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- 《非誠勿擾》女嘉賓
- 中國女乒乓球運動員
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- 中國科學院上海藥物研究所所長
- 中科院上海藥物所所長
- 海淀區中學數學教師
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- 天津大學教授
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- 中南大學地球科學與信息物理學院講師
- 中華慈善總會華夏養老基金會執行主任
- 吉林大學文學院副教授
- 華中師範大學化學學院副教授
1.J.Li,Y.F.Zheng.Thermal degradation kinetics of g-HA/PLA composite.The International Workshop on Modern Science and Technology 2008.2008,30-33P.
2.W.Zheng,J.Li,Y.F.Zheng.An amperometric biosensor based on hemoglobin immobilized in poly(ε-caprolactone) film and its application.Biosensors and Bioelectronics.2008,23(10): 1562-1566P.
3.W.Zheng,J.Li,Y.F.Zheng.Preparation of poly(l-lactide) and its application in bioelectrochemistry.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry.2008,621(1): 69-74P.
4.J.Li,X.L.Lu,Y.F.Zheng.Effect of surface modified hydroxyapatite on the tensile property improvement of HA/PLA composite.Applied Surface Science.2008,255(2):494-497P.
6.Jia Li,Wei Zheng,Li Li,Yufeng Zheng,X.Lou.Thermal degradation kinetics of g-HA/PLA composite.Thermochimica Acta.2009,493(1-2): 90-95P.
8.Li J,Zheng W,Zheng Y F,Lou X.Cell responses and hemocompatibility of g-HA/PLA composites.Science China - Life Sciences,2011,54(4):366-371.
9.Li Jia,Zheng Wei,Pan Ping,Sun Xiaojun and Zhang Yanfei.Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(1,2-propanediol-co-1,8-octanediol-co-citrate) Biodegradable Elastomers for Tissue Engineering.Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering (Bio-Med.Mater.Eng.),2014,24(1): 619-624.
10.J.Li,H.Mei,W.Zheng,P.Pan,X.J.Sun,F.Li,F.Guo,H.M.Zhou,J.Y.Ma,X.X.Xu,Y.F.Zheng.A novel hydrogen peroxide biosensor based on hemoglobin-collagen-CNTs composite nanofibers.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2014,118:77-82.
11.Lei Lei,Jia Li,Haitao Yu,Lei Bao,Shuhua Peng and Xuehua Zhang.Formation,growth and applications of femtoliter droplets on a microlens.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.2018,20(6): 4226-4237.
12.Li,Jia; Wang,Hui; Li,Zhonghan.Study on thermal degradation and kinetic of microencapsulated red phosphorus (MRP)/high density polyethylene (HDPE) composite.Key Engineering Materials,2020,842:98-104.