

曼哈頓Manhattan 是一首20世紀流行美國的歌曲,由 Richard Rodgers 和 Lonrenz Hart 共同為1925年的滑稽劇《加里克狂歡》(The Garrick Gaieties)創作。后被收錄在《美國情歌簿》(Great American Songbook )中。


自從它的首演后,Manhattan 常常定期出現在流行文化中。
在1929年的電影短片Makers Of Meldoy 中這首歌被再次演繹,並獻給創作者 Rodgers 和 Hart。
曾被用在 Rodgers 和 Hart 的傳記電影 《Words And Music》(1948),《Two Tickets To Broadway》 (1951) ,《Don’t Bother To Knock》 (1952) ,《Beau James 》(1957) ,《Silent Movie》(1976) , 《Mighty Aphrodite》 (1995) ,《The English Patient 》(1996) ,《 Kissing Jessica Stein 》(2001)中。


1.Lee Wiley 在1951年翻唱這首歌,並將其收錄在自己的專輯 《Night in Manhattan》中。
2.爵士歌后 Ella Fitzgerald 翻唱並將其收錄在專輯 《Ella Fitzgerald Sings the Rodgers
and Hart Songbook》 中。
3. Mickey Rooney 在電影《Words and Music》中演繹的版本。
4.Tony Martin 在電影《Two Tickets To Broadway》中演繹的版本。
5. Rod Stewart 和 Bette Midler 合作版,收錄在專輯《Stardust: The Great American Songbook Volume III》 (2004)


Rod Stewart版
Summer journeys to Niagra
and to other places aggravate all our cares.
We'll save our fares!
I've a cozy little flat in
What is known as old Manhattan
We'll settle down
Right here in town!
We'll have Manhattan
the Bronx and Staten Island too.
It's lovely going through the zoo!
(Sing to me, Bette, come on)
It's very fancy
on old Delancy street you know. (I know)
The subway charms us so
When balmy breezes blow
To and fro.
I'd like to take a
Sail on Jamaica Bay with you,
And fair Canarsie's Lakes we'll view.
The city's bustle cannot destroy
Oooh, the dreams of a girl and boy
We'll turn Manhattan
Into an isle of joy.
Ooh, yeah
And tell me what street
compares with Mott Street in July?
Sweet pushcarts gently gli-ding by.
The great big city's a wonderous toy
Ooh, just made for a girl and boy.
We'll turn Manhattan into an isle of joy!
We'll turn Manhattan into an isle of joy!