



研究方向為機械傳動摩擦學、計算微觀接觸力學,彈塑性接觸和非均質材料接觸。美國機械工程學會 和美國摩擦學與潤滑工程學會會員(ASME Member, STLE Member)。因對滾動接觸求解方法作出傑出貢獻,2014年獲美國STLE協會頒發的 Captain Alfred E. Hunt Memorial Award(最佳論文獎:排名第一,中國學者首次獲得)。發表SCI 收錄論文50餘篇,其中ASME期刊10餘篇;以第一作者或通訊作者在 等期刊發表SCI收錄論文20餘篇,其中ASME期刊9篇,10餘篇影響因子>2.0 ,1篇>5.0。擔任 等期刊審稿人。


1998/09-2002/07 中國地質大學機械設計製造及其自動化 學士
2002/09-2005/07 華中科技大學 機械設計及理論 碩士
2006/09-2010/06 清華大學 機械工程 博士
2011/01-2013/01 美國西北大學 機械工程 博士后


2005/07-2006/09 杭州UT斯達康有限公司 元器件工程師
2010/06-2016/10 重慶大學機械傳動國家重點實驗室 副教授
2016/11-至今 西南交通大學機械工程學院 教授


1) 美國機械工程師協會會員ASME Member,美國摩擦學者與潤滑工程師協會會員(STLE member)
2) Journal of Tribology, Tribology International, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, Mechanics Research Communications等國際期刊審稿人。




[5]美國標準局(NIST)ATP-21 Century manufacturing of drivetrain components (Caterpillar 牽頭)、2011-2012,已結題、西北大學研究團隊模擬小組負責人。
[6]美國能源部(DOE)Improving Wind Turbine Drivetrain Reliability and Efficiency by Smart Surface and Lubrication Engineering、2011,已結題、西北大學研究團隊接觸潤滑模擬小組負責人。


1)2015年代表作首次推導得到Eigenstrain在Joined half spaces或Bimaterials中的解析解、並使用FFT快速演演算法解決塗層彈塑性接觸問題。發表在International Journal of Plasticity期刊。
4)2012年代表作 發表在International journal of solids and structures期刊。該文章基於等效Inclusion方法模擬了Quarter空間的接觸問題,該方法拓展了美國西北大學Leon Keer院士之前的工作。齒輪接觸通常屬於四分之一空間接觸問題。該文分析了相互連接的不同材料的接觸問題,通過將四分之一空間等效於特徵應變的組合來進行此類問題的快速求解。在相同網格下,此演演算法速度比限元快數十倍。研究發現四分之一空間接觸時產生較大的Mises應力,比半空間假設計算的最大Mises應力大10%左右。因此需要修正齒輪標準中根據半空間解得出的一些結論。進一步,本文的演演算法可解決Joined 四分之一空間接觸問題,並研究了切向力對應力分佈的影響。
5)2012代表作 ,發表在International Journal of Plasticity期刊。該文推導了半空間特徵應變誘導應力場,位移場的解析解,該解適用於接觸問題中多種非彈性問題和非均質問題快速計算方法的建立。使用3DFFT以及并行計算加速演演算法速度。推導出的基本解可用於彈塑性接觸和夾雜物體接觸問題,並以數量級速度提高彈塑性接觸和夾雜接觸的求解速度。
6)2010代表作 ,發表在Journal of tribology期刊。該文章首次基於半解析的方法模擬了塗層材料的界面微動接觸問題。


