范可,女, 1971年生,現任中山大學大氣科學學院教授(二級),研究方向是氣候預測及氣候動力學。在國內外核心刊物發表學術論文30餘篇,其中SCI(E)論文20餘篇。主要研究成果有: 提出了我國短期氣候預測的年際增量方法,並研製了若干氣候預測新模型。發現了南半球中高緯大氣環流的若干重要變異規律,以及南半球中高緯環流對東亞氣候的影響事實。揭示了南極濤動與我國北方沙塵氣候的關係,並研究了其中的物理機制;同時,還研究了兩者之間的低頻變化;並指出:冬春季南極濤動異常可以作為我國沙塵氣候的預測信號之一。揭示了南極濤動和我國華北及長江流域夏季降水的聯繫,研究了其中的物理機制,並進行了數值預測試驗研究。發現並研究了南極濤動的緯向不對稱性,指出了南方濤動對這種緯向不對稱性的顯著影響。研究了西太平洋颱風頻率年際變化,並發現了颱風頻率和南極濤動及北太平洋海冰的顯著關係。研究建立了西太平洋颱風頻率年際變化的季節預測動力統計模型。
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2 Fan K, M. J. Lin, Y. Z. Gao, 2009: Forecasting the summer rainfall in North China using the year-to-year increment approach , Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 52, 532-539范可,林美靜,高煜中。用年際增量的方法預測華北汛期降水中國科學D輯:地球科學 2008, 38(11) 1452-1459
3 Fan, K., 2007: Zonal asymmetry of the Antarctic Oscillation. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L02706, doi:10.1029/2006GL028045.
4 Fan, K., and H. J. Wang, Y J. Choi, 2007: A physically-based statistical forecast model for the middle-lower reaches of Yangtze River Valley summer rainfall. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52, 2900-2905范可,王會軍,Choi Young-Jean.一個長江中下游夏季降水的物理統計預測模型,科學通報,2007,52(24):2900-2905
5 Fan, K., 2007: Sea ice cover over North Pacific, a predictor for the typhoon frequency over west North Pacific? Science in China:series D Earth Science, 50, 1251―1257范可. 北太平洋海冰,一個颱風預測的新因子?中國科學D,2007,37(6):851-856.
6 Fan, K.,2007: New predictors and a new prediction model for the typhoon frequency over western North Pacific,Science in China:series D Earth Science,50, 1417-1423. 范可. 西北太平洋颱風生成頻次的新預測因子和新預測模型。中國科學D,2007,37(9): 1260-1266.
7 Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2006: Interannual variability of Antarctic Oscillation and its influence on East Asian climate during boreal winter and spring,Science in China:series D Earth Science, 49, 554-560. 范可,王會軍, 南極濤動的年際變化及其對東亞冬春季氣候的影響,中國科學(D),2006, 36(4),385-391
8 Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2007: Dust storms in North China in 2002: A case study of the low frequency oscillation, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 24, 15-23
9 Fan, K., 2006: Atmospheric circulation in southern Hemisphere and summer rainfall over Yangtze River Valley. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 49, 599-606. 范可,南半球環流異常與長江中下游旱澇的關係。地球物理學報,2006,49(3):672-679
10 Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2007: Simulation on the AAO anomaly and its influence on the Northern Hemispheric circulation in boreal winter and spring, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 50, 397-403范可,王會軍. 南極濤動異常及其對冬春季北半球大氣環流影響的數值模擬試驗,地球物理學報,2007,50(2):397-403
11 Fan, K. and H. J. Wang, 2006: The Interannual Variability of Dust Weather Frequency In Beijing and Its Global Atmospheric Circulation, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 49, 892-899范可,王會軍。北京的沙塵頻次的年際變化及其全球環流背景分析。地球物理學報,2006,49(4):1006-1014
12 Fan,K. and H. J. Wang, 2004: Antarctic oscillation and the dust weather frequency in North China, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L10201, doi:10.1029/2004GL019465
13 Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2005: Central-north China precipitation as reconstructed from the Qing dynasty: Signal of the Antarctic Atmospheric Oscillation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L24705, doi:10.1029/2005GL024562.
14 Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2007: Relationship between the Antarctic oscillation and the western North Pacific typhoon frequency, Chinese Science Bulletin, 52, 561-565西太平洋颱風生成頻次與南極濤動的關係,科學通報,51(24),2910-2914
15 Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2006: Southern Hemisphere mean zonal wind in upper troposphere and East Asian summer monsoon circulation, Chinese Science Bulletin, 51, 1508-1514, DOI:10.1007/s11434-006-2009-0王會軍,范可,南半球對流層上層緯向風與東亞夏季風環流,科學通報,2006,51(13),1595-1600
16 Lin, M. J., K. Fan, and H. J. Wang, 2008: Somali jet changes user the global warming, Acta Meteorological Sinica, 22, 502-510林美靜, 范可,王會軍。全球氣候變暖背景下索馬利亞急流變化的預估研究。氣象學報,2008, 66(5): 756-764
17 Wang, H. J., and K. Fan, 2009: A new scheme for improving the seasonal prediction of summer precipitation anomalies, Weather and Forecasting, 24: 548-554, Doi: 10.1175/2008WAF2222171.1
18 Fan, K, 2009: Predicting winter surface air temperature in Northeast China, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2, 14−17
19 Fan,K, 2009:Seasonal Forecast Model for the Number of Tropical Cyclones to Make Landfall in China. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2,251-254
20 Fan,K, 2009: Linkage between the Atlantic Tropical Hurricane Frequency and the Antarctic Oscillation in the Western Hemisphere, Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2,159−164
25 Wang H J, Sun J Q, Fan K. Relationships between the North Pacific Oscillation and typhoon and hurricane frequencies. Sci China Ser D-Earth Sci, 2007,.50(9) :1409-1416王會軍,孫建奇,范可. 北太平洋濤動與颱風和颶風頻次的關係研究, 中國科學D,2007,37(9):966-973.