共找到12條詞條名為李小強的結果 展開
職 稱: 研究員
1984.09-1998.07: 西北大學地質系,地質學,理學學士
1988.09-1991.07: 黃土與第四紀國家重點實驗室,第四紀地質學,理學碩士
1998.09-2003.01: 中科院地球環境研究所,第四紀地質學,理學博士
趙克良、李小強、周新郢、John Dodson,紀明,2012,新疆新塔拉遺址農業活動特徵及其影響的植物指標記錄,第四紀研究
周新郢, 李小強, 趙克良, Dodson John, 孫楠, 楊青. 隴東地區新石器時代的早期農業及環境效應. 科學通報,
楊青, 李小強, 周新郢, 趙克良, 紀明, 孫楠. 炭化過程中粟、黍種子亞顯微結構
特徵及其在植物考古中的應用. 科學通報
楊青, 李小強, 周新郢, 劉漢斌, 趙克良, 孫楠. MIS 3 階段以來沙漠/黃土過渡區植被演替及其對氣候變化的響應. 第四紀研究
尚雪,李小強*,安芷生,紀明,張宏賓,2009,青海湖流域表土花粉分析,中國科學 D輯
李小強, 張宏賓,周新郢,尚雪,紀明,趙克良,甘肅西山坪遺址5000年水稻遺存的植硅
李小強, 周新郢,周杰,John Dodson,張宏賓,尚雪,甘肅西山坪遺址生物指標記錄的中國最早的農業多樣化,中國科學(D 輯)
李小強、周新郢、張宏賓、周杰、尚雪、John Dodson,考古生物指標記錄的中國西北地區5000年前水稻遺存,科學通報
李小強、周新郢、尚雪、John Dodson,黃土炭屑分級統計方法及其在火演化研究中的意義,湖泊科學,
李小強、尚雪、周新郢、張宏賓,高分辨黃土花粉分析的篩析-重液綜合法, 乾旱區地理
周衛建,李小強,董光榮,S.C. Porter, M. Stuiver, D. Donahue, A.J.T. Jull, 新仙女木期沙漠/黃土過渡帶高解析度泥碳記錄-東亞季風氣候顫動的實例。中國科學(D輯
李小強, 李承森, 鹿化煜, 王宇飛,山西榆社、太谷盆地上新世中、晚期的植被與環境, 海洋地質與第四紀地質,2002, 第22卷,第1期
李小強, 安芷生,周杰,高會軍,趙宏麗,全新世黃土高原塬區植被特徵研究,海洋地質與第四紀地質,2003,第3期
Xiaoqiang Li, Nan Sun, John Dodson, Xinying Zhou, Keliang Zhao, 2013, Vegetation Characteristics in the Western Loess Plateau between 5200 and 4900 cal B.P. based on fossil charcoal records, Veget Hist Archaeobot
Xiaoqiang Li, Nan Sun, John Dodson, Xinying Zhou, 2012, Human activity and its impact on the landscape at the Xishanping site in the western Loess Plateau during 4800-4300 cal yr BP based on the fossil charcoal record, Journal of Archaeological Science
Keliang Zhao, Xiaoqiang Li, John Dodson, Pia Atahan, Xinying Zhou, Fiona Bertuch, 2012, Climatic variations over the last 4000 cal yr BP in the western margin of the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, reconstructed from pollen data, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Keliang Zhao, Xiaoqiang Li, John Dodson, Xinying Zhou, Pia Atahan, 2013, Climate instability during the last deglaciation in central Asia, reconstructed by pollen data from Yili Valley, NW China, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
N. Sun, X.Q. Li, 2012, The quantitative reconstruction of the paleoclimate between 5200 and 4300 cal yr BP in the Tianshui Basin, NW China, Climate of the Past
Xinying Zhou, Xiaoqiang Li, John Dodson, Keliang Zhao, Atahan Pia, Nan Sun, Qing Yang,2012, Land degradation during the Bronze Age in Hexi Corridor (Gansu, China), Quaternary International
Zhisheng An, Steven M. Colman, Weijian Zhou, Xiaoqiang Li, Eric T. Brown, A. J. Timothy Jull,Yanjun Cai, Yongsong Huang, Xuefeng Lu, Hong Chang, Yougui Song, Youbin Sun, Hai Xu,Weiguo Liu, Zhangdong Jin, Xiaodong Liu, Peng Cheng, Yu Liu, Li Ai, Xiangzhong Li, Xiuju Liu,Libin Yan, Zhengguo Shi, Xulong Wang, Feng Wu, Xiaoke Qiang, Jibao Dong, Fengyan Lu & Xinwen Xu, Interplay between the Westerlies and Asian monsoon recorded in Lake Qinghai sediments since 32ka, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,
Xiaoqiang Li, Keliang Zhao, John Dodson, Xinying Zhou. 2011, Moisture dynamics in central Asia for the last 15 kyr: new evidence from Yili Valley, Xinjiang, NW China. Quaternary Science Reviews
