共找到4條詞條名為陳譽的結果 展開







科技部評審專家,結構抗火專業委員會委員,中國鋼結構協會鋼-混凝土組合結構分會理事,《工業建築》理事,中國鋼結構協會專家委員會委員,《World Journal of Engineering》Associated Editor,《Engineering Structures》、《Composites Part B: Engineering》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Thin-Walled Structures》、《Steel and Composite Structures》、《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》、《Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology》、《Structural Engineering and Mechanics》、《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》、《Applied Ocean Research》、《Advances in Structural Engineering》、《Journal of Central South University》、《土木工程學報》、《建築結構學報》、《工程力學》、《複合材料學報》、《建築科學與工程學報》、《鐵道科學與工程學報》、《浙江工業大學學報》和《土木工程與管理學報》審稿人,廈門市建設工程評標專家國家自然科學基金、福建省自然科學基金、浙江省自然科學基金同行評議專家。







(1)沿海濕熱耦合作用下型鋼混凝土組合柱劣化機理研究:國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目編號: 52078138)。主持(執行中)
(2)拉擠型GFRP管-混凝土-型鋼組合柱受力性能與設計方法研究:國家自然科學基金面上項目(項目編號: 51778066)。主持(執行中)
(8)大跨度空間方圓鋼管節點極限承載力與抗震性能研究:湖北省傑出青年基金項目(項目編號: 2017CFA070)。主持(已結題)
(9)大偏心圓鋼管桁架節點受力性能研究:福建省自然科學基金面上項目(項目編號: 2012J01219)。主持(已結題)
(14)裝配式半剛性框架-波紋鋼板剪力牆結構體系的研發及產業化:福州市科技計劃項目(項目編號: 2020-GX-23)。主持(執行中)
(15)東南沿海濕熱耦合作用下型鋼柱劣化機理研究及其關鍵技術:福州市科技計劃項目(項目編號: 2021-Y-083)。主持(執行中)
(16) “數字中國”戰略下智慧建造創新實踐體系研究生培養模式綜合改革研究:福州大學研究生教育教學改革項目。主持(執行中)




Chen Y, Feng R, Wang J.Behaviour of bird-beak square hollow section X-joints under in-plane bending.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 86(1):94-107.(SCI, EI)(IF=2.881)(1區) (ESI高被引論文)
Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY.Experimental and finite element analysis research on cold-formed steel lipped channel beams under web crippling.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 87(2):41-52.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Wang J.Behaviour of bird-beak square hollow section X-joints under out-of-plane bending.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2015; 106(3):234-245.(SCI, EI)(IF=2.509) (2區)
Chen XX, Chen Y*, Chen DF.Plate reinforced square hollow section X-Joints subjected to in-plane moment.Journal of Central South University 2015; 22(3)1002-1015.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=0.761)(3區)
Chen Y, Wu Y.Behaviour of square hollow section brace-H-shaped steel chord T-joints under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 89(4):192-204.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY.Aluminum tubular sections subjected to web crippling.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 90(5):49-60.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881) (1區)
Chen Y, Wang J.Axial compression physical testing of traditional and bird beak SHS T-Joints.Journal of Central South University 2015; 22(6): 2328-2338.(SCI, EI) (IF=0.761)(3區)
Chen Y, Wang CY.Web crippling behaviour of pultruded GFRP rectangular hollow sections.Composites Part B: Engineering 2015; 77(8):112-121.(SCI, EI) (IF=4.920)(1區)
Chen Y, Wang CY.Test on pultruded GFRP I-section under web crippling.Composites Part B: Engineering 2015; 77(8):27-37.(SCI, EI) (IF=4.920)(1區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, Gao SW.Numerical investigation of concrete-filled multi-planar CHS Inverse-Triangular tubular truss.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 94(9):23-37.(SCI, EI).(Corresponding author) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Gao SW.Experimental study of concrete-filled multiplanar circular hollow section tubular trusses.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 94(9):199-213.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Wang CY.Tests of steel and composite CHS X-joints with curved chord under axial compression.Engineering Structures 2015; 99(9):423-438.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.755)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Wang CY.Tests of bare and concrete-filled CHS T-joints with concave chord under axial compression.Construction and Building Materials 2015; 93(9):144-156.(SCI, EI) (IF=3.485)(1區)
Wang CY, Chen Y*, Chen XX, Chen DF.Experimental and numerical research on out-of-plane flexural property of plates reinforced SHS X-joints.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 94(9):466-477.(SCI, EI).(Corresponding author) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Yang J, Chen Y*, Hu K.Stress concentration factors of negative large eccentricity tubular N-joints under axial compressive loading in vertical brace.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 96(11):359-371.(SCI, EI).(Corresponding author) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, Wei L, Ruan XF.Behaviour of CHS brace-to-H-shaped chord X-joints under in-plane bending.