

龔平 ,男,漢族,1983年出生,北京人,博士學位,中國科學院青藏高原研究所副研究員。







學 歷

2006-2011 中國科學院青藏高原研究所 自然地理學專業 理學博士學位
2002-2006 北京林業大學 環境科學專業 理學學士學位


(1) Gong P., Wang X.P., Yao T.D. Ambient distribution of particulate- and gas-phase n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences
(2) Gong P., Wang X.P., Sheng J.J., Yao T.D. Variations of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in atmosphere of the Tibetan Plateau: Role of the monsoon system. Atmospheric Environment,
(3) Wang X.P., Gong P., Yao T.D, Jones K.C. Passive air sampling of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers across the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology
(4) Wang X.P., Gong P., Zhang Q.G., Yao T.D. Impact of climate fluctuations on deposition of DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane in mountain glaciers: Evidence from ice core records. Environmental Pollution
(5) Wang C.F., Wang X.P., Gong P., Yao T.D. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soil across the Tibetan Plateau: Spatial distribution, source and air-soil exchange. Environmental Pollution
(6) Wang X.P., Xue Y.G., Gong P., Yao T.D. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in Tibetan forest soil: profile distribution and processes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
(7) Sheng J.J., Wang X.P., Gong P., Joswiak D.R., Tian L.D., Yao T.D., Jones K.C. Monsoon-driven transport of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls to the Tibetan Plateau: three-year atmospheric monitoring study. Environmental Science & Technology
(8) Wang X.P., Sheng J.J., Gong P., Xue Y.G., Yao T.D., Jones K.C. Persistent organic pollutants in the Tibetan surface soil: Spatial distribution, air–soil exchange and implications for global cycling. Environmental Pollution
(9) Sheng J.J., Wang X.P., Gong P., Tian L.D., Yao T.D. Heavy metals of the Tibetan top soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research
(10) Wang X.P., Yang H.D., Gong P, Zhao X, Wu G.J., Turner S, Yao T.D. One century sedimentary records of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mercury and trace elements in the Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution
(11) 龔平, 王小萍, 盛久江, 徐柏青. 運用相對組成探針技術研究青藏高原POPs大氣傳輸與來源. 環境科學研究
(12) 薛永剛, 龔平, 王小萍, 姚檀棟. 持久性有機污染物在森林生態系統中的環境行為研究. 地理科學進展,
(13) 王小萍, 龔平, 姚檀棟. 偏遠地區大氣持久性有機污染物研究進展. 環境科學