



1991.10-1994.09 日本東京大學 水文水資源專業 工學博士
1985.09-1988.06 清華大學 水力學及河流動力學專業 碩士
1980.09-1985.08 清華大學 水資源工程專業 學士


2002.12-現在 清華大學水利水電工程系 副研究員、教授
1999.04-2001.03 日本國建設省土木研究所 交流研究員
1997.09-2002.12 日本工營株式會社 技師、副參事、主任研究員
1994.10-1997.08 日本株式會社建設環境研究所 研究員
1988.07-1991.09 清華大學水利水電工程系 助教








1). 賈仰文,王浩,倪廣恆,楊大文,王建華,秦大庸. 分散式流域水文模型的原理與實踐,中國水利電力出版社,2005。
2). 張丙印,倪廣恆. 城市水環境工程,清華大學出版社,2005
1). Ni G, Liu Z, Lei Z, Yang D, Wang L. (2008), Continuous Simulation of Water and Soil Erosion in a Small Watershed of the Loess Plateau with a Distributed Model. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, 13(5):392-399
2). Ni G, Sun F, Yang D, Cong Z, Lei Z. (2007), Analysis of actual evaporation variability over China during the last half century using the Budyko hypothesis. Methodology in Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 311:465-472
3). Cong Z.,G. Ni, Z. Lei and B. Mahmuti (2005), The hydrological and ecological effect of restoring the Green Corridor in the lower Tarim River, China. Dynamics and Biogeochemistry of River Corridors and Wetlands, IAHS Publ. no.294, pp.114-121.(EI)
4). JIA Yangwen, G. Ni, Junichi Yoshitani and Yoshihisa Kawahara (2002), Coupling Simulation of Water and Energy Budgets and Analysis of Urban Development Impact. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering,ASCE,Vol.7(4),pp.302-311.(SCI)
5). Jia Yangwen, Guangheng Ni, Yoshihisa Kawahara and Tadashi Suetsugi (2001), Development of WEP Model And Its Application To An Urban Watershed, Hydrol. Process, Vol. 15, pp.2175-2194.(SCI)
6). Ni G., Y. Jia, T. Kinouchi, K. Tojima, J. Yoshitani, T. Suetsugi and Y. Kawahara (2001), Field observation and simulation of groundwater level changes due to urbanization in Yata River watershed, Japan, IAHS publ. no. 269, pp.195-198.(EI)
1). 叢振濤,倪廣恆,楊大文,雷志棟,“蒸發悖論”在中國的規律分析,水科學進展,2008,19(2):147-152
2). 劉卓穎,倪廣恆,雷志棟,王玲,黃土高原地區中小尺度分散式水文模型,清華大學學報 (自然科學版),2006,46(9): 1546-1550
3) 叢翔宇,倪廣恆,惠士博,田富強,張彤,基於SWMM 的北京市典型城區暴雨洪水模擬分析,水利水電技術,2006,37(4):64-67
4) 倪廣恆,李新紅,叢振濤,孫福寶,劉鈺,中國參考作物騰發量時空變化特性分析。農業工程學報,2006, (5):1-4
5). 楊紅絹,倪廣恆,胡和平。渠道滲漏的數值模擬分析。中國農村水利水電,2005,(8):4-5
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7). 倪廣恆,胡和平,王蕾。沁河流域分散式水文模型不確定性的初步研究。中國水文科學與技術研究進展,河海大學出版社,2005,289-294
8). 劉志武,倪廣恆,雷志棟,杜衛東。計算逐日潛在騰發量的BP神經網路方法。灌溉排水學報, 2004,23(4):75-77
9). 叢振濤,倪廣恆,雷志棟。用于田間作物—水分關係研究的ThuSPAC模型。瀋陽農業大學學報, 2004,35(5-6):459-461
10). 雷志棟,楊詩秀,倪廣恆,薛迎洲。地下水埋深類型與土壤水分動態特徵。水利學報,1992,(2):1-6
1). Ni G.,Y. Wang and L. Tang(2004),Study on the Hydrological Cycle of a Small Town. The 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation, pp.93-98
2). Ni G, L. Wang and H. Hu (2004), Identification of uncertainty of a physically-based Hydrological model.The 2nd Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water Resources(APHW),Vol.2,633-640
3). Ni G., Y. Jia, T. Kinouchi, K. Tojima, J. Yoshitani and T. Tanaka (2001), Monitoring And Modeling Of Urbanization Impacts On Groundwater In The Yata River Watershed, 29th IAHR Congress, September 16-21,Beijing.(ISTP)
4). Jia Y., G. Ni, T. Kinouchi, K. Tojima, J. Yoshitani And T. Tanaka (2001), Assessing The Effects Of Infiltration And Storm-water Detention Facilities In An Urban Watershed Using a Distributed Hydrological Model, 29th IAHR Congress, September 16-21,Beijing. (ISTP)
5). Ni G., S. Herath and K. Musiake (1996), Application of a Distributed Catchment Model with the Aid of GIS, International Conference on Water Resources and Environmental Research: Towards the 21st Century, October 29-31,Kyoto,Japan, pp.53-60
6). Ishizaki K., I. Masahiro, G. Ni and M. Takeshima (1996), Background of Rainwater Infiltration Technology, 7th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage, Hannover, Germany, pp.377-382.
7). Herath, S., G. Ni, B. Babar and K. Musiake (1995), Investigation of scaling effect in hydrologic modeling using distributed hydrologic models, Proc. 2nd Study Conference on GEWEX Asian Monsoon Experiment, pp.207-211
8). Ni G., S. Herath and K. Musiake (1994), A Distributed Catchment Model and Its Application to Simulate Urbanization Effect, 9th APD-IAHR, Singapore,pp.254-261