.
48. Hu W, Marchesi D, Qiao J*, Feng HL. Effect of slow freeze versus vitrification on the oocyte: an animal model. Fertil steril (2012), 98:752-760.
49. Yu Y, Yan J, Li M, Yan L, Zhao Y, Lian Y, Li R, Liu P, Qiao J*. Effects of combined epidermal growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor and insulin-like growth factor-1 on human oocyte maturation and early fertilized and cloned embryo development. Hum Reprod (2012), 27, 2146-59.
50. Li M, Yu Y, Yan J, Yan LY, Zhao Y, Li R, Liu P, Hsueh AJ, Qiao J*. The role of cilostazol, a phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitor, on oocyte maturation and subsequent pregnancy in mice. Plos One (2012), 7:e30649.
51. Wu Z, Li R, Ma Y, Deng B, Zhang X, Meng Y, Chen X, Liu P, Qiao J*. Effect of HCG-day serum progesterone and oestradiol concentrations on pregnancy outcomes in GnRH agonist cycles. Reprod Biomed Online (2012), 24:511-520.
52. Liu N, Ma Y, Li R, Jin H, Li M, Huang X, Feng HL, Qiao J*. Comparison of follicular fluid amphiregulin and EGF concentrations in patients undergoing IVF with different stimulation protocols. Endocrine (2012), 42:708-716.
53. Zheng X, Wang L, Zhen X, Lian Y, Liu P, Qiao J*. Effect of hcg priming on embryonic development of immature oocytes collected from unstimulated women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2012), 10:40.
54. Liu N, Ma Y, Wang S, Zhang X, Zhang Q, Fu L, Qiao J*. Association of the genetic variants of luteinizing hormone, luteinizing hormone receptor and polycystic ovary syndrome. Reprod Biol Endocrinol (2012), 10:36.
55. Zhang K, Han J, Yao Y, Yang J, Qiao J*.Local reaction to the different meshes at the vesicovaginal space in rabbit model. Int Urogynecol J (2012), 23(5):605-611.
56. Ma C, Wang Y, Li TC, Qiao J*, Yang Y, Song X, Yang S. Trans-abdominal ultrasound guided transvaginal hydrolaparoscopy is associated with reduced complication rate. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (2012), 160:166-169.
57. Qiao J, Lu G, Zhang HW, Chen H, Ma C, Olofsson JI, Witjes H, Heijnen E , Mannaerts B. A randomized controlled trial of the GnRH antagonist Ganirelix in Chinese normal responders: high efficacy and pregnancy rates. Gynecol Endocrinol (2012), 28:800-804.
58. Huang X, Bai Q, Yan LY, Zhang QF, Geng L, Qiao J*. Combination of serum inhibin B and follicle-stimulating hormone levels can not improve the diagnostic accuracy on testicular sperm extraction outcomes in Chinese non-obstructive azoospermic men. Chin Med J (Engl) (2012), 125(16):2885-2889.
59. Li R, Qiao J*, Yang D, Li S, Lu S, Wu X, Wei Z. Epidemiology of hirsutism among women of reproductive age in the community: a simplified scoring system. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol (2012), 163:165-169.
60. Hou Y, Fan W, Yan L, Li R, Lian Y, Huang J, Li J, Xu L, Tang F*, Xie XS*, Qiao J*. Genome analyses of single human oocytes. Cell (2013), 155:1492-1506. Highlighted by Erika Check Hayden, Nature (2013).
61. Yan L, Yang M, Guo H, Yang L, Wu J, Li R, Li P, Lian Y, Zheng X, Yan J, Huang J, Li M, Wu X, Wen L, Lao K, Li RQ *, Qiao J*, Tang F*. Single-cell RNA-Seq profiling of human preimplantation embryos and embryonic stem cells. Nat Struct Molbiol (2013), 20:1131-1139. Highlighted by Charlotte Schubert, Biology of Reproduction (2013).
62. Qiao J, Wang ZB, Feng HL, Miao YL, Wang Q, Yu Y, Wei YC, Yan J, Wang WH, Shen W, Sun SC, Schatten H, Sun QY*. The root of reduced fertility in aged women and possible therapeutic options: Current status and future prospects. Mol Aspects Med (2013), 38:54–85.
