共找到21條詞條名為袁峰的結果 展開

2000年10月—2002年10月,德國 Max-Planck射電天文研究所,博士后;
主要研究興趣包括:黑洞吸積以及噴流理論、活動星系核、銀河系中心、黑洞X射線雙星、伽馬射線暴、活動星系核反饋、以及行星形成。在ApJ等頂級國際天體物理雜誌發表SCI論文50餘篇,被引用約1500次,其中第一作者論文引用900餘次。研究工作在國際上有重要影響,兩個工作被寫入國外出版的黑洞吸積方面的專著(教科書),在包括IAU Symposium等重要國際會議做邀請報告20餘次。曾任美國國立射電天文台觀測建議書評審委員會評審人,是Science、ApJ、MNRAS、A&A、PASJ等雜誌審稿人。
(美)《Galactic Center News》雜誌編委、美國國立射電天文台觀測建議書。
1) Bu, D., Yuan, F. & Stone, J. Magnetothermal and magnetorotational instabilities in hot accretion flows, 2011, MNRAS, in press
2) Yu, Z., Yuan, F. & Ho, L. On the origin of untraliolet emission and the accretion model of low-luminosity AGNs,2011,ApJ,726, 87
3) Yuan, F. & Bu, D.F. On the convective instability of hot radiative accretion flows, 2010, MNRAS, 408, 1051
4) Ding, J., Yuan, F. & Liang, E. Electron heating and acceleration by magnetic reconnection in hot accretion flows, 2010, ApJ, 708, 1545
5) Yuan, F., Yu, Z. & Ho, L. C. Revisiting the Fundamental Plane of Black Hole Activity at Extremely Low Luminosities, 2009, ApJ, 703, 1034
6) Yuan, F., Lin, J., Wu, K., & Ho, L. A Magnetohydrodynamical Model for the
Formationof Episodic Jets, 2009, MNRAS, 395, 2183
7) Yuan, F. Xie, F.G. & Ostriker, J.P. Global Compton heating and cooling in hot accretion flows, 2009, ApJ, 691, 98
8) Bu, D.F., Yuan, F. & Xie, F.G. Self-Similar Solution of Hot Accretion Flows with Ordered Magnetic Field and Outflow, 2009, MNRAS, 392, 325
9) Yuan, F., Zdziarski, Andrzej, A., Xue, Yongquan, Wu, Xue-Bing, Modeling the hard states of XTE J1550--564 during its 2000 outburst, 2007, ApJ, 659, 541-548
10) Yuan, F., Shen, Zhi-Qiang, Huang, L., Testing the Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow Model for Sagittarius A* Using the Size Measurements, 2006, ApJ, 642, L45-L48
11) Yuan, F., Cui, W. The radio---X-ray correlation and quiescent state of black hole sources, 2005, ApJ, 629, 408-413
12) Yuan, F., Cui, W., Narayan, R. An Accretion-Jet Model for Black Hole Binaries: Interpreting the Spectral and Timing Features of XTE J1118+480,2005, ApJ, 620, 905-914
13) Yuan, F., Narayan, R. On the nature of X-ray bright optically-normal galaxies, 2004, ApJ, 612, 724-728
14) Yuan, F., Zdziarski, A. A. Luminous hot accretion flows: the origin of X-ray emission of Seyfert galaxies and black hole binaries, 2004, MNRAS, 354,953-960
15) Yuan, F., Quataert, E., Narayan, R. On the Nature of the Variable Infrared Emission from Sagittarius A*, 2004, ApJ, 606, 894-899
16) Yuan, F., Quataert, E., & Narayan, R. Nonthermal Electrons in Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Flow Models of Sagittarius A*, 2003, ApJ, 598, 301-312
17) Yuan, F.Luminous hot accretion flows:thermal equilibrium curve and thermal stability, 2003, ApJ, 594, L99-L102
18) Yuan, F., Markoff, S., Falcke, H., A jet-ADAF model for Sgr A*, 2002, A&A, 383, 854-863
19) Yuan, F., Markoff, S., Falcke, H., Biermann, P.L. NGC 4258: A jet-dominated low-luminosity AGN?, 2002, A&A, 391, 139-148
20) Yuan, F.Luminous hot accretion disks, 2001, MNRAS, 324, 119-127
21) Markoff, S., Falcke, H., Yuan, F., Biermann, P.L., The Nature of the 10 kilosecond X-ray flare in Sgr A*, 2001, A&A, 379, L13-L16