







.u s是美國的國家頂級域名,由NeuStar進行管理。由於網際網路發源於美國,所以美國企業一般直接使用最早的國際域名系統下的.com、.net等類別域名。直到進入21世紀后,由於上網企業的大量增加,導致類別域名數目迅速膨脹不堪重負,加之處於安全方面的考慮,才開通了.u s域名系統。


做為網際網路的誕生地,全球網際網路的旗艦級別的企業大都誕生髮展於美國。作為網際網路身份證的域名也多採用頂級類別域名。.u s域名發布較晚,所以很少有著名企業使用;唯一較出色的就是被yahoo收購的WEB 2.0書籤網站.icio.u s。


The .US top-level -omain (usTLD) was establishe- in 1985 as the official country co-e top-level -omain (ccTLD) for the Unite- States. It is a-ministere- by NeuStar. The expan-e- secon--level .US -omain launche- on April 24, 2002, enabling companies, nonprofits, government entities an- in-ivi-uals to establish unique, memorable American a--resses online.
The existing .US structure is a locality-base- hierarchy mo-ele- on the geography of the Unite- States. Most u sTLD -nches in the locality space are overseen by -elegate- managers (also known as "-elegees" or "locality -elegees"). This existing hierarchical -esign provi-es structure, name uniqueness an- a geographic refere point for registrants. NeuStar maintains an- enhances this locality-base- structure even as it a-ministers the expan-e- secon--level .US -omain.


在使用Go-a--y註冊域名時,常常能看到.u s域名的價格較低,且容易找到不錯的域名。但是註冊.u s域名是有一定的風險的,這就得了解註冊.us域名所需要的條件了。
下面的註冊條款來自.us的域名管理公司NeuStar, Inc.
註冊條件叫做:Nexus Requirement。
Registrant Application Purpose: P3
P3表示個人使用,其他使用目的還有商業活動P1、教育機構P4、ZF部門 P5、非盈利性組織P2等
Registrant Nexus Category: C32/cn 註冊類別
Nexus Category 1
A natural person 個人註冊
(i) who is a Unite- States citi-en, C11 美國公民
(ii) who is a permanent resi-ent of the Unite- States of America or any of its possessions or territories, or C12 擁有美國永久居留權
(iii) whose primary place of -omicile is in the Unite- States of America or any of its possessions. C13 在美國擁有房產
Nexu s Category 2
A Unite- States entity or organi-ation that is 實業公司或組織註冊
(i) incorporate- within one of the fifty (50) U.S.
states, the District of Columbia, or any of the Unite- States possessions or territories, or C21 在美國註冊的公司
(ii)organi-e- or otherwise constitute- un-er the laws of a state of the Unite- States of America, the
District of Columbia or any of its possessions or (inclu-ing a fe-eral, state, or local government
of the Unite- States, or a political sub-ivision thereof, an- non-c o mmercial organi-ations base- C22-在美國註冊的組織
in the Unite- States).
Nexu s Category 3
A foreign entity or organi-ation that has a bona fi-e prese in the Unite- States of America or 出於友善目的的外國公司或組織
any of its possessions or territories.
·Applicant must state country of citi-enship. 需要申明國籍,並且:
·Applicant must also
(1) regularly engage in lawful activities (sales of goo-s or -s or C31 在美國從事合法活動
other business, commercial or non-c o mmercial inclu-ing not-for-profit activities) in the 或
Unite- States; or
(2) maintain an office or other property within the Unite- States. C32-在美國有辦事處