Xiaoqiang Li, Nan Sun, John Dodson, Ming Ji, Keliang Zhao, Xinying Zhou. The impact of early smelting on the environment of Huoshiliang in Hexi Corridor, NW China, as recorded by fossil charcoal and chemical elements. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Xinying Zhou, Xiaoqiang Li. 2011, Variations in spruce (Picea sp.) distribution in the Chinese Loess Plateau and surrounding areas during the Holocene. Holocene
Xinying Zhou, Xiaoqiang Li, keliang Zhao, John Dodson, Nan Sun, Qing Yang. Early agricultural development and environmental effects in the Neolithic Longdong basin (eastern Gansu). Chinese Science Bulletin,
Qing Yang, Xiaoqiang Li, Weiguo Liu, Xinying Zhou, Keliang Zhao, Nan Sun. Carbon isotope fractionation during low temperature carbonization of foxtail and common millets. Organic Geochemistry
Qing Yang, XiaoQiang Li, XinYing Zhou, KeLiang Zhao, Ming Ji, Nan Sun. Investigation of the ultrastructural characteristics of foxtail and broomcorn millet during carbonization and its application in archaeobotany. Chinese Science Bulletin
Pia Atahan, John Dodson, Xiaoqiang Li, Xinying Zhou, Songmei Hu, Fiona Bertuch, Nan Sun. Subsistence and the isotopic signature of herding in the Bronze Age Hexi Corridor, NW Gansu, China. Journal of Archaeological Science
Pia Atahan, John Dodson, Xiaoqiang Li, Xinying Zhou, Songmei Hu, Liang Chen, Fiona Bertuch,
Kliti Grice. Early Neolithic diets at Baijia, Wei River valley, China: stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of human and faunal remains. Journal of Archaeological Science
Houyuan Lu, Naiqin Wu, Kam-biu Liu, Liping Zhu, Xiangdong Yang, Tandong Yao, Luo Wang, Quan Li, Xingqi Liu, Caiming Shen, Xiaoqiang Li, Guobang Tong, Hui Jiang. Modern pollen distributions in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the development of transfer functions for reconstructing Holocene environmental changes. Quaternary Science Reviews
SHANG Xue, LI XiaoQiang*, Holocene vegetation characteristics of the southern Loess Plateau in the Weihe River valley in China,Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
SHANG Xue, LI XiaoQiang*, AN ZhiSheng, JI Ming, 2009, Modern pollen rain in the Lake Qinghai basin, China, Science in China Series D
Li, X.Q.*, Dodson J., Zhou J., Zhou, X.Y., The increase of population and rice agriculture in Asia and anthropogenic methane emission from 5000 yrs, Quaternary International
Li, X.Q.*,Shang, X., Dodson, J., Zhou, X.Y., Holocene agriculture in the Guanzhong Basin in NW China indicated by pollen and charcoal evidence, Holocene
.Li, X.Q., Dodson J, Zhou J, Zhou, X.Y., 2009, The increase of population and rice agriculture in Asia and anthropogenic methane emission from 5000 yrs, Quaternary International
Dodson, J., Li, X.Q., Ji, M., Zhao, K.L., Zhou, X.Y., b, Levchenkoa, V., 2009, Bronze in two Holocene Bronze in two Holocene archaeological sites in Gansu, NW China, Quaternary Research