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2015(11); 114:8-19.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, Wu Y, Ruan XF, Feng R.Tests of SHS brace-H-shaped chord X-joints under in-plane bending.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 97(12):171-185.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Wang J.Numerical study and design equations of square and diamond bird-beak SHS T-joints under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2015; 97(12):215-224.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY.Web crippling of galvanized steel tube strengthened by CFRP sheets .Composites Part B: Engineering2016; 84(1):200-210.(SCI, EI) (IF=4.920)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Wei L.Design of CHS brace-to-H-shaped chord T-joints under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2016; 98(1):274-284.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Xiong LL.Experimental and numerical investigations on steel–concrete–PVC SHS joints under axial compression.Construction and Building Materials 2016; 102(1):654-670.(SCI, EI) (IF=3.485)(1區)
Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY.Experimental and finite element analysis research on I-Beam under web crippling.MaterialsandStructures 2016; 49(1-2): 421-437.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.271)(1區)
Chen Y, Chen XX, Wang CY.Tests and behavior of hot-rolled channel steel sections subjected to web crippling.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016; 117(2): 101-114.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, Wang CY.Tests of CHS T-joints with convex chord under axial compression.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016; 117(2): 139-151.(SCI, EI).(Corresponding author) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, Chen DF.Ultimate capacities formulae of collar and doubler plates reinforced SHS X-joints under in-plane bending.Thin-Walled Structures 2016; 99(2):21-34.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Yang J, Hu K.Parametric study and formulae of SCFs for positive large eccentricity CHS N-joints.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016; 120(4): 117-131.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.509) (2區)
Chen Y, Hu K, Yang J.Investigation on SCFs of concrete-filled circular chord and square braces K-joints under balanced axial loading.Steel and Composite Structures2016; 21(6): 1227-1249.(SCI, EI).(IF=3.594)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Ruan XF.Behaviour of steel-concrete-steel SHS X-joints under axial compression.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2016; 122(7): 469-487.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.509) (2區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Xiong LL.Experimental and numerical investigations on double-skin CHS tubular X-joints under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2016; 106(9): 268-283.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Huang SQ, Chen Y*, Wang CY, Du GF.Behavior of galvanized steel tube subjected to web crippling.Journal of Central South University 2016; 23(10):2705-2719.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=0.761)(3區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, Chen DF.Experimental and numerical investigations on collar plate and doubler plate reinforced SHS T-joints under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2017; 110(1): 75-87.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Wang LP.Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel SHS and RHS tubes.Engineering Structures 2017; 134(3):159-171.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.755)(1區)
Chen Y, Ran F, Shao YB, Zhang XT.Bond-slip behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel circular hollow section tubes.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017; 130(3): 248-263.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.509)(2區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, Gong WZ.Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled aluminium alloy thin-walled SHS and RHS tubes.Engineering Structures 2017; 137(4):33-49.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.755)(1區)
Chen Y, Wan J, Hu K, Yang J, Chen XX.Stress concentration factors of circular chord and square braces K-joints under axial loading.Thin-Walled Structures 2017(4); 113: 287-298.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Xu J.Flexural behaviour of CFRP strengthened concrete-filled aluminium alloy CHS tubes.Construction and Building Materials 2017; 142(7): 295-319.(SCI, EI).(IF=3.485)(1區)