63. Fan Y, Li R, Huang J, Yu Y*, Qiao J*. Diploid, but not haploid, human embryonic stem cells can be derived from microsurgically repaired tripronuclear human zygotes. Cell Cycle (2013), 12:302-311.
64. Yu Y, Zhao Y, Li R, Li L, Zhao H, Li M, Sha J, Zhou Q, Qiao J*. Assessment of the risk of blastomere biopsy during preimplantation genetic diagnosis in a mouse model: reducing female ovary function with an increase in age by proteomics method. J Proteome Res (2013), 12:5475-5486.
65. Zhao, HC, Zhao Y, Li M, Yan J, Li L, Li R, Liu P, Yu Y, Qiao J*. Aberrant epigenetic modification in murine brain tissues of offspring from preimplantation genetic diagnosis blastomere biopsies. Biol Reprod (2013), 89: 117.
66. Yu Y, Yan J, Zhang Q, Yan L, Li M, Zhou Q, Qiao J*. Successful reprogramming of differentiated cells by somatic cell nuclear transfer, using in vitro-matured oocytes with a modified activation method. J Tissue Engregen Med (2013), 7(11):855-863.
67. Li H, Chen Y, Yan LY, Qiao J*. Increased expression of p450scc and CYP17 in development of endogenous hyperandrogenism in a rat model of PCOS. Endocrine (2013), 43(1):184-190.
68. Liu XH, Qiao J*, Li R, Yan LY, Chen LX. Y chromosome azfcmicrodeletion may not affect the outcomes of ICSI for infertile males with fresh ejaculated sperm. J Assist Reprod Genet (2013), 30:813-819.
69. Li R, Zhang Q, Yang D, Li S, Lu S, Wu X, Wei Z, Song X, Wang X, Fu S, Lin J, Zhu Y, Jiang Y, Feng HL, Qiao J*. Prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome in women in China: a large community-based study. Hum Reprod (2013), 28:2562-2569.
70. Li M, Zhao Y, Zhao CH, Yan J, Yan YL, Rong L, Liu P, Feng HL, Yu Y, Qiao J*. High FSH decreases the developmental potential of mouse oocytes and resulting fertilized embryos, but does not influence offspring physiology and behavior in vitro or in vivo. Hum Reprod (2013), 28:1309-1323.
71. Gao, JM, Yan J, Li R, Li M, Yan LY, Wang TR, Zhao HC, Zhao Y, Yu Y, Qiao J*. Improvement in the quality of heterotopic allotransplanted mouse ovarian tissues with basic fibroblast growth factor and fibrin hydrogel. Hum Reprod (2013), 28:2784-2793.
72. Wang X, Tsai T, Qiao J*, Zhang Z, Feng HL*. Impact of gonadotropins on oocyte maturation, fertilisation and developmental competence in vitro. Reprod Fertil Dev (2013), 26(5):752-757.
73. Lin SL, Tu BB, Du XG, Yan LY, Qiao J*. Lower expression of ER-α36 is associated with the development of endometrial hyperplasia in PCOS patients. Histol Histopathol (2013), 28(11):1491-1498.
74. Guo HS, Zhu P, Yan LY, Li R, Hu BQ, Lian Y, Yan J, Ren XL, Lin SL, Li JS, Jin XH, Shi XD, Liu P, Wang XY, Wang W, Wei Y , Li XL, Guo F, Wu XL, Fan XY, Yong J, Wen L, Xie S X, Tang FC *, Qiao J*. The DNA methylation landscape of human early embryos. Nature (2014), 511:606–610.
75. Wen L, Li X, Yan L, Tan Y, Li R, Zhao Y, Wang Y, Xie J, Zhang Y, Song C, Yu M, Liu X, Zhu P, Li X, Hou Y, Guo H, Wu X, He C*, Li R*, Tang F*, Qiao J*. Whole-genome analysis of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine and 5-methylcytosine at base resolution in the human brain. Genome Biology (2014), 15(3): R49.
