






1.貝多芬:第五號交響曲(Symphony No.5)(命運)
2.雷斯庇基:羅馬之松(Pines of Rome)
《 幻想曲2000》第二段則是雷斯庇基的“羅馬之松”,此段的主角則是一群鯨魚,這群鯨魚在大海中遨遊,整體呈現出的畫面十分優美,最後鯨魚們甚至飛上青天,完全擺脫現實世界的束縛!
3.格什溫:藍色狂想曲(Rhapsody in Blue)
4.肖斯塔科維奇:第二號鋼琴協奏曲——快版(Piano Concerto No. 2,Allegro,Opus 102)
5.聖桑:動物狂歡節(Carnival of the Animals)
6. 杜卡:《魔法師的學徒》(The Sorcerer's Apprentice)
7.艾爾加:威風凜凜進行曲(Pomp & Circumstance)
8.斯特拉文斯基:火鳥組曲(Firebird Suite)


那麼怎麼樣才能進入classic的世界?Fantasia 2000為我們展示了一條途徑。通過將聲與影有機地結合起來,通過刺激聽覺與視覺,步入古典殿堂。正如一首歌可能很平常,但是作為電影中的背景樂,配合以當時的情節與畫面,會令我們的內心得到一種新的體驗與震撼(p.s.獨自等待的插歌就都很棒)。幻想曲2000里,暴風雨中的蝴蝶,藍色狂想曲,唐老鴨版諾亞方舟,天鵝,玩具小兵的故事,魔法師的學徒等,無一不在我腦中深深地刻下了印痕。每當聽到這些曲子時,畫面就會在腦中流轉。可以說很多人喜歡古典樂,就是從看這部影片開始。


史蒂夫·馬丁Himself - Introductory Host
-Mickey Mouse配音 韋恩·艾爾溫
-Donald Duck配音 托尼·安塞羅
Leopold StokowskiHimself - Conductor
Ralph GriersonPianist (segment "Rhapsody in Blue")
-Featured Soprano配音 Kathleen Battle
Itzhak PerlmanHimself - Host
昆西·瓊斯Himself - Host
貝特·米德勒Herself - Hostess
詹姆斯·厄爾·瓊斯Himself - Host
佩恩·吉列特Himself (as Penn)
安吉拉·蘭斯伯瑞Herself - Hostess
James LevineHimself - Host
-Daisy Duck配音 露西·泰勒
TellerHimself - Host
Deems TaylorHimself - Host
Benee LeavyViolinist
Deborah VukovitzViolinist
Paul BrizziAnimator (uncredited)
Hendel ButoyAnimator (uncredited)
Yefim BronfmanPianist


導演詹姆斯·阿爾格James Algar、Paul Brizzi、Hendel Butoy、弗朗西斯·吉勒巴斯Francis Glebas、埃里克·古德伯格Eric Goldberg
編劇埃里克·古德伯格Eric Goldberg、安徒生、喬·格蘭特Joe Grant、Perce Pearce、Carl Fallberg、Paul Brizzi
製作人Lisa C. Cook、羅伊·愛德華·迪士尼Roy Edward Disney、Donald W. Ernst、Patricia Hicks、David Lovegren
攝影Tim Suhrstedt
剪輯Jessica Ambinder-Rojas、Lois Freeman-Fox、Julia Gray、Craig Paulsen、Gregory F. Plotts
選角導演Mary Hidalgo、Ruth Lambert
藝術指導Maurice Hunt
美術設計Tom Codrick、Dan Cooper、Susan Goldberg、Dean Gordon、Michael Humphries、Maurice Hunt
視覺特效Dave Bossert、Richard E. Hollander、Mauro Maressa
副導演(助理)Paul F. Bernard、Steve Fernandez、Gregg Goldstone、Terry Ham、Bill Hoyt


Fantasia 2000 is the thirty-eighth animated feature in the Disney animated features canon. The film was produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and was released by Walt Disney Pictures and Buena Vista Distribution. It premiered in the United States on December 17, 1999, was released to IMAX theatres on January 1, 2000, and was later released to standard theatres nationwide on June 16, 2000. The film uses a similar format to Walt Disney's 1940 film Fantasia, visualizing classical music compositions with various forms of animation and live-action introductions. The music is performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, arranged and conducted by James Levine, excepting two pieces arranged by Peter Schickele and the Sorcerer's Apprentice segment from the original film.
The composers and their works, in the order they are used in the film, are:
Ludwig van Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 in c minor-I. Allegro con brio – abstract patterns resembling butterflies and bats explore a world of light and darkness which are conquered by light at last.
Ottorino Respighi's Pines of Rome – this segment features a pod of frolicking humpback whales in an unusual 'aerial' setting, and within icebergs. The final section, the Via Appia gives the impression of the larger pod of adults in migration.
George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue – an episode of 1930s-era New York City, depicting the day in the lives of several people within the Depression-era bustling metropolis, as scenes drawn in the style of Al Hirschfeld's famous cartoons of the era, including an animation of Gershwin the composer, himself at the piano. The little girl in the hotel is based on the Eloise character created by Kay Thompson.
Dmitri Shostakovich's Piano Concerto No. 2 in F Major-I. Allegro – a retelling of Hans Christian Andersen's The Steadfast Tin Soldier. The setting is appropriate - the concerto was written as a gift by Shostakovich to his musically gifted young son, and the percussive rythms also suit a story about a soldier. However, the ending is a happy one in contrast with that of the original story.
Camille Saint-Saëns's The Carnival of the Animals, Finale – A flock of ballerina flamingos (itself a nod to the Hippopotami, Ostriches and Elephants of Dance of the Hours from Fantasia), with a rebellious slapstick Flamingo with a yo-yo, designed to delight children with the on-screen hysterics; music arranged by Peter Schickele
Paul Dukas's The Sorcerer's Apprentice – a segment from the original Fantasia featuring Mickey Mouse, conducted by Leopold Stokowski.
Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance - Marches 1, 2, 3 and 4 – a retelling of the story of Noah's Ark, with Donald Duck as first mate to Noah. Donald musters the animals to the Ark, and misses, loses, and is reunited with Daisy Duck in the process; music arranged by Peter Schickele, including a wordless soprano solo as part of the No. 1 march ('Land of Hope and Glory').
Igor Stravinsky's Firebird Suite - 1919 Version – the story of a spring sprite and her companion Elk. After a long winter she restores the life to the forest but accidentally awakes the Firebird spirit of a nearby volcano. Angered the Firebird proceeds in destroying the forest and seemingly the sprite. She is restored to life however after the destruction and the forest life is reborn with her. The story is considered an exercise in the theme of Life-death-rebirth deities.