共找到16條詞條名為向榮的結果 展開

1986.07-1989.07 重慶醫科大學臨床生物化學專業,獲碩士學位
1978.02-1982.02 重慶醫科大學,獲學士學位
2007.3-至今 南開大學醫學院,院長,長江學者,特聘教授,博士生導師
2007.3-2008.12 美國Scripps研究所免疫系,副教授 (Associate Professor)
2001.5-2007.3 美國Scripps研究所免疫系,助理教授 (Assistant Professor)
1999.5-2001.5 美國Scripps研究所免疫系資深博士后 (Senior Postdoc)
1996.5-1999.5 美國Scripps研究所免疫系博士后 (Postdoc)
1992.7-1996.5 上海醫科大學 助教、副教授
2010-至今 中國抗癌協會專業委員會,委員
2009-至今 中國生物化學與分子生物學學會,理事
2009-至今 天津免疫學會,副理事長
1996-至今 美國癌症研究協會,會員
1. Su W, Zhou M, Zheng Y, Fan Y, Wang L, Han Z, Kong D, Zhao RC, Wu JC, Xiang R, Li Z. Bioluminescence reporter gene imaging characterize human embryonic stem cell-derived teratoma formation; J Cell Biochem. 2010 Dec 7. [Epub ahead of print]
2. Hao J, Liu R, Piao W, Zhou Q, Vollmer TL, Campagnolo DI, Xiang R, La Cava A, Van Kaer L, Shi FD. Central nervous system (CNS)-resident natural killer cells suppress Th17 responses and CNS autoimmune pathology; J Exp Med. 2010 Aug 30;207(9):1907-21.
3. Wang Q, Ni H, Lan L, Wei X, Xiang R, Wang Y.; Fra-1 protooncogene regulates IL-6 expression in macrophages and promotes the generation of M2d macrophages; Cell Res. 2010 Jun;20(6):701-12.
4. Luo, Y., Zhou, H., Krueger, J., Kaplan, C., Liao, D., Markowitz, D., Liu, C., Chuang, TS., Xiang, R and Reisfeld, R.A. The Role of proto-oncogene Fra-1 in remodeling the tumor microenvironment in support of breast tumor cell invasion and progression. Oncogene, 4:29(5):662-73, 2010.
5. Liao D, Luo Y, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA; Cancer associated fibroblasts promote tumor growth and metastasis by modulating the tumor immune microenvironment in a 4T1 murine breast cancer model. PLoS One. 2009 Nov 23;4(11):e7965.
6. Lee J, Hayashi M, Lo JF, Fearns C, Chu WM, Luo Y, Xiang R, Chuang TH. NF-kappaB activation primes cells to a pro-inflammatory polarized response to a TLR7 agonist. Biochem J. 2009 May 8.
7. Hu P, Hu HD, Chen M, Peng ML, Tang L, Tang KF, Matsui M, Belladonna ML, Yoshimoto T, Zhang DZ, Xiang R, Ren H. Expression of interleukins-23 and 27 leads to successful gene therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma; Mol Immunol. 2009 May;46(8-9):1654-62.
8. Xiang R, Luo Y, Niethammer AG, Reisfeld RA. Oral DNA vaccines target the tumor vasculature and microenvironment and suppress tumor growth and metastasis. Immunol Rev. 2008 Apr;222:117-28. Review.
9. Tang KF, Xie J, Chen M, Liu Q, Zhou XY, Zeng W, Huang AL, Zuo GQ, Wang Y, Xiang R, Ren H. Biologicals. Knockdown of damage-specific DNA binding protein 1 (DDB1) enhances the HBx-siRNA-mediated inhibition of HBV replication. Biologicals. 2008 May;36(3):177-83
10. Lewēn S, Zhou H, Hu HD, Cheng T, Markowitz D, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R, Luo Y.A Legumain-based minigene vaccine targets the tumor stroma and suppresses breast cancer growth and angiogenesis. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008 Apr;57(4):507-15.
11. 10. Schrama D, Voigt H, Eggert AO, Xiang R, Zhou H, Schumacher TN, Andersen MH, thor Straten P, Reisfeld RA, Becker JC. Immunological tumor destruction in a murine melanoma model by targeted LTalpha independent of secondary lymphoid tissue. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008 Jan;57(1):85-95.
12. 11. Zeng Y, Huebener N, Fest S, Weixler S, Schroeder U, Gaedicke G, Xiang R, Schramm A, Eggert A, Reisfeld RA, Lode HN. Fractalkine (CX3CL1)- and interleukin-2-enriched neuroblastoma microenvironment induces eradication of metastases mediated by T cells and natural killer cells. Cancer Res. 2007 Mar 1;67(5):2331-8.
13. 12. Luo Y, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Zhou H, Reisfeld RA. FLK-1-based minigene vaccines induce T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis and tumor protective immunity in syngeneic BALB/c mice. Vaccine. 2007 Feb 9;25(8):1409-15.
14. 13. Kaplan CD, Krüger JA, Zhou H, Luo Y, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA A novel DNA vaccine encoding PDGFRbeta suppresses growth and dissemination of murine colon, lung and breast carcinoma. Vaccine. 2006 Nov 17;24(47-48):6994-7002.
15. 14. Kruger JA, Kaplan CD, Luo Y, Zhou H, Markowitz D, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Characterization of stem cell-like cancer cells in immune-competent mice. Blood. 2006 Dec 1;108(12):3906-12.