[1]Zhang, M., Zhao, N., Wang, Z., and Wang, Q., 2018, “Efficient Numerical Method With a Dual-grid Scheme for Contact of Inhomogeneous Materials and Its Applications,” to appear in .
[2]Liu, H., Zhu, C., Wang Z., Xu, X., and Tang, J., 2018, “Investigation on the Effect of Coating Properties on Lubrication of a Coated Spur Gear Pair,” to appear inProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology.
[3]Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Shen, H., and Wang, Q., 2018, “An Efficient Model for the Frictional Contact between Two Multiferroic Bodies,”International Journal of Solids and Structures, 130-131, pp. 133-152.
[4]Liu, H., Zhu, C., Gu, Z., Wang Z., and Tang, J., 2017, “Effect of Thermal Properties of a Coated Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Line Contact Under Various Slide-to-Roll Ratios,”ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 139(7), p. 074505.
[5]Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Shen, H., and Wang, Q., 2017, “Frictional Contact Involving a Multiferroic Thin Film Subjected to Surface Magnetoelectroelastic Effects,”International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 131-132, pp. 633-648.
[6]Zhang, M., Zhao, N., Glaws, P., Hegedus, P., Zhou, Q., Wang, Z., Jin, X., Keer, L.M., and Wang, Q., 2017, “Elasto-plastic Contact of Materials Containing Double-Layered Inhomogeneities,”International Journal of Solids and Structures, 126-127, pp. 208-224.
[7]Wang, Z., Yu, H., Wang, Q., 2017, “Layer-substrate System with an Imperfectly Bonded Interface: Coupled Dislocation-Like and Force-Like Conditions,”International Journal of Solids and Structures, 122-123, pp. 91-109.
[8]Wang, Z., Yu, H., Wang, Q., 2017, “Layer-substrate System with an Imperfectly Bonded Interface: Spring-Like Condition,”International Journal of Mechanical Science, 134, pp. 315-335.
[9]Liu, H., Zhu, C., Wang, Z., Liu, G., Zhou, Y., and Zhang, Y., 2017, “A Theoretical Tribological Comparison Between Soft and Hard Coatings of Spur Gear Pairs,”ASME Journal of Tribology. 139(3), p. 031503.
[10]Zhou, Q., Wang, J., Wan, Q., Jin, F., Yang, W., Miao, Q., and Wang, Z., 2017, “Numerical Analysis of the Influence of Distributed Inhomogeneities on Tangential Fretting,”Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 231(10) 1350-1370.
[11]Yu, H., Wang, Z., Wang, Q., 2016, “Analytical Solutions for the Elastic Fields Caused by Eigenstrains in Two Frictionlessly Joined Half-spaces,”International Journal of Solids and Structures, 100-101, pp. 74-94.
[12]Liu, H., Zhu, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, Z., and Song, C., 2016, “Tribological Evaluation of a Coated Spur Gear Pair,”Tribology International, 99, pp. 117-126.
[13]Huang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhou, Q., 2016, “Numerical Studies on the Surface Effects Caused By Inhomogeneities on Torsional Fretting,”Tribology International, 96, pp. 202-216.
[14]Zhou, Q., Xie, L., Wang, X., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Jia, Z., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2016, “Modeling Rolling Contact Fatigue Lives of Composite Materials Based on the Dual Beam FIB/SEM Technique,”International Journal of Fatigue, 83(2), pp. 201-208.
[15]Zhou, Q., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2016, “Numerical EIM with 3D FFT for the Contact with a Smooth or Rough Surface Involving Complicated and Distributed Inhomogeneities,”Tribology International, 93, pp. 91-103.
[16]Zhou, Q., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Yang, Y., Wang, J., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2016, “A Mesh Differential Refinement Scheme for Solving Elastic Fields of Half-space Inclusion Problems,”Tribology International, 93, pp. 124-136.
[17]Yu, C., Wang, Z., Liu, G., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2016, “Maximum von Mises Stress and Its Location in Trilayer Materials in Contact,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 138(4), p. 041402.
[18]Geng, Y., and Wang, Z., 2016, “Review of Cellular Mechanotransduction on Micropost Substrates,”Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 54(2), pp. 249-271.
