共找到4條詞條名為楊繼東的結果 展開
- 斯坦福大學東亞圖書館館長
- 宜昌一中物理組骨幹教師
- 重慶大學機械工程學院副教授
- 東台市三倉中學教務處副主任
楊繼東,男,1966年出生於上海。1991年北京大學歷史系研究生班結業。1991-1994年任上海書店出版社編輯。2000年獲美國賓夕法尼亞大學(University of Pennsylvania)亞洲與中東博士學位。2008年獲美國羅格斯大學(Rutgers University)圖書館與情報學碩士學位。2000-2008年擔任賓夕法尼亞大學圖書館中文部主任及該校東亞語言與文明系講師,2008年7月至2012年12月任美國密歇根大學(University of Michigan)亞洲圖書館館長。2013年開始,任美國斯坦福大學(Stanford University)東亞圖書館館長。
美國斯坦福大學(Stanford University)東亞圖書館館長
"The McCartee Library and the East Asian Collection of the University of Pennsylvania," in Peter X. Zhou, ed.,Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North America, 1868-2008 (Ann Arbor: Association for Asian Studies, 2009), pp. 54-65.
"The Asia Library of the University of Michigan," in Peter X. Zhou, ed.,Collecting Asia: East Asian Libraries in North America, 1868-2008 (Ann Arbor: Association for Asian Studies, 2009), pp. 200-209.
"The Making, Writing, and Testing of Decisions in the Tang Government: A Study of the Role of thePan in the 'Literary Bureaucracy' of Medieval China,"Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 29 (2007), 129-167.
"Approching Pre-Modern China Through the Computer: the Benefits and Risks of Using Electronic Resources in Sinological Research,"Scholarship at Penn Libraries (2007). Available online.
"Replacinghu withfan: A Change in the Chinese Perception of Buddhism during the Medieval Period,"Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 21.1 (1998), 157-170.
"Zhang Yichao and Dunhuang in the 9th Century,"Journal of Asian History 32.2 (1998), 97-144.
"Siba: Bronze Age Culture of the Gansu Corridor,"Sino-Platonic Papers 86 (October, 1998), 1-18.