


從事學科領域:(按國家標準GB/T 13745-1992《學科分類與代碼》填寫)





主講本科生課程 - 天然藥物化學、生物製藥、藥物分析。
研究生課程 – 天然藥物化學、高級生物化學。







1. 葡萄糖胺糖類的生物學處理技術研究開發。2005-2007,萊陽農學院人才啟動基金,0437,4萬,主持 2. 甲殼素,殼聚糖降解酶的分離及其生物學特徵。2006-2007,國家教委留學回國人員啟動資金,0612,3萬,主持
3. 有機磷農藥殘留免疫檢測技術研究及檢測試劑盒研製。2006.6-2009.06,青島農業大學校級課題,3萬,參加,2/5。
論文名稱 刊物名稱 作者位次 出版時間 期號 起止頁碼
1. 合歡葉乙醇提取物對植物病原真菌的抑菌活性測定。中國農學通報,1/3, 2009, 25(3):202-205.
2. Sulfur Deficiency Effects on Sulfate Uptake and Assimilatory Enzymes Activity in Rape Plants. Journal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science, 2/4, 2009,29(2):95-102.
3. Sulfur Deficiency Effects on Nitrate Uptake and Assimilatory Enzymes Activity in Rape Plants. Journal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science, 2/4, 2009, 29(2):103-110.
4. Increased proline loading to phloem and its effects on nitrogen uptake and assimilation in water-stressed white clover( Trifolium repens). New Phytologist,2/6, 2009,182(3):654-663.
5. Water deficit-induced oxidative stress and the activation of antioxidant enzymes in white clover leaves. Biologia Plantarum, 4/7, 2009, 53 (3): 505-510.
6. Water-deficit accumulates sugars by starch degradation -not by de novo synthesis- in white clover leaves(Trifolium repens). Physiologia Plantarum,2/8, 2008, 134(3): 403–411.
7. SO4 uptake and assimilation in forage rape ( Brassica napus). Journal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science, 2/6, 2008, 28(2):75-80.
8. Comparison of sulfur utilization among 10 different genotypes of rape ( Brassica napus). Journal of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science, 3/6, 2008, 28(2):71-74.
9. A New Steroidal Saponin, Yuccalan, from the Leaves of Yucca smalliana. Archives of Pharmacal Research, 1/6, 2007, 30(5), 543-546.
10. Treatment of Paenibacillus illinoisensissuppresses the activities of antioxidative enzymes in pepper roots caused by Phytophthora capsiciinfection. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2/5, 2006, 22(9):901-907.
11. Antifungal and antioxidant activities of Yucca smallinaFern. Agricultural Chemistry & Biotechnology, 1/6, 2006, 49(4): 165-170
12. Anticorulant 1,2,3,4,6-Pentagalloyl-β-D-Glucopyranose isolated from Geranium ( Pelargonium inquinansAit). Archives of Pharmacal Research, 3/4, 2005, 28(9), 1037-1041.
13. Changes in pathogenesis-related proteins in pepper plants with regard to biological control of phytophthora blight with Paenibacillus illinoisensis. Biological Control, 2/5, 2005, 50, 165-178.
14. Purification and properties of a chitosanase from Bacillus cereusP16. Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, 3/4, 15(1): 27-32.
15. Inoculation of Paenibacillus illinoisensisalleviates root mortality, activates of lignification-related enzymes, and induction of the isozymes in pepper plants infected by Phytophthora capsici. Biological Control, 2004, 2/5, 30(3),3645-3652.
16.Characterization and Kinetics of 45 kDa chitosanase from Bacillussp. P16. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 3/5, 2003, 67(9), 1875- 1882.
17.Biological control of damping-off Causes by Rhizoctonia solaniusing chitinase-producing Paenibacillus illinoisensisKJA-424. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 3/5, 2003, 35, 1261-1264.
18.Purification and characterization ofβ-N-acetylhexosaminidase from rice seeds. Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1/6, 2002, 35(3), 313-319.