共找到6條詞條名為張德學的結果 展開
張德學,四川大學數學學院教授,博士生導師。目前擔任 Elsevier 期刊《Fuzzy Setsand Systems》以及Taylor & Francis期 刊《International Journal ofGeneral Systems》的編委。師從劉應明院士,1993年獲四川大學理學博士學位后長期工作在本科教育第一線,曾主講公共課高等數學,數學分析,拓撲學等課程。編寫並在科學出版社出版了本科生教材《一般拓撲學基礎》,該教材獲2014年度四川大學優秀教材一等獎。二十餘年間,先後發表學術論文50餘篇,其中SCI檢索40餘篇。2013年獲政府特殊津貼,2016年獲四川大學“唐立新教學名師獎”。
1. 張德學, On concretely reflective and coreflective subconstructs of Chang fuzzy topological spaces, 中國科學, 46(2003),107-117.
2. 劉應明, 張德學, 不分明拓撲中的Stone表示定理, 中國科學, A輯, 33(2003), 236-247.
3. 張德學, A comparison of various uniformities in fuzzy topology, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 140(2003), 399-422.
4. 張德學, Meet continuous lattices, limit spaces, and L-topological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 140(2003), 479-487.
5. 張德學, On the reflectivity and coreflectivity of L-fuzzifying topological spaces in L-topological spaces, Acta. Math. Sinica, English Series, 18(2002), 55-68.
6. 張德學, Stratified Hutton uniform spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 131(2002), 337-346.
7. 張德學, A natural topology for fuzzy numbers, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 264(2001), 344-353.
8. 張德學, On the relationship between several basic categories in fuzzy topology, Quaest. Math., 25(2002), 289-301。
9. H. Herrlich, 張德學, Is the construct of L-topological spaces a co-tower extension of some simpler construct? Quaest. Math., 24(2001), 147-155.
10. 張德學, Tower extension of topological constructs, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolinae, 41(2001), 41-51.
11. 劉應明, 張德學, Lowen spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 241(2000), 30-38.
12. 張德學, Fuzzy pretopological spaces, an extensional topological extension of fuzzy topological spaces, Chinese Ann. Math., English Series, 20(1999), 309-316.
13. 張德學, 徐羅山, Categories isomorphic to FNS, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 104(1999), 373-380.
14. T. Kubiak, 張德學, On the L-fuzzy Brouwer fixed point theorem, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 105(1999), 287-292.
15. Herrlich, 張德學, Categorical properties of probabilistic convergence spaces, Applied Categorical Structures, 6(1998), 495-513.