共找到4條詞條名為閆威的結果 展開

社會兼職:美國數學會數學評論(Mathematical Reviews)評論員。
1. Wei.Yan, Yongsheng Li,The Cauchy problem for Kawahara equation in Sobolev spaces with low regularity,Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, 33,1647—1660,2010(SCI)。
2. Yong sheng Li, Wei Yan, Xingyu Yang, Well-posedness of a higher-order modified Camassa-Holm equation in spaces of low regularity, Journal of Evolution Equations, 10 465-486, 2010(SCI)。
3.Wei Yan, Yongsheng Li,Ill-posedness of Kawahara equation and Kaup-Kupershmidt,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 15, 486-492, 2011(SCI)。
4.Wei Yan,Yongsheng Li,Xingyu Yang, The Cauhcy problem for the modified Kawahara equation in Sobolev spaces with low regularity, Mathematical and Computet Modelling, 54, 1252-1261, 2011(SCI)。
5.Wei Yan,Yongsheng Li,Ill-posedness of modifed Kawahara equation and Kaup-Kupershmidt. Acta MatheMatica Scientia,32,710-716,2012(SCI)。
6. Wei Yan,Yongsheng Li,Yimin Zhang, Global existence and blow-up for the weakly dissipative Novikov equation, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA, 75, 2464-2473,2012 (SCI)。