76. Zhuang XJ, Shi YQ, Xu B, Chen L, Tang WH, Huang J, Lian Y, Liu P*, Qiao J*. SLX2 interacting with BLOS2 is differentially expressed during mouse oocyte meiotic maturation. Cell Cycle (2014), 13(14):2230-2236.
77. Huang J, Yan L, Fan W, Zhao N, Zhang Y, Tang F, Xie XS, Qiao J*. Validation of multiple annealing and looping-based amplification cycle sequencing for 24-chromosome aneuploidy screening of cleavage-stage embryos. Fertil Steril (2014), 102(6):1685-1691.
78. Li R, Yu G, Yang D, Li S, Lu S, Wu X, Wei Z, Song X, Wang X, Fu S, Qiao J*. Prevalence and predictors of metabolic abnormalities in Chinese women with PCOS: a cross- sectional study. BMC Endocr Disord (2014), 14:76.
79. Lin S, Li R, Chi H, Huang S, Zhang H, Zheng X, Liu P, Qiao J*. Effect of ABO blood type on ovarian reserve in Chinese women. Fertil Steril (2014), 102(6):1729-1732 e1722.
80. Tang W, Yan J, Wang T, Xia X, Zhuang X, Hong K, Li R, Liu P, Jiang H, Qiao J*. Up-regulation of heme oxygenase-1 expression modulates reactive oxygen species level during the cryopreservation of human seminiferous tubules. Fertil Steril (2014), 102(4):974-980.
81. Zhao PL, Zhang QF, Yan LY, Huang S, Chen Y, Qiao J*. Functional investigation on aromatase in endometrial hyperplasia in polycystic ovary syndrome cases. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev (2014), 15(20):8975-8979.
82. Zhu J, Li M, Chen L, Liu P, Qiao J*. The protein source in embryo culture media influences birthweight: a comparative study between G1 v5 and G1-PLUS v5. Hum Reprod (2014), 29(7):1387-1392.
83. Wang TR, Yan LY, Yan J, Lu CL, Xia X, Yin TL, Zhu XH, Gao JM, Ding T, Hu WH, Guo HY, Li R, Qiao J*. Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes the development of human ovarian early follicles during growth in vitro. Hum Reprod (2014), 29(3):568-76.
84. Fan Y, Li R, Huang J, Zhao HC, Ding T, Sun X, Yu Y*, Qiao J*. Improved efficiency of microsurgical enucleated tripronuclear zygotes development and embryonic stem cell derivation by supplementing epidermal growth factor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and insulin-like growth factor-1. Stem Cells Dev (2014), 23(6):563-575.
85. Li Z, Liu W, Qiu T, Xie L, Chen W, Liu R, Lu Y, Mitchelson K, Wang J, Qiao J*, Cheng J*. The construction of an interfacial valve-based microfluidic chip for thermotaxis evaluation of human sperm. Biomicro fluidics (2014), 8(2):024102.
86. Lu CL, Wang TR, Yan LY, Xia X, Zhu XH, Li R, Zhao HC, Yan J, Yin TL, Jin HY, Zhang Y, Zhang WX, Feng HL*, Qiao J*. Gonadotropin-mediated dynamic alterations during bovine oocyte maturation in vitro. Biol Reprod (2014), 91(2):44.
87. Zhen X, Qiao J*, Li R, Wang L, Liu P. Serologic autoimmunologic parameters in women with primary ovarian insufficiency. BMC Immunol (2014), 15:11.
88. Zhang CM, Zhao Y, Li R, Yu Y, Yan LY, Li L, Liu NN, Liu P, Qiao J*. Metabolic heterogeneity of follicular amino acids in polycystic ovary syndrome is affected by obesity and related to pregnancy outcome. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth (2014), 14:11.
89. Yang R, Du X, Wang Y, Song X, Yang Y, Qiao J*. The hysteroscopy and histological diagnosis and treatment value of chronic endometritis in recurrent implantation failure patients. Arch Gynecol Obstet (2014), 289(6):1363-1369.