Zhou WB, Chen Y*, Wang K, Han SH, Galarza FP.Experimental research on circular concrete filled stainless steel tubular truss.Thin-Walled Structures 2017; 117(8): 224-238.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, Chen T.Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled CHS X-joints with curved chord under out-of-plane bending.Engineering Structures 2017; 145(8): 254-272.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.755)(1區)
Wan J, Chen Y*, Wang K, Han SH.Residual strength of CHS columns after lateral impact.Thin-Walled Structures 2017; 118(9): 23-36.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Han SH, Chen Y*, Wentao Xie.Behaviour of square hollow steel tubular (SHST) stub columns after elevated temperature.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017; 136(9): 177-192.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, Wan J, Wang K.Residual axial bearing capacity of square steel tubes after lateral impact.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017; 137(10): 325-341.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Fu LQ.Investigation of grouted stainless steel SHS tubular X- and T-joints subjected to axial compression.Engineering Structures 2017; 150(11):318-333.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.755)(1區)
Zhang WX, Chen Y*.Tests on GFRP pultruded profiles with channel section subjected to web crippling.Applied Composite Materials 2017; 24(4):849-862.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=1.333)(4區)
Xie WT, Chen Y*, Han SH, Zhou WB, He K.Research on I steel reinforced concrete-filled GFRP tubular short columns.Thin-Walled Structures 2017; 120(11): 282-296.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Kai Wang, Feng R, Kang He, Wang LP.Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel CHS subjected to static loading.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2017; 139(12): 30-43.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, Feng R, He K, Chen XX, Huang JF.Flexural behaviour of concrete-filled stainless steel SHS and RHS tubes strengthened by CFRP.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 122(1): 208-229.(SCI, EI) .(IF=2.881)(1區)
He K, Chen Y*, Wan J.Web crippling behavior of grouted galvanized rectangular steel tube.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 122(1): 300-313.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R.Tests of concrete-filled circular hollow section X-joints with curved chord under in-plane bending.AdvancesinStructuralEngineering 2017; 20(12): 1948-1961.(SCI, EI).(IF=0.689)(3區)
Ran Feng, Yu Chen*, Jiangang Wei, Jinyan Huang, Junfei Huang, Kang He.Experimental and numerical investigations on flexural behaviour of CFRP reinforced concrete-filled stainless steel CHS tubes.Engineering Structures.2018; 156(2):305-321.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.755)(1區)
Wang K, Chen Y*, Wan J.Compressive behavior of post-heated circular CFST short columns externally strengthened with CFRP sheets.Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology2018; 32(8):833-853.(SCI, EI) (IF=1.039)(3區)
Feng R, Chen Y*, He K, Wei JG, Chen BC, Zhang XT.Push-out tests of concrete-filled stainless steel SHS tubes.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018; 145(6): 58-69.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, Xie WT, Han SH, Wang K.Investigation on mechanical behavior of I-section steel short columns after elevated temperature.Fire Technology 2018; 54(2): 503-529.(SCI, EI) (IF=1.483)(3區)
Chen Y, Wang K, He Kang, Wei JG, Wan J.Compressive Behavior of CFRP-confined post heated square CFST stub columns.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 127(6): 434-445.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Zhang XY, Chen Y*, Wan J, Wang K, He K, Chen XX, Wei JG, Jiang GP.Tests on residual ultimate bearing capacity of square CFST columns after impact.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018; 147(8): 27-42.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.509)(2區)
Chen Y, He K, Han SH, Wei JG.Experimental investigation of square concrete filled stainless steel tubular stub columns after exposure to elevated temperatures.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 130(9): 12-32.(SCI, EI).(IF=2.881)(1區)
Feng R, Zhu W, Wan HY, Chen AY, Chen Y*.Tests of perforated aluminium alloy SHSs and RHSs under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 130(9): 194-212.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Zhang JC, Huang YS, Chen Y*, Du GF, Zhou LJ.Numerical and experimental study on seismic behavior of concrete-filled T-section steel tubular columns and steel beam planar frames.Journal of Central South University 2018; 25(7): 1774-1785.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=0.761)(3區)
