共找到2條詞條名為張勇斌的結果 展開



張勇斌,男,生於1971年8月,常州大學機械工程學院教授,碩士生導師,多家國際期刊特約評審專家。《Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering 》編委。


在界面滑移流體潤滑理論納米流體流動理論、混合流變彈流潤滑理論、塑性接觸流體潤滑理論上作出了重要的創造性貢獻。在國內外著名刊物如美國摩擦學者與潤滑工程師協會會刊《Tribology Transactions》、英國機械工程協會會刊《Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology》、德國化學學會會刊《Journal of Molecular Liquids》、國際應用摩擦學期刊《Industrial Lubrication and Tribology》、巴爾幹半島摩擦學會會刊《Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association》、前蘇聯著名流體力學期刊《Fluid Mechanics Research》、國際工程模擬期刊《International Journal for Engineering Modeling》、國際應用科學研究期刊《Journal of Applied Sciences》、國際應用力學期刊《Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics》、《Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics》、《Meccanica》、《Acta Mechanica》、《Flow,Turbulence and Combustion》、《Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology》國際傳熱傳質會刊《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》、Nature出版集糰子刊《Scientific Reports》、國內《自然科學進展》、《應用數學與力學》、《力學學報》、《工程力學》等發表學術論文100多篇,SCI收錄90多篇,EI收錄60多篇。研究成果在國內外產生了重要影響。曾為ASME《Journal of Tribology》、《Nanotechnology》、《Tribology Letters》等國際科技期刊審稿人。“Contact-fluid interfacial shear strength and its critical importance in elastohydrodynamic lubrication”曾被Emerald出版集團評為該集團2006年度傑出論文之一。申請中國發明專利14項,已授權11項,已轉讓8項。



2. 微納米力學。


1、建立線接觸粘塑性流體彈流潤滑理論和實驗方法,與合作者共同取得。建立該理論嚴謹的數學模型和數值求解法,得到中、重載大滑滾比下彈流潤滑膜坍塌。理論結果得到日本、香港、中國內地和英國等科學家的實驗證實,對彈流潤滑研究產生了重要影響。研究成果以系列文章形式發表在《Tribology Transactions》上。
2、考慮邊界膜的動力學效應和邊界膜沿膜厚方向的非連續介質特性,建立邊界膜潤滑的理論研究模型即邊界膜分析的“流量因子”法,研究表明邊界膜的非連續介質效應可增大邊界膜的承載能力。這個模型的建立使邊界膜的理論建模研究成為可能,有助於深入詳細地理解邊界膜的承載和摩擦機理。研究成果發表在《Journal of Molecular Liquids》和《Industrial Lubrication and Tribology》上。繼而推導出受限納米流體流動方程,該方程得到分子動力學模擬結果的廣泛驗證,具有重要理論意義和應用價值。研究結果分別發表在《Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience》、《Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics》、《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer》和《Scientific Reports》上。
3、提出混合流變潤滑理論。該理論考慮高副接觸區中粘彈性流體膜、粘塑性流體膜和邊界膜的共存,解釋了早期Bell和Kannel高速重載彈流潤滑實驗中難以由傳統理論解釋的膜厚隨載荷和速度反常變化現象。在該理論基礎上求解了線接觸混合流變彈流潤滑,得到了一些重要結果。研究成果發表在《Industrial Lubrication and Tribology》、《International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research》、《Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association》上。從分子級水平計算了常規潤滑流體-接觸表面界面剪切強度,驗證了所提出的界面剪切強度計算公式的正確性,勘實了混合流變潤滑理論基礎。
《Industrial Lubrication and Tribology》、《Journal of Molecular Liquids》、《Journal of Applied Sciences》、《Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics》、《International Journal for Engineering Modeling》、《Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics》上。
建立混合接觸流體潤滑中的彈塑性接觸流體潤滑理論和全塑性接觸流體潤滑理論。這些理論得到實驗的充分證實。研究結果分別發表在《Journal of Applied Sciences》、《Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics》、《Flow,Turbulence and Combustion》、《Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology》上。
1.Zhang, Y. B., Flow factor of non-continuum fluids in one-dimensional contact, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2006, Vol.58, 151-169.
2.Zhang, Y. B., The flow factor approach model for the fluid flow in a nano channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, Vol.89, 733-742.
3.Zhang, Y. B., A quantitative comparison between the flow factor approach model and the molecular dynamics simulation results for the flow of a confined molecularly thin fluid film. Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2015, Vol.29, 193-204.
4.Zhang, Y. B., The flow equation for a nanoscale fluid flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,Vol.92, 1004-1008.
5.Zhang, Y. B., Calculating the maximum flowing velocity of the Poiseuille flow in a nano channel by the flow factor approach model. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,Vol.73, 111-113.
6.Zhang, Y. B., An additional validation of the flow factor approach model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,Vol.95, 953-955.
7.Zhang, Y. B., Effect of wall surface modification in the combined Couette and Poiseuille flows in a nano channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.100, 2016, 672-679.
8.Zhang, Y. B., Poiseuille flow in a nano channel for different wall surface patterns. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,Vol.95, 243-248.
9.Zhang, Y. B., Novel nano bearings constructed by physical adsorption. Scientific Reports, 2015, Vol.5, 14539.
10.Zhang, Y. B., Mixed rheologies in elastohydrodynamic lubrication. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2004, Vol.56, 88-106.
11.Zhang, Y. B., Review of hydrodynamic lubrication with interfacial slippage.Journal of theBalkan Tribological Association, 2014, Vol.20, 522-538.
12.Zhang, Y. B., A simplified model for calcualting hydrodynamic lubrication film thickness in elastoplastic line contacts.Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2011, Vol.87, 707-723.
13.Zhang, Y. B., Hydrodynamic lubrication in fully plastic asperity contacts.Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012, Vol.26, 279-289.
14.Zhang, Y. B., Shear strengths of liquids at low pressures. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association,2014, Vol.20, 424-428.