90. Liu XH, Yan LY, Lu CL, Li R, Zhu XH, Jin HY, Zhang Y, Zhang WX, Gao SH and Qiao J*. ART does not increase the risk of Y-chromosome microdeletion in 19 candidate genes at AZF regions. Reprod Fertil Dev (2014), 26(6):778-786.
91. Wu D, Chi H, Shao M, Wu Y, Jin H, Wu B, Qiao J*. Prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome using cell-free fetal DNA in amniotic fluid by quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction. Chin Med J (Engl) (2014), 127(10):1897-1901.
92. Yan L, Huang L, Xu L, Huang J, Ma F, Zhu X, Tang Y, Liu M, Lian Y, Liu P, Li R, Lu S, Tang F*, Qiao J*, and Xie X. S*. Live births after simultaneous avoidance of monogenic diseases and chromosome abnormality by next generation sequencing with linkage analyses. PNAS (2015), 112: 15964-15969.
93. Guo F, Yan L, Guo H, Li L, Hu B, Zhao Y, Yong J, Hu Y, Wang X, Wei Y, Wang W, Li R, Yan J, Zhi X, Zhang Y, Jin H, Zhang W, Hou Y, Zhu P, Li J, Zhang L, Liu S, Ren Y, Zhu X, Wen L, Gao Y, Tang F *, Qiao J *. The transcriptome and DNA methylome landscapes of human primordial germ cells. Cell (2015), 161(6):1437-52. Highlighted by Ferdinand von Meyenn & Professor Wolf Reik, Cell (2015).
94. Zhang Y, Chen Q, Zhang H, Wang Q, Li R, Jin Y, Wang H, Ma T*, Qiao J*, Duan E*. Aquaporin-dependent excessive intrauterine fluid accumulation is a major contributor in hyper-estrogen induced aberrant embryo implantation. Cell Res (2015), 25(1):139-142.
95. Zhao Y, Zhang C, Huang Y, Yu Y, Li R, Li M, Liu N, Liu P, Qiao J*. Up-Regulated expression of WNT5a increases inflammation and oxidative stress via PI3K/AKT/NF-kappab signaling in the granulosa cells of PCOS patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2015), 100(1):201-211.
96. Zhao H, Zhao Y, Li T, Li M, Li J, Li R, Liu P, Yu Y, Qiao J*. Metabolism alteration in follicular niche: The nexus among intermediary metabolism, mitochondrial function, and classic polycystic ovary syndrome. Free Radic Biol Med (2015), 86: 295-307.
97. Fan Y, Zhao HC, Liu JQ, Tan T, Ding T, Li R, Zhao Y, Yan J, Sun XF, Yu Y, Qiao J*. Aberrant expression of maternal Plk1 and Dctn3 results in the developmental failure of human in-vivo- and in-vitro-matured oocytes. Sci Rep (2015), 5: 8192
98. Yu Y, Chang L, Zhao H, Li R, Fan Y, Qiao J*. Chromosome microduplication in somatic cells decreases the genetic stability of human reprogrammed somatic cells and results in pluripotent stem cells. Sci Rep (2015), 5:10114.
99. Zhu J, Zhuang X, Chen L, Liu P*, Qiao J*. Effect of embryo culture media on percentage of males at birth. Hum Reprod (2015), 30(5):1039-1045.
100. Lin S, Li R, Zheng X, Chi H, Ren X, Yang R, Liu P, Qiao J*. Influence of embryo culture medium on incidence of ectopic pregnancy in in vitro fertilization. Fertil Steril (2015), 104:1442-1445.
101. Li M, Lin S, Chen Y, Zhu J, Liu P, Qiao J*. Value of transferring embryos that show no evidence of fertilization at the time of fertilization assessment. Fertil Steril (2015), 104:607-611.
102. Yang Q, Zhao Y, Qiu X, Zhang C, Li R, Qiao J*. Association of serum levels of typical organic pollutants with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a case-control study. Hum Reprod (2015), 30:1964-1973.
103. Zhu K, Yan L, Zhang X, Lu X, Wang T, Yan J, Liu X, Qiao J*, Li L. Identification of a human subcortical maternal complex. Mol Hum Reprod (2015), 21(4):320-329.
