



1. 金屬材料的組織與性能研究
2. 自蔓延高溫合成機理與應用研究


1. 陝西高等學校優秀共產黨員, 2009
2. 陝西省高校系統優秀黨支部書記,1995


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2. 范群成,田民波主編,楊延清周萬城張勝利井新利參編,材料科學基礎學習輔導,北京:機械工業出版社, 2007,“十一五”國家級規劃教材
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5. 毛衛民朱景川酈 劍龍 毅,范群成著,金屬材料結構與性能,北京:清華大學出版社, 2008


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2. 西安交通大學第十屆教學成果獎二等獎(《工程材料基礎》課程教學實驗改革),范群成,席生岐,郝亞明,趙軍榮,顧美轉,2007
3. 西安交通大學王寬誠育才獎, 2007
4. 西安交通大學教學名師獎, 2006
5. 寶鋼教育獎優秀教師獎,1997
6. 陝西省優秀教學成果一等獎,《機械工程材料》課程的體系改革與建設,柴惠芬,沈 蓮,柴東朗,李成勞,范群成,1993


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3. “十一五”國家級規劃教材編寫項目, 材料科學基礎學習輔導,主編 范群成, 田民波(清華大學),2006


1. 范群成,用直邊延長線交點確定三元等溫截面圖中兩平衡相的成分,重慶大學學報(社會科學版), 2009,第15卷增刊:77~78
2. 范群成,正確應用位錯反應的幾何條件,重慶大學學報(社會科學版), 2009,第15卷增刊:79~81
3. 桂進秋,席生岐,張建勛,范群成,用平行投影修正係數法標註六方晶系晶向指數,重慶大學學報(社會科學版), 2009,第15卷增刊:85~87
4. 劉向東,徐 彤,席生岐,王豫躍,范群成,以力軸指數觀察法確定面心立方和體心立方晶體始滑移系,重慶大學學報(社會科學版), 2009,第15卷增刊:88~90
5. 范群成,淺談講課藝術—“工程材料基礎”及“材料科學基礎”講課實踐點滴,大連理工大學學報(社會科學版),2007,第28卷 增刊2:49~50
6. 席生岐,范群成,張建勛,吳志敏,郝亞明,趙軍榮,“工程材料基礎”課程試驗建設,大連理工大學學報(社會科學版),2007,第28卷 增刊2:35~37
7. 王紅潔,范群成,吳志敏,“工程材料基礎”課程教學的幾點思考,大連理工大學學報(社會科學版),2007,第28卷 增刊2:76~78


1. 陝西省科學技術獎三等獎,用改進的淬熄法對化合物燃燒合成機理的研究,范群成、肖國慶張小明、王學成、殷為宏、柴惠芬、金志浩,2010
2. 西安交通大學科技成果獎一等獎,疲勞軟化力學行為及微觀機理的研究,柴惠芬,范群成,1993


1. Han-qing Che, Yan Ma, Qun-cheng Fan, Investigation of the mechanism of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of TiNi. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 46 (8): 2437-2444, 2011
2. Yi Li, Ya-xiong Nan, Wei-xiang Guo, Han-qing Che, Qun-cheng Fan, Dissolution-precipitation-decomposition-crystallization mechanism of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Al3Ni2. Intermetallics 18(1):179~187, 2010
3. Xiao GQ, Zhang G, Fan QC, Numerical modeling of a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis process of the TiC system,JOURNAL OF CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH 10(5): 609~613, 2009
4. CHE Hanqing. FAN Quncheng, Microstructural evolution during the ignition/quenching of pre-heated Ti/3Al powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 475(1-2): 184~150, 2009
5. MA Yan, FAN Quncheng, ZHANG Jingjue, SHI Jian, XIAO Guoqing, GU Meizhuan, Microstructural evolution during self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of Ti-Al system. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Ed. 23(3): 381~385, 2008
6. Guoqing Xiao, Feng Duan, Gang Zhang, Quncheng Fan, Dissolution-
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7. XIAO Guoqing, FAN Quncheng, GU Meizhuan, JIN Zhihao, Mechanism of combustion synthesis of TiC-Ti cermet. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science Ed. 22(3): 502~505, 2007
8. Guoqing Xiao, Quncheng Fan, Meizhuan Gu, Zhihao Jin. Microstructural evolution during the combustion synthesis of TiC-Al cermet with larger metallic particles. Materials Science and Engineering A 425(1-2): 318~325, 2006
9. Guoqing Xiao, Quncheng Fan, Meizhuan Gu, Zihong Wang, Zhihao Jin. Dissolution-precipitation mechanism of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of TiC-Ni cermet. Materials Science and Engineering A 382 (1-2): 132~140, 2004
10. Quncheng Fan, Huifen chai, Zhihao Jin. Effect of particle size of iron on reaction velocity of combustion synthesis of Ti-C-Fe system. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 12(2): 266~268, 2002
11. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Effects of particle size of reactant on characteristics of combustion synthesis of TiC-Fe cermet. J. Mater. Sci. 37(11): 2251~2257, 2002
12. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Dissolution-precipitation- substitution mechanism of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of β-NiAl(Cu) /α(Cu,Ni) composite. Intermetallics 10 (6): 541-554, 2002
13. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Dissolution-precipitation mechanism of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of mononickel aluminide. Intermetallics 9 (7): 609~619, 2001
14. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Formation of layer-shaped pores in TiC-Fe cermet by combustion synthesis. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 11(5): 760~763, 2001
15. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Dual-solution-precipitation mechanism of combustion synthesis of TiC-Fe cermet with fine Ti powder. J. Mater. Sci. 36(23): 5559 ~5563, 2001
16. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Mechanism of combustion synthesis of TiC-Fe cermet. J. Mater. Sci. 34(1): 115~122, 1999
17. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Microstructural evolution during combustion synthesis of TiC-Fe cermet. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 9 (2): 286~291, 1999
18. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Microstructural evolution of the titanium paticles in the in-situ composition of TiC-Fe by the combustion synthesis. Journal of Materials Processing Technology 96 (1-3): 102~107, 1999
19. Quncheng Fan, Huifen Chai, Zhihao Jin. Role of iron addition in the combustion synthesis of TiC-Fe cermet. J. Mater. Sci. 32(16): 4319~4323, 1997
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