

李國雲,女,1987年生,博士,中國海洋大學醫藥學院副教授。2009年6月畢業於中國海洋大學食品科學與工程專業,獲學士學位;2015年6月於中國海洋大學獲得水產品加工及貯藏工程專業博士學位。2012年9月至2014年9月在美國倫斯勒理工學院Robert J. Linhardt教授實驗室開展糖化學方面研究。2015年7月以中國海洋大學“青年英才工程”身份加入醫藥學院糖化學與糖藥物研究團隊(於廣利教授課題組)。近五年來在Anal. Chem., ACS Chem. Biol., J. Biol. Chem.等國際學術期刊發表SCI論文33篇,授權國家發明專利4項。


2. 海洋糖類化合物的提取分離、結構鑒定及其構效關係研究;
3. 糖類藥物分析、質量控制新方法研究。


1. G. Li, C. Cai, L. Li, L. Fu, T. Toida, C. Xue, R.J. Linhardt. Method to detect contaminants in heparin using radical depolymerization and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, Anal Chem, 2014,86(1): 326-330 (IF: 5.825)
2. G. Li,J. Steppich,Z. Wang,Y. Sun,C. Xue,R.J. Linhardt,L. Li. Bottom-up low molecular weight heparin analysis using LC-FTMS for extensive characterization. Anal Chem.2014,86(13):6626-6632 (IF: 5.825)
3. G. Li, L. Li, F. Tian, L. Zhang, C. Xue, R. J. Linhardt. Glycosaminoglycanomics of cultured cells using a rapid and sensitive LC-MS/MS approach. ACS Chem Biol, 2015, 10(5):1303-1310 (IF: 5.356)
4. G. Li, L. Li, C. Xue, D. Middleton, R. J. Linhardt, F. V. Avci. Profiling pneumococcal type 3-derived oligosaccharides by high resolution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 2015,1397:43-51 (IF: 4.258)
5. G. Li, B. Yang, L. Li, F. Zhang, C. Xue, R. J. Linhardt. Analysis of 3-O-sulfo group containing tetrasaccharides in heparin by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Anal Biochem, 2014, 455: 3-9. (IF: 2.305)
6. G. Li, S. Masuko, D. E. Green, Y. Xu, L. Li, F. Zhang, R. J. Linhardt. N-sulfotestosteronan, a novel substrate for heparan sulfate 6-O-sulfotransferases and its analysis by oxidative degradation. Biopolymers, 2013, 99(10):675-685 (IF: 2.228)
7. G. Li, S. Chen, C. Xue. A novel glycosaminoglycan-like polysaccharide from abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino: Purification, structure identification and anticoagulant activity. Int J Biol Macromol, 2011, 49(5): 1160-1166 (IF: 3.096)
8. P. Datta, G. Li, B. Yang, X. Zhao, J. Baik, R.J. Linhardt. Bioengineered Chinese hamster ovary cells with Golgi-targeted 3-O-sulfotransferase-1 biosynthesize heparan sulfate with an antithrombin binding site. J Biol Chem, 2013, 288(52): 37308-37318. (IF: 4.600)
9. E.P. Schmidt, G. Li, L. Li, L. Fu, Y. Yang, K.H. Overdier, I. S. Douglas, R. J. Linhardt: The circulating glycosaminoglycan signature of respiratory failure in critically Ill adults. J Biol Chem, 2014, 289(12):8194-202 (IF: 4.600)
10. W. He, L. Fu, G. Li, J. A. Jones, R. J. Linhardt, M. Koffas. Production of chondroitin in metabolically engineered E. coli., Metab Eng, 2015, 27: 92-100 (IF: 8.258)
11. E. Sterner, S. Masuko, G. Li, L. Li, D. E. Green, N. J. Otto, Y. Xu, P. L. DeAngelis, J. Liu, J. S. Dordick, R. J. Linhardt. Fibroblast growth factor-based signaling through synthetic heparan sulfate block copolymers studied using high-cell density 3D cell printing, J Biol Chem 2014, 289(14): 9754-9765. (IF: 4.600)
12. S. Chen, G. Li, N. Liao, C. Xue. Sulfation pattern of the fucose branch is important for the anticoagulant and antithrombotic activities of fucosylated chondroitin sulfates, BBA-Gen Subjects, 2013, 1830 (4):3054-3066 (IF: 3.892)
13. L. Fu, G. Li, B. Yang, A. Onishi, L. Li, P. Sun, , R. J. Linhardt. Structural characterization of pharmaceutical heparins prepared from different animal tissues. J Pharm Sci-US, 2013,102: 1447-1457 (IF: 3.007)
14. U. Bhaskar, G. Li, L. Fu, A. Onishi, M. Suflita, R. J. Linhardt. Combinatorial one-pot chemoenzymatic synthesis of heparin, Carbohyd Polym, 2015, 122:399-407. (IF: 3.916)