共找到2條詞條名為丁建清的結果 展開
- 中國科學院武漢植物園研究員
- 河南周口市教育體育局局長
丁建清 博士導師
1994年作為訪問學者在國際農業與生物研究中心瑞士分中心(CABI Bio-Science Switzerland Center)參加合作研究;1996年在澳大利亞科工組織(CSIRO)及昆士蘭大學接受國際入侵植物生物防治短期專業培訓;2001年在南非國家植物保護研究所(PPRI)開展生物入侵短期合作研究。
國際生物防治組織(IOBC)生物和綜合治理水葫蘆委員會執行委員;《生物多樣性》編委;湖北省植物學會常務理事;為New Phytologist, Journal of Applied Ecology, BioScience, Diversity and Distributions, Biological Invasions等10多個國際雜誌審稿人
薇甘菊生物防治 國家林業局項目入侵植物葛藤和小蠟的入侵機理及生物防治 美國農業部林務局項目入侵植物黑藻和烏桕的生物防治 美國農業部農業研究局項目烏桕的入侵機理 美國國家自然科學基金合作項目
Lu, X., Siemann, E., He, M., Wei,H.,Xu, S., Ding* J. 2014. Climate warming increases biological control agent impact on a non-target species. Ecology Letters
Huang, W., Siemann, E., Li, X., Yang, X., Ding* J. 2014. Species-specific defense responses facilitate conspecifics and inhibit heterospecifics in above-belowground herbivore interactions. Nature Communications
Lu. X., Siemann, E., Shao, X., Wei, H., Ding*, J. 2013. Climate warming affects biological invasions by shifting interactions of plants and herbivores. Global Change Biology
Huang, W., Siemann, E., Yang, X., Wheeler, S.G., Ding* J. 2013. Facilitation and inhibition: changes in plant nitrogen and secondary metabolites mediate interactions between aboveground and belowground herbivores. Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Huang, W., Carrillo, J., Ding* J. Siemann, E. 2012. Invader partitions ecological and evolutionary responses to above-and belowground herbivory. Ecology
Wang, Y., Siemann, E., Wheeler, G.S., Zhu, L., Gu, X., Ding* , J. 2012. Genetic variation in anti-herbivore chemical defences in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology
Wang. Y., Huang, W., Siemann, E., Zou, J., Wheeler, S.G., Carrillo, J., Ding* J. 2011. Lower resistance and higher tolerance of host plants: biological control agents reach high densities but exert weak control. Ecological Applications
Huang, W., Siemann, E., Wheeler, S.G., Zou, J., Carrillo, J., Ding* J. 2010. Resource allocation to defense and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and specialist herbivory in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology
Ding, J., Mack, R.N., Lu, L., Ren, M., Huang, H. 2008 China’s booming economy is sparking and accelerating biological invasions. BioScience