Li X.Q., Dodson J., Zhou X.Y., Zhang H.B., Masutomuo R., The early wheat and broadening agriculture in Neolithic China, Holocene
LI XiaoQiang, ZHOU XinYing, ZHOU Jie, DODSON John, ZHANG HongBin, SHANG Xue, The earliest archaeobiological evidence of the broadening agriculture in China recorded at Xishanping site in Gansu Province, Science in China Series D
LI Xiaoqiang, ZHOU Xinying, ZHANG Hongbin, ZHOU Jie, SHANG Xue & DODSON John, The record of cultivated rice from archaeobiological evidence in northwestern China 5000 cal a BP ago, Chinese Science Bulletin
Li Xiaoqiang, Dodson John, Zhou Jie, Wang Sumin, Sun Qianli, Vegetation and climate variation at Taibai, Qinling Mountains in Central China for the last 3500 a BP. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology
Li X.Q., Li C.S., Lu H.Y., Wang Y.F., 2004, Paleovegetation and Paleoclimate in Middle-Late Pliocene, Shanxi, central China, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Li Xiaoqiang,Zhou Jie,Shen Ji,Weng Chengyu,Zhao Hongli, Sun Qianli,2004, Vegetation History and Climatic Variations during the last 14 ka BP inferred from a pollen record at Daihai Lake, North-central China,Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Li Xiaoqiang, Zhou W.J, An Z.S., Dodson, J., 2003, The vegetation and monsoon variations at the desert-loess transition belt at Midiwan in northern China for the last 13ka, Holocene
Li Xiaoqiang, Zhou J., Dodson, J., 2003, The vegetation characteristics of the “Yuan” area at Yaoxian on Loess Plateau over the last 12,000 years, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology
Li XQ, Zhou WJ, An ZS, Dong GR, 2000, The palaeovegetation record of monsoon evolution in the desert-loess transition zone for the last 13 ka BP, ACTA BOTANIC SINICA
Li XQ, Du NQ, The acid-alksli-free analysis of Quaternary pollen, ACTA BOTANIC SINICA
J. R. Dodson, S. Hickson, R. Khoo, X.Q. LI*, J. Toia, W. Zhou, A Vegetation and EnvironmentHistory for the last 14,000 years from Dingnan, Jiangxi Province, south China, Journal ofIntegrative Plant Biology
An Zhisheng, Wang Ping,Shen Ji,Zhang Yixiang,Zhang Peizheng,Wang Sumin, Li Xiaoqiang et al. Geophysical survey on the tectonic and sediment distribution of Qinghai Lake basin.Science in China Series D
An Z.S., Porter, S.C., Kutzbach, J.E., Wu, X.H., Wang, S.M., Liu, X.D., Li, X.Q., Zhou, W.J.,Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon, Quaternary Science Review
Zhou Weijian, Douglas J. Donahue, Stephen Porter, Timothy A. Jull, Li Xiaoqiang, MinzeStuiver, An Zhisheng, Eiji Mosimoto, Dong Guangrong, Variability of Monsoon Climate inEast China at the end of the last glaciation, Quaternary Research
Du Naiqiu, Li Xiaoqiang, The Method of Pollen Analysis, International Symposium andWorkshop on Paleomonsoon Variation During the Last 20 ka IGBP-349 INQUA
(16)國家基金委中澳合作特別基金(負責):“Natural records of fire variation andancient agriculture in Guanzhong Plain during the Neolithic period”,起止時間