Chen Y, Wan J, He K.Experimental investigation on axial compressive strength of lateral impact damaged short steel columns repaired with CFRP sheets.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 131(10): 531-546.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Chen Y, Feng R.Behaviour concrete-filled double-skin circular hollow section cross joints under axial compression.International Journal of Steel Structures 2018; 18(3): 750-772.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=0.734)(4區)
Chen Y, Feng R, Gong WZ.Flexural behavior of concrete-filled aluminum alloy circular hollow section tubes.Construction and Building Materials 2018; 165(3): 173-186.(SCI, EI).(IF=3.485)(1區)
Feng R, Chen Y, Wei JG, He K, Fu LQ.Behaviour of grouted stainless steel tubular X-joints with CHS chord under axial compression.Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 124(3): 323-342.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=2.881)(1區)
Zhao BD, Chen Y, Liu CQ, Wu HD, Wang T, Wei XD.An axial semi-rigid connection model for cross-type transverse branch plateto-CHS joints.Engineering Structures 2019; 181(2):413-426.(SCI, EI) (IF=2.755)(1區)
Chen Y, He K, Zhang WX, B.C.Chen BC, Wei JG.Experimental and numerical investigations on skewed plate-to-SHS X-joints under compression.Advanced Steel Construction 2018; 14(4):539-561.(SCI, EI) (IF=0.737)(4區)
Chen Y*, Feng R.Flexural behavior of CFRP reinforced concrete-filled aluminum alloy tubes.International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 2018.(Accepted)(1區)
Chen Y, Han SH.Experimental study on three-layer tempered glass panel on quadrilateral simple bearing under local uniformly distributed load.Thin-Walled Structures 2018.(Accepted)(1區)
Chen Y, He K.Compressive behavior of circular concrete filled stainless steel tubular stub columns after exposure to elevated temperatures.Thin-Walled Structures 2018.(Accepted)(1區)
Pi T, Chen Y.Study on circular CFST stub columns with double inner square steel tubes.Thin-Walled Structures 2018.(Accepted)(1區)
He K, Chen Y, Han SH.Experimental investigation of circular steel tubular stub columns after elevated temperatures.International Journal of Applied Mechanics 2019.(Accepted) (3區)
Chen Y, He K, Xie WT.Axial compressive behavior of channel steel reinforced concrete-filled GFRP tubular short columns.International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2019.(Accepted) (4區)
Chen Y, Zhou WB.Experimental investigation on square hollow stainless steel tubular trusses.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018.(Under review)
Chen Y, He K.Experimental investigation of square stainless steel tubular stub columns after elevated temperatures.Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2018.(Under review)
Chen Y, Liu C.Mechanical properties of circular concrete filled stainless steel tube (C-CFSST) stub columns after being exposed to freezing and thawing.Cold Regions Science and Technology 2018.(Under review)
Chen XX, Chen Y*, He K, Fernando PG.Experimental investigations on web crippling failure modes of aluminum hollow and composite tubes.Structural Durability & Health Monitoring 2018; 12(4): 299-322.(EI) (Corresponding author)
陳譽,張鑽湖.平面X型圓鋼管混凝土節點平面外受彎性能試驗研究[J].建築結構學報.2012,33(3): 39-47.(EI)
陳譽,彭興黔.空間KK型雙弦桿圓鋼管搭接節點有限元參數分析與極限承載力計算公式[J].建築結構學報.2007,28(3):37-45.(EI )
XY Zhang, Y Chen*. Behavior of square GFRP tube filled with seawater and sea sand concrete beam. Composite Structures 2022.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.407)(1區)(Accept)
HY Qiao, Y Chen*.Experimental investigation of a substructure in a frame with castellated steel beams in case of a column loss. Engineering Structures 2022.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.471)(1區)(Accept)
HY Qiao, Y Chen*.Improvement of progressive collapse resistance for a steel frame system with beam – web opening. Engineering Structures 2022.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.471)(1區)(Accept)
WY Kong, Y Chen*.Test on axial compression performance of welded H-shaped castellated-steel short columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2022.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.646)(2區)(Accept)
X Yang, ZG Li, Y Chen*, H Yang.Performance of concrete encased steel stub columns after exposure to high temperatures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2021; 187: 106934.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.646).(2區)
