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主要從事李理論與微分幾何、李群表示理論等的研究。主要科研成果包括:構造出第一個李代數上非對稱雙極化的例子,解決了日本數學家金行壯二提出的待解問題;系統研究了齊性仿凱勒流形的幾何性質,最終得到了半單情形的代數分類,這一領域的成果被金行壯二教授稱讚為“輝煌的結果”,並兩次在日本數學會年會上報告;決定了李群表示理論中一類最高權向量環的全部關係,瑞典的審稿人評價此結果“非常令人佩服”;利用李理論,系統研究了芬斯勒幾何的等距變換群和齊性、對稱Finsler空間,相關結果被審稿人評價為“具有國際競爭力”,“是對Finsler幾何的重要貢獻”,Finsler幾何的權威,美國印地安娜大學沈中民教授在美國數學評論上評論我們的結果“opens a door to using Lie group theory to study Finsler geometry”。
主持過國家自然科學基金青年項目,國家自然科學基金面上項目。已主持7項國家自然科學基金項目和2項教育部博士點基金項目。已經在 Advances in Mathematics, Crelle's Journal, Trans. AMS 等雜誌上發表一百多篇研究論文,獨立撰寫的專著《Homogeneous Finsler Spaces》2012年由Springer出版社紐約分社出版,列入著名數學專著系列 Springer Monographs in Mathematics 中。
1.S. Deng, Homogeneous Finsler spaces(Xii+232pages), to appear in the series: Springer monographs in mathematics, Springer, New York, 2012.
2.S. Deng, On the Symmetry of Riemannian manifolds, J. ReineAngew. Math., published online 2012, DOI: 10.1.15/ CRELLE.2012.040.
3.Z. Hu, S. Deng, Homogeneous Finsler spaces with isotropic S-curvature and positive flag curvature, Math. Zeitschrift, published online 2011,DOI: 10.1007
4.S. Deng, On the classification of weakly symmetric Finsler spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 181 (2011), 29-52.
5.S. Deng, Z. Hou, On symmetric Finsler spaces, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 162 (2007), 197-219.
6.S. Deng, Finsler metrics and the degree of symmetry of a closed manifold, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, accepted 2010.
7.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Homogeneous Einstein-Randers spaces of negative Ricci curvature, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009), 1169-1172.
8.S. Deng, Invariant Finsler metrics on polar homogeneous manifolds, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 247 (2011), 47-74.
9.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Weakly symmetric Finsler spaces, Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 12 (2010), 309-323.
10.S. Deng, M. Xu, Clifford-Wolf translations of Finsler spaces, Forum Mathematicum, accepted.
11.S. Deng, An algebraic approach to weakly symmetric Finsler spaces, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 62 (2010), 52-73.
12.S. Deng, Z. Hu, On flag curvature of homogeneous Randers spaces, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, published online 2012, DOI: 10.4153/CJM-2012-004-6.
13.H. Wang, S. Deng, Some homogeneous Enistein-Randers spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, 72(2010), 4407-4414.
14.H. Wang, L. Huang, S. Deng, Homogeneous Einstein-Randers metrics on spheres, Nonlinear Analysis, 74 (2011), 6291-6301.
15.Z. Hu, S. Deng, Three dimensional homogeneous Finsler spaces, Math. Nachr., published online, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/mana.201100100.
16.H. Wang, S. Deng, Left invariant Einstein-Randers metrics on compact Lie groups, Canadian Math. Bull., Published online 2011/DOI: 10-4153/CMB-2011-145-6.
17.S. Deng, X. Wang, The S-curvature of homogeneous (α,β)-metrics, Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, 15 (2010), no.2, 47-56..
18.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Naturally reductive homogeneous Finsler spaces, ManuscriptaMathematica, 131 (2010), 215-229.
19.J. Lin, Y. Wang, S. Deng, T*-extension of Lie triple systems, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 431 (2009), 2071-2083.
20.S. Deng, The S-curvature of homogeneous Randers spaces, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 27 (2009), 75-84.
21.Y. Wang, J. Lin and S. Deng, Solvable Lie algebras with quasi-filiformnilradicals, Communications in Algebra, 36 (2008), 4052-4067.
22.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Positive definite Minkowski Lie algebras and bi-invariant Finsler metrics on Lie groups, GeometriaeDedicata, 136 (2008), 191-201.
23.H. An and S. Deng, Invariant (α,β)-metrics on homogeneous manifolds, MonatsheftefürMathematik, 154 (2008), 89-102.
24.S. Deng, Fixed points of isometries of a Finsler space, Publ. Math. Debrecen, 72 (2008), 469-474.
25.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Homogeneous Finsler spaces of negative curvature, Journal of Geometry and Physics, 57 (2007), 257-264.
26.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Invariant Finsler metrics on homogeneous manifolds II: complex structures, J. Physics A-Math. Gen., 39 (2006), 2599-2609.
27.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Minkowski symmetric Lie algebras and symmetric Berwald spaces, GeometriaeDedicata, 113 (2005), 95-105.
28.S. Deng, Z. Hou, On locally and globally symmetric Berwald spaces, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38 (2005), 1691-1697.
29.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Invariant Finsler metrics on homogeneous manifolds, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), 8245-8253.
30.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Invariant Randers metrics on homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 37 (2004), 4353-4360.
31.S. Deng, Z. Hou, The group of isometries of a Finsler space, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 207 (2002), 149-155.
32.S. Deng, Z. Hou, The ideal of relations of certain rings of highest weight vectors, Algebra Colloquium, 8 (2001), 275-284.
33.S. Deng, Z. Hou, Stability of certain rings of highest weight vectors, Chin. Ann. Math. B, 22(2001), 57-62.
34.Z. Hou, S. Deng, S. Kaneyuke, K. Nishiyama, Dipolarizations in semisimple Lie algebras and homogeneous parakaehler manifolds, Journal of Lie Theory, 9 (1999), 215-232.