15. Wu W, Luo Y, Sun C, Liu Y, Kuo P, Varga J, Xiang R, Reisfeld R, Janda KD, Edgington TS, Liu C.Targeting cell-impermeable prodrug activation to tumor microenvironment eradicates multiple drug-resistant neoplasms. Cancer Res. 2006 Jan 15;66(2):970-80
16. Luo Y, Zhou H, Krueger J, Kaplan C, Lee SH, Dolman C, Markowitz D, Wu W, Liu C, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. Targeting tumor-associated macrophages as a novel strategy against breast cancer. J Clin Invest. 2006 Aug;116(8):2132-2141.
17. Zhou H, Luo Y, Kaplan CD, Krüger JA, Lee SH, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA.A DNA-based cancer vaccine enhances lymphocyte cross talk by engaging the NKG2D receptor. Blood. 2006 Apr 15;107(8):3251-7.
18. Zhou H, Luo Y, Kaplan CD, Kruger JA, Lee SH, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA. Related Articles, Links ;A DNA-based cancer vaccine enhances lymphocyte crosstalk by engaging the NKG2D receptor. Blood. 2005 Dec 20
19. He Zhou, Yunping Luo, Masato Mizutani, Noriko Mizutani, Ralph A Reisfeld, and Rong Xiang; T cell-mediated suppression of angiogenesis results in tumor protective immunity; Blood, 2005; 106(6):2026-2032
20. Xiang R, Mizutani N, Luo Y, Chiodoni C, Zhou H, Mizutani M, Ba Y, Becker JC, Reisfeld RA; A DNA vaccine targeting survivin combines apoptosis with suppression of angiogenesis in lung tumor eradication. Cancer Res. 2005 Jan 15;65(2):553-61
21. Luo Y, Zhou H, Mizutani M, Mizutani N, Liu C, Xiang R, Reisfeld RA, A DNA vaccine targeting Fos-related antigen 1 enhanced by IL-18 induces long-lived T-cell memory against tumor recurrence. Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 15;65(8):3419-27
22. Mizutani N, Luo Y, Mizutani M, Reisfeld RA, Xiang R. DNA vaccines suppress angiogenesis and protect against growth of breast cancer metastases. Breast Dis. 2004;20:81-91. Review.
23. Rong Xiang, Yunping Luo, He Zhou, Masato Mizutani, Noriko Mizutani, and Ralph A, Reisfeld; A DNA vaccine targeting survivin combins apoptosis with suppression of angiogenesis in lung tumor eradication. Cancer Res. 2005 2005 Jan 15;65(2):553-61.
24. Yunping Luo, He Zhou, Masato Mizutani, Noriko Mizutani, Rong Xiang, and Ralph A, Reisfeld Induction of tumor-specific T cell memory by a DNA vaccine targeting Fos-related antigen 1 Cancer Res. 2005 Apr 15;65(8):3419-27.
25. Luo, Y., O'Hagan, D., Niethammer, A.G., Zhou, H., Singh, M, Ulmer, J., Reisfeld, R.A., Primus, F.J., and Xiang, R. Plasmid DNA encoding human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) adsorbed onto cationic microparticles induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice. Vaccine, 21:1938-1947, 2003
26. Niethammer, A.G., Xiang, R., Becker, J.C., Wodrich, H., Pertl, U., Karsten, G., and Reisfeld, R.A. A DNA vaccine against vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 prevents effective angiogenesis and inhibits tumor growth. Nature Med., 8(12): 1369-75, 2002.
27. Hood, J.D., Bednarski, M., Frausto, R., Reisfeld, R.A., Xiang, R., and Cheresh, D.A. Regression of established tumors by nanoparticle-mediated neovascular-targeted gene delivery. Science, 296(5577): 2404-7, 2002.
28. Xiang, R., Primus, J.F., Ruehlmann, J.M., Niethammer, A.G., Silletti, S., Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Gillies, S.D., Reisfeld, R.A. A dual-function DNA vaccine encoding CEA and CD40 ligand trimer induces protective immunity against colon cancer in CEA-transgenic mice. J. Immunol., 167:4560-4565, 2001
29. Xiang, R., Silletti, S., Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Ruehlmann, J.M., Niethammer, A.G., Pertl, U., Gillies, S.D., Primus, F.J. and Reisfeld, R.A. Protective immunity against human carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) induced by an oral DNA vaccine in CEA-transgenic mice. Clin. Cancer Res., 3:8565-8645, 2001.
30. Xiang, R., Lode, H.N., Chao,T-H., Ruehlmann, J.M., Dolman, C.S., Rodriguez, F.,Whitton, J.L., Overwijk, W.W., Restifo, N.P. and Reisfeld, R.A. An autologous oral DNA vaccine protects against murine melanoma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 97:5492-5497, 2000.
31. Xiang, R., Lode, H.N., Dreier, T., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld, R.A. T cell memory against colon carcinoma is long-lived in the absence of antigen. J. Immunol., 163:3676-3683, 1999.
32. Xiang, R., Lode, H.N., Dreier, T., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld, R.A., Induction of persistent tumor-protective immunity in mice cured of established colon carcinoma metastases. Cancer Research, 58:3918-3925, 1998.
33. Xiang, R., Lode, H.N., Dolman, C.S., Dreier, T., Varki, N.M., Qian, X., Lo, K., Lan, Y., Super, M., Gillies, S.D., and Reisfeld, R.A. Elimination of established murine colon carcinoma metastases by antibody-interleukin 2 fusion protein therapy. Cancer Res., 57:4948-4955, 1997.