

岳明:大連理工大學汽車工程學院 教授、博士生導師,目前主要以智能車輛、移動機器人、運載裝備等機械平台為背景,針對機電系統高性能運動控制面臨的欠驅動、非完整、強耦合、不匹配等關鍵科學問題,開展非線性系統動力學建模、智能控制方法設計等方面的研究。



2017.12- 大連理工大學汽車工程學院 教授、博士生導師
2008.07-2017.11 大連理工大學汽車工程學院 講師、副教授、博導
2013.08-2014.08 密歇根大學航天系 訪問學者
2009.02-2012.02 大連理工大學機械工程學院 在職博士后
2002.09-2008.05 哈爾濱工業大學機電工程學院機械設計及理論專業 碩士、博士
1998.08-2002.08 浙江省寧波市中策動力機電集團公司 工程師
1994.09-1998.07 鄭州大學機電工程學院機械設計及製造專業 本科
1. 智能車輛
2. 機電系統動力學與控制
3. 車輛先進控制理論與應用
[1].Yue Ming, Xiaojie Sun, Nan Li, Cong An. Dynamic motion planning and adaptive tracking control for a class of two-wheeled autonomous vehicle with an underactuated pendular suspension. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME. 2015, 137(10):101006
[2].Yue Ming, Shuang Wang, Yongshun Zhang. Adaptive fuzzy logic-based sliding mode control for a nonholonomic mobile robot in the presence of dynamic uncertainties. Proc. IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 2015, 229(11): 1979-1988
[3].Yue Ming, Xing Wei, Zhijun Li. Zero-dynamics-based adaptive sliding mode control for wheeled inverted pendulum with parametric friction and uncertain dynamics compensation. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2015, 37(1):91-99
[4].Yue Ming, Baoyin Liu, Cong An, Xiaojie Sun. Extended state observer-based adaptive hierarchical sliding mode control for longitudinal movement of a spherical robot. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014, 78(2):1233-1244
[5].Yue Ming, Xing Wei. Dynamic balance and motion control for wheeled inverted pendulum vehicle via hierarchical sliding-mode approach. Proc. IMechE, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 2014, 228(6): 351-358
[6].Yue Ming, Baoyin Liu. Adaptive control of an underactuated spherical robot with a dynamic stable equilibrium point using hierarchical sliding mode approach. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing. 2014,28(6):523–535
[7].Yue Ming, Guoqiang Wu, Shuang Wang, Cong An. Disturbance observer-based trajectory tracking control for nonholonomic wheeled mobile robot subject to velocity saturation constraint. Applied Artificial Intelligence. 2014, 28(8): 751-765
[8].Yue Ming, Xing Wei, Zhijun Li. Adaptive sliding mode control for two-wheeled inverted pendulum vehicle based on zero dynamics theory. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014, 76(4): 459–471
[9].Yue Ming, Yongshun Zhang, Feiyun Tang. Path following control of a two-wheeled surveillance vehicle based on sliding mode technology. Transaction of the Institute of Measurement and Control. 2013, 35(2): 212-218
[10].岳明, 王爽, 張永順. 雙閉環策略下非完整輪式機器人魯棒自適應運動/力協調控制. 控制理論與應用. 2013, 30(7):801-807.
[11].Yue Ming, Feiyun Tang, Baoyin Liu, Baozhen Yao. Trajectory tracking control of a nonholonomic mobile robot: backstepping kinematics into dynamics with uncertain disturbances. Applied Artificial Intelligence. 2012, 26(10):952–966
[12].Yue Ming, Wei Sun, Ping Hu. Dynamic coordinated control of attitude correction for the shield tunneling based on load observer. Automation in Construction. 2012, 24(7): 24-29
[13].Yue Ming, Sun Wei. Non-linear adaptive controller with a variable adaptation rate for a simulated model of an electrohydraulic actuator. Proc. IMechE, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering. 2011, 225(5): 603-609
[14].Yue Ming, Sun Wei, Hu Ping. Sliding mode robust control for two-wheeled mobile robot with lower center of gravity. International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. 2011, 7(2):637-646
[15].Yue Ming, Sun Wei, Wei Jian. Sliding mode robust controller for automatic rectification of shield machine. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2011, 18(2): 536-541
[16].Yue Ming, Hu Ping, Sun Wei. Path following of a class of non-holonomic mobile robot with underactuated vehicle body. IET control theory and applications. 2010, 4(10): 1898-1904
[17].岳明, 鄧宗全. 球形機器人爬坡狀態下動力學建模及最優控制器設計. 機械工程學報. 2009, 45(11):46-51
[18].岳明, 鄧宗全. 基於坐標變換下的球形機器人控制器設計. 機械工程學報. 2009, 45(5):271-275+280