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武漢理工大學材料科學與工程學院教授、博士生導師,中組部“青年”入選者(2013年),英國物理學會高分子物理協會首屆Ian Macmillan Ward Prize獎獲得者(2007年)


2009/10-2014, 英國 University of Sheffield 物理與天文系,博士后研究員
2009/02-2009/10, 英國 University of Surrey 物理系,博士后研究員
2005/10-2009/02, 博士, 軟凝聚態物理, 英國 University of Surrey 物理系
2002/09-2005/07, 碩士, 材料學, 武漢理工大學
1998/09-2002/07, 學士, 高分子材料與工程, 武漢理工大學




長期從事光電子器件及高分子材料、高分子物理方面的研究,內容涉及由有機/無機材料構築的光伏太陽能電池、發光器件和場效應晶體管等器件。採用大科學儀器如同步輻射X射線衍射和中子散射等研究材料的微觀結構。探索材料結構對器件性能的調控機制,指導設計和研製高效率的光電子器件。現已在Advanced Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials 等高水平國際刊物上發表論文40餘篇,被雜誌做封面報道4篇,應邀在Reports on Progress in Physics, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, Journal of Materials Chemistry等雜誌上撰寫綜述論文5篇,應邀參與撰寫由普林斯頓大學 Barry Rand教授主編的書籍Organic Solar Cells: Fundamentals, Devices, and Upscaling的部分章節。研究成果受到國際同行的高度關注,先後被美國科學雜誌 (Science,Editor’s Choice)、英國衛報等專業雜誌和主流媒體做新聞報道。學習和工作期間先後獲得過2007年度中國國家優秀自費留學生獎學金,英國物理學會高分子物理協會首屆Ian Macmillan Ward Prize (2007年),英國物理學會應用物理與技術協會學生獎,英國大學聯盟(Universities UK)ORS獎學金以及英國薩里大學(University of Surrey)研究獎學金。2013年入選國家“青年”,一直擔任Nature Communication、JACS、Adv. Energy Mater.等多家著名國際刊物的審稿人。


1. Tao Wang, David G. Lidzey. Bulk heterojunction morphology control and characterization. Chapter 7 in Organic Solar Cells: Fundamentals, Devices, and Upscaling. B. Rand, H. Richter. Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd. (2014)
2. Tao Wang, Andrew J. Pearson, David G. Lidzey. Correlating molecular morphology with optoelectronic function in solar cells based on low band-gap copolymer:fullerene blends. J. Mater. Chem. C 1:7266-7293 (2013) (Invited review)
3. Tao Wang*, Nicholas W. Scarratt, Hunan Yi, Alan D. F. Dunbar, Andrew J. Pearson, Darren C. Watters, Tom S. Glen, Andrew C. Brook, James Kingsley, Alastair R. Buckley, Maximilian W. A. Skoda, Athene M. Donald, Richard A. L. Jones, Ahmed Iraqi, David G. Lidzey*. Fabricating high performance, donor-acceptor copolymer solar cells by spray-coating in air. Adv. Energy Mater. 3:505-512 (2013) (Journal Cover)
4. Tao Wang*, Andrew J. Pearson, Alan D. F. Dunbar, Paul A. Staniec, Darren C. Watters, Hunan Yi, Anthony J. Ryan, Richard A. L. Jones, Ahmed Iraqi, David G. Lidzey*. Correlating structure with function in thermally-annealed PCDTBT:PC70BM photovoltaic blends. Adv. Funct. Mater. 22:1399-1408 (2012) (Journal Cover)
5. Tao Wang*, Andrew J. Pearson, David G. Lidzey*, Richard A. L. Jones. Evolution of structure, optoelectronic properties and device performance of polythiophene: fullerene solar cells during thermal annealing. Adv. Funct. Mater. 21:1383-1390 (2011)
6. Tao Wang*, Alan D. F. Dunbar, Paul A. Staniec, Andrew J. Pearson, Paul E. Hopkison, J. Emyr Macdonald, SamueleLilliu, Claire Pizzey, Nicholas J. Terrill, Athene M. Donald, Anthony J. Ryan, Richard A. L. Jones, David G. Lidzey. The development of nanoscale morphology in polymer:fullerene photovoltaic blends during solvent casting. Soft Matter, 6:4128-4134 (2010)
7. Tao Wang, Joseph L. Keddie. Design and fabrication of colloidal polymer nanocomposites. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 147-148:319-332 (2009) (Invited review)
8. Tao Wang, Alan B. Dalton, Joseph L. Keddie. The importance of molecular friction in a soft polymer-nanotube nanocomposite. Macromolecules 41:7656-7661 (2008)
9. Tao Wang, Chun-Hong Lei, Dan Liu, MihaelaManea, José M. Asua, CostantinoCreton, Alan B. Dalton, Joseph L. Keddie.A molecular mechanism for toughening and strengthening waterborne nanocomposites. Adv. Mater. 20:90-94 (2008)
10. Tao Wang, Chun-Hong Lei, Alan B. Dalton, CostantinoCreton, Yi Lin, K. A. Shiral Fernando, Ya-Ping Sun, MihaelaManea, José M. Asua, Joseph L. Keddie. Waterborne, nanocomposite pressure-sensitive adhesives with high tack energy, optical transparency, and electrical conductivity. Adv. Mater. 18: 2730-2734 (2006) (Editor’s Choice, Science, 314:1053, 2006)