[19]Wang, Z., Yu, H., and Wang, Q., 2016, “Analytical Solutions for Elastic Fields Caused by Eigenstrains in Two Joined and Perfectly Bonded Half-Spaces and Related Problems,”International Journal of Plasticity, 76, pp. 1-28.
[20]He, T., Wang J., Wang, Z., and Zhu, D., 2015, “Simulation of Plasto-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Line Contacts of Infinite and Finite Length,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 137(4), pp. 041505.
[21]Wang, Z., Yu, C., and Wang, Q., 2015, “An Efficient Method for Solving Three-dimensional Fretting Contact Problems Involving Multilayered or Functionally Graded Materials,”International Journal of Solids and Structures, 66, pp. 46-61.
[22]Wang, Z., and Geng, Y., 2015, “Unidirectional Cell Crawling Model Guided by Extracellular Cues,”ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 137(3), p. 031006.
[23]Wang, Z., Yu, C., and Wang, Q., 2015, “Model for Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Multilayered Materials,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 137(1), p. 011501.
[24]Zhou, Q., Xie, L., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2015, “Numerical modeling of Distributed Inhomogeneities and Their Effect on Rolling-Contact Fatigue Life,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 137(1), p. 011402.
[25]Zhou, Q., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2015, “Numerical Implementation of the Equivalent Inclusion Method for 2D Arbitrarily Shaped Inhomogeneities,”Journal of Elasticity. 118(1), pp. 39-61.
[26]Xie, L., Palmer, D., Otto, F., Wang, Z., and Wang, Q., 2015, “Effect of Surface Hardening Technique and Case Depth on Rolling Contact Fatigue Behavior of Alloy Steels,”Tribology Transactions, 58(2), pp. 215-224.
[27]Han, Y., Chan, C., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Shi, F., Wang, N., and Wang, Q., 2015, “Effects of Shaft Axial Motion and Misalignment on the Lubrication Performance of Journal Bearings Via a Fast Mixed-EHL Computing Technology,”Tribology Transactions, 58(2), pp. 247-259.
[28]Yu, C., Wang, Z., and Wang, Q., 2014, “Analytical Frequency Response Functions for Contact of Multilayered Materials,”Mechanics of Materials, 76, pp. 102-120.
[29]Zhou, Q., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2014, “An Efficient Approximate Numerical Method for Modeling Contact of Materials with Distributed Inhomogeneities,”International Journal of Solids and Structures. 51(19-20), pp. 3410-3421.
[30]Xie, L., Zhou, Q., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Jiang, C., Lu, W., Wang, J., and Wang, Q., 2014, “Effect of Reinforcements on Rolling Contact Fatigue Behaviors of Titanium Matrix Composite (TiB + TiC)/Ti–6Al–4V,”International Journal of Fatigue, 66, pp. 127-137.
[31]Wang, Z., Zhu, D., and Wang, Q., 2014, “Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Inhomogeneous Materials Using the Equivalent Inclusion Method,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 136(2), p. 021501.
[32]Jin, X., Wang, Z., Zhou, Q., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2014, “On the Solution of an Elliptical Inhomogeneity in Plane Elasticity by the Equivalent Inclusion Method,”Journal of Elasticity, 114(1), pp. 1-18.
[33]Chan, C., Han, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Shi, F., Wang, N., Wang, Q., 2014, “Exploration on a Fast EHL Computing Technology for Analyzing Journal Bearings with Engineered Surface Textures,”Tribology Transactions, 57(2), pp. 206-215.
[34]Wang, L., Wang, W., Wang, Z., Wang, H., Ma, T., Hu, Y., 2014, “Numerical Study of Contacts Between a Flat-ended Punch and a Half-space Embedded With Inhomogeneities,”Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 57(4), pp. 684-697.
[35]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2013, “Novel Model for Partial-Slip Contact Involving a Material with Inhomogeneity,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 135(4), p. 041401.
[36]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Zhou, Q., Ai. X., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2013, “An Efficient Numerical Method With a Parallel Computational Strategy for Solving Arbitrarily Shaped Inclusions in Elastoplastic Contact Problems,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 135(3), p. 031401.
