




1982年畢業於原華南熱帶農業大學, 獲農學學士學位, 1990年獲英國里丁大學植物遺傳育種專業博士學位,1990-1992年在美國康奈爾大學完成植物分子生物學博士后研究。


1982年本科畢業后留校,主要從事熱帶作物育種工作。1986年赴英國里丁大學攻讀博士學位。1990年獲博士學位後到美國康奈爾大學園藝系進行博士后研究。1992年被聘為佛羅里達農工大學助理教授進行葡萄遺傳育種研究。1997年晉陞為副教授, 同時批准為終身教授。2002年升為正教授。講授植物生物技術課程。於2005年引進中國農業大學,受聘為教授。已獲得國家““人才引進批准。




葡萄基因組學及信息生物學,對生產與抗性有關的重要基因進行功能驗證,基因定位及作圖,通過基因定位進行基因克隆, 用分子標記技術進行品種鑒定。用胚挽救技術進行葡萄無核育種,用組織培養手段進行體胚誘導及轉基因;開展葡萄抗病育種,植物與病菌的相互關係及抗病機理的研究。同時從事葡萄栽培及紅葡萄酒發酵過程中色素的穩定性研究。其他研究領域包括葡萄與其它小果及其加工產品的營養與人體保健,植物種質資源的收集、保存和鑒定,以及植物種質庫的建立。



國家葡萄產業技術體系崗位科學家(2008-2013),農業部948項目“葡萄品種資源、生產與加工技術引進創新及產業化”(2006-2010);國家985項目“葡萄功能基因組研究” (2005-2007)。




1. Xu C., Zhang Y., Zhu L., Huang Y. and Lu J. (2011) Influence of Growing Season on Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties of Grape Berries from Vines Grown in Subtropical Climate. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 59 (4): 1078–1086.
2. Amandeep K.S., Gray D.J., Lu J. and Gu L.(2011). Effects of exogenous abscisic acid on antioxidant capacities, anthocyanins, and flavonol contents of muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia) skins. Food Chemistry, 126: 982–988.
3. Wu J., Zhang Y., Zhang H., Huang H., Folta KM. and Lu J. (2010) Whole genome wide expression profiles of Vitis amurensis grape responding to downy mildew by using Solexa sequencing technology. BMC Plant Biology,
4. Xu C., Zhang Y., Cao L. and Lu J. (2010) Phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of different grape cultivars grown in China. Food Chemistry, 119: 1557-1565.
5. Xu C., Zhang Y., Wang J. and Lu J. (2010) Extraction, distribution and characterisation of phenolic compounds and oil in grapeseeds. Food Chemistry, 122: 688-694.
6. Huang H., Lu J., Hunter W., Dowd S. and Dang P. (2010). Mining and validating grape (Vitis L.) ESTs to develop EST-SSR markers for genotyping and mapping. Molecular Breeding, DOI: 10.1007/
7. Ma Y., Zhang Y., Shao H. and Lu J. (2010) Differential Physio-Biochemical Responses to Cold Stress of Cold-Tolerant and Non-Tolerant Grapes (Vitis L.) from China. Journal of Agronomy Crop Science, 196(3): 212-219.
8. Xu X., Lu J., Dalling D. and Jittayasothorn Y. (2009) Somatic Embryogenesis and Plant Regeneration from Seed Integument of Seedless Grape Cultivars (Vitis). Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 827:515-520.
9. Jittayasothorn, Y., Lu J., Xu X., Thipyapong P. and Boonkerd N. (2009) Genetic Transformation of a Seedless Grape Cultivar ‘Autumn Royal’ (Vitis vinifera L.). Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 827:405-408.
10.Huang H., Lu J., Hunter W., Dowd S., Katsar C. and Jörgensen, C. (2009). Development of a grape genomics database using IBM DB2 Content Manager Solution. Acta Horticulturae, 827:87-92.
11. Huang, H., Lu J., Hunter W., Dowd S., Katsar C. and Jorgenson C. (2009) Development of a grape genomics database using IBM DB2 content manger software. Acta Horticulturae (ISHS), 827:87-92.
12. Ma Y., Zhang Y., Shao H. and Lu J. (2009) Roles of plant soluble sugars and their responses to plant cold stress. African Journal of Biotechnology, 8 (10): 2004-2010.
13. Zhang Y., Meng Q., Zhu H., Guo Y., Gao H., Luo Y. and Lu J. (2008) Functional characterization of a LAHC sucrose transporter isolated from grape berries in yeast. Plant Growth Regulation, 54: 71-79.
14. Xu X., Lu J., Dalling D., Hong H., Luime C., Ren Z., Bradley F., and Reed R. (2008) Application of Embryo Rescue in Grape Cultivar Development. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society, 121: 38-40.
15. Louime C., Vasanthaiah H.K.N., Jittayasothorn Y., Lu J., Basha S.M., Thipyapong P. and Boonkerd N. (2008) A Simple and Efficient Protocol for High Quality RNA Extraction and Cloning of Chalcone Synthase Partial cds from Muscadine Grape Cultivars (Vitis Rotundifolia Michx.). European Journal of Scientific Research, 22(2): 232-240.

