



1980.9-1983.7 雲南省迪慶藏族自治州中甸縣第一中學,高中
1995.9-1998.2 中國科學院昆明植物研究所,在職碩士學位研究生
1998.3-2002.6 中國科學院昆明植物研究所,在職博士學位研究生,獲理學博士學位




1. 繁殖生物學:傳粉生物學、植物交配系統及其演化;
2. 繁殖生態學:動植物相互關係及協同進化
3. 生態系統演替與全球變化,植物VOC釋放機理及其與動植物相互關係和生態系統演替的相關性。




1. 2008年,雲南省2007年度自然科學二等獎,排名第四
2. 2004年,獲首批新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選
3. 2004年,獲2004年度全國優秀博士學位論文
4. 2004年,獲西雙版納州“有突出貢獻的科技人員”稱號
5. 2003年,獲西雙版納傣族自治州第五屆“十大傑出青年”稱號
6. 2003年,獲雲南省科協優秀科技論文紅河獎特等獎
7. 2003年,作為項目主持人和第一獲獎人獲得雲南省2002年度自然科學一等獎
8. 2002年,獲得國家人事部和中國科學院聯合表彰的“中國科學院先進工作者”稱號
9. 2001年,獲得國務院表彰的“國家級突出貢獻專家”稱號,並享受政府特殊津貼