ST Lin, JP Wang, HY Qiao, Y Zhou, Y Chen*.Anti-collapse Performance of Steel Frames with Bolted Webs in a Column Removal Scenario. Journal of Structural Engineering 2021; 147(10): 04021150.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.312).(頂刊)
MY Ye, Z Guo, CW Chen, Y Chen*. Shaking table test study on seismic performance of UHPC rectangular hollow bridge pier. Composite Structures 2021; 275: 114435.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.407)(1區)
XL Xue, ST Lin, Z Guo, Y Zhao, Q Lin, Y Chen*.Mechanical behavior of loose high-strength bolted connections with thin sheet steels. Thin-Walled Structures 2021; 168: 108281.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.442)(1區)
ST Lin, HY Qiao, JP Wang, JH Shi, Y Chen*.Anti-collapse performance of steel frames with RWS connections under a column removal scenario. Engineering Structures 2021; 227: 111495.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.471)(1區)
CW Chen, HY Qiao, JP Wang, Y Chen*. Progressive collapse behavior of joints in steel moment frames involving reduced beam section. Engineering Structures 2020; 225: 111297.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.471)(2區)
X Yang, C Tang, Y Chen*, TY Qiao.Compressive behavior of steel-reinforced concrete-filled square steel tubular stub columns after exposure to elevated temperature. Engineering Structures 2020; 204: 110048.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.471)(1區)
Y Zhu, Y Chen*, K He, R Feng, XY Zhang, QX Zhu, C Tang.Flexural behavior of concrete-filled SHS and RHS aluminum alloy tubes strengthened with CFRP.Composite Structures 2020; 238: 111975.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.407)(1區)
K He, Y Chen*, Y Yan. Axial mechanical properties of concrete-filled GFRP tubular hollow composite columns. Composite Structures 2020; 243: 112174.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.407)(1區)
HY Qiao, Y Chen*, JP Wang, CW Chen.Experimental study on beam-to-column connections with reduced beam section against progressive collapse. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2020; 175: 106358.(SCI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.646)(2區)
K He, Y Chen*.Experimental investigation of fire-exposed steel tubular stub columns wrapped with CFRP sheets. Composite Structures 2020; 253: 112807.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=5.407)(1區)
Z Guo, Y Chen*, Y Wang, MY Jiang.Experimental study on square concrete-filled double skin steel tubular short columns. Thin-Walled Structures 2020; 156: 107017.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=4.442)(1區)
K He, Y Chen*, SH Han.Experimental investigation of square stainless steel tubular stub columns after elevated temperatures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2019; 159: 397-414.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.646)(2區)
QX Zhu, Y Chen*, XY Zhang, XS Shen, Y Zhu.Static behavior of X-joints with SHS chord and CHS braces. Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2019; 162: 105750.(SCI, EI) (Corresponding author) (IF=3.646)(2區)
Y Chen, K He, SH Han, JG Wei. Experimental investigation of square concrete filled stainless steel tubular stub columns after exposure to elevated temperatures. Thin-Walled Structures 2018; 130: 12-31.(SCI, EI).(IF=4.442)(1區)
張繼承,黃泳水,陳譽,杜國鋒,周靈姣.T形鋼管混凝土柱–鋼樑平面框架抗震性能試驗研究與數值分析(英文)[J].Journal of Central South University,2018,25(07):1774-1785.
黃淑瓊,陳譽,王潮陽,杜國鋒.Behavior of galvanized steel tube subjected to web crippling[J].Journal of Central South University,2016,23(10):2705-2719.
陳譽,王江.Axial compression physical testing of traditional and bird beak SHS T-joints[J].Journal of Central South University,2015,22(06):2328-2338.
陳希湘,陳譽,陳棟芬.Plate reinforced square hollow section X-joints subjected to in-plane moment[J].Journal of Central South University,2015,22(03):1002-1015.


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(9)一種內設加勁肋的GFRP管混凝土組合柱(201811449591.5)陳譽 張曉勇 沈小盛 胡鵬兵 皮濤 何康 胡白玉
(10)一種再生混凝土組合柱及其製備方法(201810459393.0)袁彬 陳譽 何康
(11)基於變形吸能原理的多災種聯合防護功能鋼管混凝土結構(201811014919.0)郝勇 陳譽 杜國鋒 曾磊 謝向東 張繼承 吳林松 陽霞 路世偉 黃德文 何康


(5)2014年度福建省高校“新世紀優秀人才支持計劃” (2014FJ-NCET-ZR03)
(6)2013年福建省高校“傑出青年科研人才培育計劃” (JA13005)


(1)2006年8月出席由加拿大University of Toronto(多倫多大學)主辦的在convention center in quebec city(位於魁北克城的會議中心)舉行的“11 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM and IIW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on TUBULAR STRUCTURES”國際學術研討會。發表交流了“Experimental study on overlapped CHS K-joints with hidden seam unwelded”的論文。
(2)2007年7月出席由英國Oxford University(牛津大學)主辦的在St Catherine's College (聖。凱瑟琳學院)舉行的“6 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on STEEL and ALUMINIUM STRUCTURES”國際學術研討會。發表交流了“Experimental and FEA research on hysteretic property of overlapped CHS K-joints”的論文。