共找到2條詞條名為董海濱的結果 展開









《賦形與破碎:海外華人網上文化身份認同》(英文),2012年12月由西北大學出版社出----Dong, H. (2012).Forms and Fragments: Online cultural identification of Chinese overseas.Northwest University Press.


• 董海濱,複雜視角下的文化身份: 跨文化傳播學詮釋學派文化身份理論,獨著,西北大學學報,2016年1月 已接受;
• 董海濱. (2012年12期).析美國文化產業中的意識形態紛爭和文化認同衝突。現代傳播. Dong, H. (2012). Body/Identity Politics in American Cultural War: The ideological clashes and identification conflicts in American cultural and infotainment industry.Modern Communication(in Chinese).
• 董海濱. (2012年10月).處理意識形態紛爭:海外政治性網評中的定位性文化身份認同(英文).國際傳播通報(SSCI收錄期刊)
• Dong, H.(2012). Tackling Ideological Clashes: Positional Cultural Identification in Political Commentaries by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs).International Communication Gazette(SSCI).
• 董海濱. (2012年7月).應對生活困境:海外網評中的策略性文化身份認同(英文).中國媒體研究
• Dong, H.(2012). Managing Life Predicaments: Strategic Cultural Identification by Chinese Overseas Online Commentators (COOCs).China Media Research.
• 董海濱. (2012).善有善報:“善”(Kindness)在美國的人際傳播意義。西北大學學報,6Dong, H. (2012). Reciprocal kindness: A probe in the psychology of American interpersonal communication.Journal of Northwest University6(in Chinese).
• 董海濱, 海燕.(2012).哈金自由生活》與文化身份感的變化。小說評論2012年第4期. Dong, H. (2012). The Free Fall ofA Free Life: An analysis of cultural identification dynamics of Ha Jin in the English context.Novel Criticism,162, 203-207.
• 董海濱. (2009).身份討論:反映在一組網上討論中同文化內的身份差異(英文).中國媒體研究, 2,2009 (英文版)Dong, H. (2009). Identity Discussion: A discourse analysis of the ingroup identity differences enacted by one thread of online discussions.China Media Research, 2, 2009.
• 董海濱. (2008).意識形態複雜模式(ICM):通往推心置腹式的跨文化深度溝通。跨文化傳播與交流, 第十八期 Dong, H. (2008). Ideological Complexity Model (ICM): Towards the soul-searching communication.Journal of Intercultural Communication, 18thIssue(http://www.immi.se/intercultural/nr18/haibin.htm).
• 董海濱. (1999).客觀的精神與現實的虛擬:關於理論心理學。西安交通大學學報, 19, 82-89. Dong, H. (1999). Externalization of spirituality and virtualization of reality: On theoretical psychology.Journal of Xi’an Jaotong University, 19, 82-89. (in Chinese)
• 董海濱. (1997).情緒覺悟力。西北大學學報, 27,27-33 Dong, H. (1997). Emotional Intelligence.Journal of Northwest University, 27,27-33. (in Chinese).
• 董海濱. (1996).情商:一個心理學新概念。延安大學學報, 61,44-48. Dong, H. (1996). The new concept of EQ or emotional quotient.’Journal of Yanan University, 61,44-48. (in Chinese).
• 董海濱. (1996年9月).方興未艾的世界電子遊戲業。傳記文學Dong, H. (1996, September).