1.Chen, XS; Marten-Rodriguez, S; Li, QJ, et al.2009. Potential Autonomous Selfing in Gesneria citrina (Gesneriaceae), a Specialized Hummingbird Pollinated Species with Variable Expression of Herkogamy .JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY
2.Xia, YM; Gao, XM; Li, QJ. 2009.Identification and Expression of Floral Organ Homeotic Genes from Alpinia oblongifolia (Zingiberaceae).JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE PLANT BIOLOGY
3.Chen, XS; Li, QJ. 2008. Patterns of plant sexual systems in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Ailao Mountains, SW China. JOURNAL OF PLANT ECOLOGY-UK.
4.Zhang, ZQ; Li, QJ. 2008.Autonomous selfing provides reproductive assurance in an alpine ginger Roscoea schneideriana (Zingiberaceae)
5.Chen, Xin-Sheng and Qing-Jun Li*, 2008. Patterns of plant sexual systems in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in Ailao Mountains, SW China. Journal of Plant Ecology (in press).
6.Duan, You-Ai and Qing-Jun Li*, 2008. The pollination biology of Phrynium oliganthum (Marantaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution
7.Chen, Xin-Sheng and Qing-Jun Li*, 2008.Community-level plant reproductive traits of an azonal tropical forest, Southwest China: I. Sexual systems and ecological correlates. Biotropica
8.Liu, Min, Shan Sun and Qing-Jun Li*, 2007. The relation between stigma position and receptivity in two flexistylous gingers. Biodiversity Science
9.Wang, Yong-Feng, Susan M. Owen*, Qing-Jun Li* and Joset Peñuelas, 2007. Monoterpene emissions from rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) in a changing landscape and climate I: Chemical speciation and environmental control. Global Change Biology
10.Ren, Pan-Yu, Min Liu and Qing-Jun Li*, 2007. An example of flexistyly in a wild cardamom species (Amomum maximum (Zingiberaceae)). Plant Systematics and Evolution
11.Sun Shan, Jiang-Yun Gao, Wan-Jin Liao, Qing-Jun Li, and Da-Yong Zhang*, 2007. Adaptive significance of flexistyly in Alpinia blepharocalyx (Zingiberaceae): A hand-pollination experiment. Annals of Botany
12.Gao, Jiang-Yun, Zi-Hui Yang, Pan-Yu Ren and Qing-Jun Li*, 2006. Reproductive Ecology of Rhynchanthus beesianus W. W. Smith (Zingiberaceae) in South Yunnan, China: A Ginger with Bird Pollination Syndrome. Journal of Intigrative Plant Biolgy
13.Zhang, Ling, Qing-Jun Li, Hong-Tao Li, Jin Chen, and De-Zhu Li*, 2006. Genetic Diversity and Geographic Differentiation in Tacca chantrieri (Taccaceae): An Autonomous Selfing Plant with Showy Floral Display. Annals of Botany
14.Zhang, Ling, Qing-Jun Li, De-Zhu Li*, 2006. Genetic diversity of Tacca integrifolia (Taccaceae) in the Brahmaputra valley, Tibet. Biodiversity Science. (in Chinese with English abstract). (Cover story)
15.Gao, Xue-Mei, Yong-Mei Xia and Qing-Jun Li*, 2006. Isolation of two putative homologues of PISTILLATA and AGAMOUS from Alpinia oblongifolia(Zingiberaceae) and characterization of their expression. Plant Science
16.Gao, Jiang-Yun, Pan-Yu Ren and Qing-Jun Li*, 2006. The pollination ecology of Paraboea rufescens (Gesneriaceae): a buzz-pollinated tropical herb with mirror image flowers. Annals of Botany
17.Gao, Jiang-Yun, Pan-Yu Ren, Qing-Jun Li*, 2005. Advances in the study of breeding system and pollination biology of gingers (Zingiberaceae and Costaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
18.Wang, Yong-Feng, Qing-Jun Li*, 2005. BVOCs emitted from plants of terrestrial ecosystems and their ecological functions. Acta Phytoecologica Sinca.
19.Deng, Xiao-Bao*, Pan-Yu Ren, Qing-Jun Li, 2005. Nectar secretion patterns, floral visitor behavior and their impacts on fruit and seed sire of Alpinia blepharocalyx. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica
20.Zhang, Ling, Spencer Barrett, Jiang-Yun Gao, Jin Chen, W. W. Cole, Yong Liu, Zhi-Lin Bai, Qing-Jun Li*, 2005. Predicting mating patterns from pollination syndromes: The case of sapromyophily in Tacca chantrieri (Taccaceae). American Journal of Botany
21.Brad Baker, Jian-Hui Bai, Curtis Johnson, Zhong-Tao Cai, Qing-Jun Li, Yong-Feng Wang, Alex Guenther, Jim Greenberg, Lee Klinger, Chris Geron, Rei Rasmussen, 2005. Wet and dry season ecosystem level fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes from a southeast Asian secondary forest and rubber tree plantation. Atmospheric Environment
22.Kress, W. John*, Ai-Zhong Liu, Mark Newman, Qing-Jun Li, 2005. The molecular phylogeny of Alpinia (Zingiberaceae): A complex and polyphyletic genus of gingers. American Journal of Botany
23.Deng, Xiao-Bao, Pan-Yu Ren, Jiang-Yun Gao, and Qing-Jun Li*, 2004. The Striped Squirrel (Tamiops swinhoei hainanus) as a Nectar Robber of Ginger(Alpinia kwangsiensis). Biotropica
24.Gao, Jiang-Yun, Ling Zhang, Xiao-Bao Deng, Pan-Yu Ren, Ji-Jun Kong, and Qing-Jun Li*, 2004. The floral biology of Curcumorpha longiflora (Zingiberaceae): a ginger with two-day flowers. American Journal of Botany
25.Zhang, Ling, Qing-Jun Li*, Xiao-Bao Deng, Pan-Yu Ren, and Jiang-Yun Gao, 2003. Repreouctive biology of Alpinia blepharocalyx (Zingiberaceae): another example of flexistyly. Plant Systematics and Evolution
26.Klinger, L.F., Q.-J. Li, A.B. Guenther, J.P. Greenberg, and J.-H. Bai, 2002. Assessment of volatile organic compound emissions from ecosystems in China. Journal of Geophysical Research
27.Li, Qing-Jun*, W. John Kress, Zai-Fu Xu, Yong-Mei Xia, Ling Zhang, Xiao-Bao Deng, Jiang-Yun Gao, 2002. Mating system and the stigmatic behaviour during the flowering of Alpinia kwangsiensis (Zingiberaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution. (Cover story)
28.Zhang, Ling, Qing-Jun Li*, 2002. Flexistyly and its ecological significance. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica.26(4): 385-390 (in Chinese with English abstract).
29.Li, Qing-Jun, J. Kress, Zai-Fu Xu, Yong-Mei Xia, Ling Zhang, Xiao-Bao Deng, Jiang-Yun Gao. 2001. Study on the Flexistyly Pollination Mechanism in Alpinia Plants (Zingiberaceae). In: Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceeding of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. K. N. Ganeshaiah, R. Uma Shaanker and K. S. Bawa (eds.), Oxford-IBH, New Delhi,
30.Li, Qing-Jun*、Lee F. Klinger, 2001. The correlation between the volatile organic compound emission and the vegetation succession of the ecosystems in different climatic zones of China. Acta Botanica Sinica. (in Chinese with English abstract).
31.Li, Qing-Jun, Zai-Fu Xu*, Yong-Mei Xia, Ling Zhang, Xiao-Bao Deng, Jiang-Yun Gao, 2001. Study on the flexistyly pollination mechanism in Alpinia plants (Zingiberaceae). Acta Botanica Sinica. (in Chinese with English abstract). (Cover strory)
32.Li, Qing-Jun*, Zai-Fu Xu, W. John Kress, Yong-Mei Xia, Ling Zhang, Xiao-Bao Deng, Jiang-Yun Gao, 2001. Flexible style that encourages outcrossing. Nature* Corresponding author.


2. 國家自然科學基金面上基金項目:中國人為源VOC釋放通量及其對大氣對流層臭氧貢獻率的研究
4.中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目“物種間的協同進化機制及其生態學效應” (項目主持人:王琛柱 李慶軍)子課題:植物花蜜分泌與傳粉者訪花行為的互動適應及其與植物生殖成功的關係
6. 2002年獲得國家傑出青年科學基金資助


1. 世界上首次系統研究和命名了一種新的植物遠交機制—花柱捲曲性(Flexistyly),文章已在國際著名學術期刊、英國《自然》雜誌(Nature)上發表。
2. 研究了中國不同氣候帶生態系統的演替與植物VOC釋放規律的相關性,首次建立了中國自然源VOC釋放通量模型,VOC釋放對大氣對流層臭氧的貢獻率,及其與全球變化的相關性。