104. Gao J, Huang Y, Li M, Zhao H, Zhao Y, Li R, Yan J, Yu Y, Qiao J*. Effect of local basic fibroblast growth factor and vascular endothelial growth factor on subcutaneously allotransplanted ovarian tissue in ovariectomized mice. PloS One (2015), 10: e134035.
105. Zhuang XJ, Tang WH, Liu CY, Zhu JL, Feng X, Yan J, Lian Y, Liu P, Qiao J*. Identification and Characterization of Xlr5c as a Novel Nuclear Localization Protein in Mouse Germ Cells. PloS One (2015), 10: e130087.
106. Huang Y, Yu Y, Gao J, Li R, Zhang C, Zhao H, Zhao Y, Qiao J*. Impaired oocyte quality induced by dehydroepiandrosterone is partially rescued by metformin treatment. PloS One (2015), 10:e122370.
107. Zhen X, Wu B, Wang J, Lu C, Gao H, Qiao J*. Increased incidence of mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase 1 gene mutations in patients with primary ovarian insufficiency. PloS One (2015), 10:e132610.
108. Lu CL, Yan J, Zhi X, Xia X, Wang TR, Yan LY, Yu Y, Ding T, Gao JM, Li R, Qiao J*. Basic fibroblast growth factor promotes macaque follicle development in vitro. Reproduction (2015), 149(5):425-433.
109. Yu Y, Gao Q, Zhao HC, Li R, Gao JM, Ding T, Bao SY, Zhao Y, Sun XF, Fan Y, Qiao J*. Ascorbic acid improves pluripotency of human parthenogenetic embryonic stem cells through modifying imprinted gene expression in the Dlk1-Dio3 region. Stem Cell Res Ther (2015), 6(1):69.
110. Xia X, Yin T, Yan J, Yan L, Jin C, Lu C, Wang T, Zhu X, Zhi X, Wang J, Tian L, Liu J, Li R, Qiao J*. Mesenchymal stem cells enhance angiogenesis and follicle survival in human cryopreserved ovarian cortex transplantation. Cell Transplant (2015), 24:1999-2010.
111. Huang Y, Zhao Y, Yu Y, Li R, Lin S, Zhang C, Liu P, Qiao J*. Altered amphiregulin expression induced by diverse luteinizing hormone receptor reactivity in granulosa cells affects IVF outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online (2015), 30(6):593–601.
112. Xia X, Wang T, Yin T, Yan L, Yan J, Lu C, Zhao L, Li M, Zhang Y, Jin H, Zhu X, Liu P, Li R, Qiao J*. Mesenchymal stem cells facilitate in vitro development of human preantral follicle. Reprod Sci (2015), 22:1367-1376.
113. Guo YL, You K, Geng L, Qiao J*. Clinical Performance of APTIMA Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 16 18/45 mRNA Genotyping Testing for the Detection of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia 3 (CIN3) or Cancer in a Select Group of Chinese Women. Pathol Oncol Res (2015), 2015:1-6.
114. Xu H, Li R, Qiao J*. Homeodomain interacting protein kinase 2 is downregulated through the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma signaling pathway in an insulin-resistant population. J Diabetes Investig (2015), 6:594-596.
115. Huang J, Zhao N, Wang X, Qiao J*, Liu P*. Chromosomal characteristics at cleavage and blastocyst stages from the same embryos. J Assist Reprod Genet (2015), 32:781-787.
116. Cheng C, Zhang H, Zhao Y, Li R, Qiao J*. Paternal history of diabetes mellitus and hypertension affects the prevalence and phenotype of PCOS. J Assist Reprod Genet (2015), 32: 1731-1739.
117. Li J, Li R, Yu H, Zhao S, Yu Y, Qiao J*. The relationship between serum anti-Mullerian hormone levels and the follicular arrest for women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Syst Biol Reprod Med (2015), 61:103-109.
118. Liang C, Liang H, Yang Y, Ping L, Jie Q*. Mutation analysis of two families with inherited congenital cataracts. Mol Med Rep (2015), 12:3469-3475.
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