[37]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Liu, S., Keer, L. M., Cao, J., and Wang, Q., 2013, “A New Fast Method for Solving Contact Plasticity and Its Application in Analyzing Elasto-plastic Partial Slip,”Mechanics of Materials, 60, pp. 18-35.
[38]Li, P., Wang, Z., Li, X., Jin, X., Chen, W. W., Li, Y., and Wang, Q., 2013, “Elasto-plastic Indentation of a Half-space By a Rigid Sphere Under Normal and Torque Loading,”Tribology International, 62, 141-148.
[39]Li, X., Wang, S., Wang, Z., Li, P., Wang, Q., 2013, “Location of the First Yield Point and Wear Mechanism in Torsional Fretting,”Tribology International, 66, pp. 265-273.
[40]Yu, C., Wang, Z., Sun, F., Lu, S., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2013, “A Deterministic Semi-Analytical Model for the Contact of a Wafer and a Rough Bi-Layer Pad in CMP,”ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2(9), pp. 368-374.
[41]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2012, “Numerical Methods for Contact Between Two Joined Quarter Spaces and a Rigid Sphere,”International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49(18), pp. 2515-2527.
[42]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2012, “A Numerical Approach For Analyzing Three-Dimensional Steady-State Rolling Contact Including Creep Using a Fast Semi-Analytical Method,”Tribology Transactions, 55(4), pp. 446-457.
[43]Wang, Z., and Zhou, Q., 2012, “Applying a Population Growth Model to Simulate Wear of Rough Surfaces During Running-in,”Wear, 294-295, pp. 356-363.
[44]Liu, S., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2012, “Analytical Solution for Elastic Fields Caused by Eigenstrains in a Half-Space and Numerical Implementation Based on FFT,”International Journal of Plasticity, 35, pp. 135-154.
[45]Zhang, P., Diao, D., and Wang, Z., 2012, “Three-dimensional Local Yield Maps of Hard Coating Under Sliding Contact,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 133(2), p. 021301.
[46]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q., 2012, “Numerical Modeling of Partial Slip contact Involving Inhomogeneous Materials,”Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2012-61108.
[47]Li, P., Wang, Z., Chen, W. W., Jin, X., Li, Y., and Wang Q., 2012, “Elasto-plastic Analysis of a Contact Under Normal and Torque Loading,”Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2012-61032.
[48]Jin, X., Wang, Z., Zhou, Q., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q.,2012, “Efficient Numerical Modeling of Hertzian Line Contact for Material With Inhomogeneities,”Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2012-61168.
[49]Zhou, Q., Jin, X., Wang, Z., Wang, J., Keer, L. M., and Wang, Q.,2012, “Numerical Modeling of Distributed Inhomogeneities and Their Effect on Rolling Contact Fatigue Life,”Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2012 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2012-61156.
[50]Wang, Z., Wang, W., Meng, F., and Wang, J., 2011, “Fretting Contact Analysis on Three-dimensional Elastic Layered Half Space,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 133(3), p. 031401.
[51]Wang, Z., Meng, F., Xiao, K., Wang J., and Wang W., 2011, “Numerical Analysis of Partial Slip Contact Under a Tangential Force and a Twisting Moment,”Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 225(2), pp. 72-83.
[52]Wang, Z., Jin, X., Liu, S., Keer, L. M., Chao, J., and Wang, Q., 2011, “A Fast Method for Solving Contact Plasticity in a Half Space,”Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2011-61147, pp. 293-294.
[53]Wang, L., Wang, Z., Wang, W., Hu, Y., and Wang H., 2011, “Numerical Analysis on the Clamping Reliability of Fixture workpiece Facility Considering Partial Slip,”Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers-Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 225(12), pp. 1186-1198.
[54]Wang, Z., Wang, W., Wang, H., Zhu, D., and Hu, Y., 2010, “Partial Slip Contact Analysis on Three-Dimensional Elastic Layered Half Space,”ASME Journal of Tribology, 132(2), p. 021403.
[55]Wang, Z., Wang, W., Hu, Y., and Wang, H., 2010, “A Numerical Elastic-Plastic Contact Model for Rough Surfaces,"Tribology Transactions, 53(2), pp. 224-238.


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孟凡明, 王戰江: 基於曲軸振動信號的活塞組件油膜力測試方法及系統 January 2012