共找到9條詞條名為韓非的結果 展開
2017.11- 副教授,大連理工大學
2015.1-2017.10 研究科學家,阿卜杜拉國王科技大學(KAUST),沙特
2010.8-2014.12 博士后,阿卜杜拉國王科技大學(KAUST),沙特
2003.9-2006.7 應用數學碩士,西北工業大學(導師:崔俊芝院士)
1999.9-2003.7 信息與計算科學學士,西北工業大學
• 近場動力學理論
• 結構及其材料的損傷和斷裂模擬
• 多尺度和多物理場計算

主要從事材料的多尺度建模和計算力學方法的研究,尤其是在近年來興起的國際研究熱點近場動力學理論方面做出了創新成果,受到國際研究同行的廣泛關注。被邀請撰寫2篇專著章節,發表論文30餘篇,其中在固體力學頂級期刊JMPS上發表論文2篇,計算力學頂級期刊CMAME上發表論文1篇,科學工程計算領域著名期刊IJNME上發表論文2篇。Google學術引用375次,H因子: 12。
1.Fei Han, Gilles Lubineau, Yan Azdoud,Adaptive coupling between damage mechanics and peridynamics: a route for objective simulation of material degradation up to complete failure,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2016, 94, 453-472.
2.Fei Han, Gilles Lubineau, Yan Azdoud, Abe Askari, A morphing approach to couple state-based peridynamics with classical continuum mechanics,Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016, 301, 336-358.
3.Fei Han, Yan Azdoud, Gilles Lubineau. Computational modeling of elastic properties of carbon nanotube/polymer composites with interphase regions. Part I: Micro-structural characterization and geometric modeling,Computational Materials Science, 2014, 81, 641-651.
4.Fei Han, Gilles Lubineau. Coupling of non-local and local continuum models by the Arlequin approach,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,2012, 89, 671-685.
5.Fei Han, Junzhi Cui, Yan Yu, The statistical second-order two-scale method for mechanical properties of statistically inhomogeneous materials,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2010, 84, 972–988.